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Strange thinking on Skunk

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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Sometimes when i smoke skunk, i fall deep into thoughts!
And this time im in some strange state of mind!
Well apart from trying to master my tracks(which is can be a shit load of work)
Im having really strange thoughts!
(excuse me if i sound strange now, im writing this down Right now while high....so i might remember this better, and also get your point of view, my fellow psychonaut)

Im always so picky on my own music that sometimes i forget the real idea behind it and i cant really enjoy them anymore!
Its like, your favorite song that you newly discovered!
You can listen to it, over and over again....But then in the end, it gets boring and you cant really feel it......Thats what often happens to me making music!
I listen to it so often in great detail, so i can think of something new to
But i forget to enjoy the feeling of it, but i really enjoy these moments where i can sit and forget all about that technical/improvement mumbo jumbo, and just listen and enjoy it to the maximum!
And imagine that, when going into mastering!
Going into the tiniest detail of your kick drum, how it sounds on frequencies and how long the sound lasts, how it fits to the bassline! How it fits to the other percussion, how it fits to the whole picture!
NOW, i am doing this to every sound! And i only have like under 25 elements!
Well, haha i'm gonna enjoy reading that tomorrow!!! :lol:

So, i often get the urge to think while smoking!
It's been a while since i can just liiiive the high!
The last time since i could 'live' the high without thinking to much, was a psytrance party(where also tripping)!
It felt like an enlightenment, where it said dont worry! Dont think about it, and just do it!

I dont know if im paranoid, this thinking is disturbing at one point!
It could be related that im not feeling well in this peroid of life, but i know there will be brighter moments!
But, this thinking strikes me so often, but not in this state of mind really!
I can be much more happier, i can be more enlightment, i can be really sad, i can be just deep.....But this what i have right now, is a state of mind that deserves its own category!
I wish i could name it, i was hoping that some of you could!

I cant really describe it that well, but sometimes i am seeing links!
Links between thoughts, might be subconscious thoughts!
Often in the form of memory, sometimes they seem abit like revelations!
If you get what i mean! :P
Dont judge me to quick, im just new to beeing a psychonaut!

So, what more can i say?
well, i'll....try to update it if anyone bothers to read!
...another quick thought, sometimes i feel like my music is like a state of mind dairy!
Includes an atmosphere, feelings, thoughts....etc....

like, when i was workin on this song, i was in that state of mind with those feelings etc...
Get it?

well, its interesting to listen sometimes!
Because i of course have the unique bond with my songs!
I am not sure what you are getting at, but if it is something along the lines of what I experience we are once again in the same boat. I think way to much. Sometimes these thoughts get very bizarre. It is almost as if your subconscious mind is being evoked and is going crazy. It's like a switch, and then it is released to think what it wants to think, no more cultural ties. I get this a lot when I try to sleep when high. Many of my friends, and I am sure most of the people on this forum, fall into a coma when high and trying to sleep. Me on the other hand, well I start thinking, and it just goes deeper and deeper, and even deeper. It becomes so deep that if I at a split moment become conscious to what I am thinking I have to second guess my sanity!

hey psylosopher,

as a musician who is into production, mixing, etc i really enjoyed your posts..and yeah, my music is totally a diary as well.

first, too many people underestimate weed. i tend to treat weed with the same respect i treat psychedelics.. it has many of the same effects. especially with strong weed, when i don't smoke it too often and blast myself with it now and then i get a huge crossing over of my senses (borderline synesthesia), my memories, everything. but not just the memory, the feeling/emotion I felt of being alive during that memory as well. for example the sound of a kick drum with a certain tone could trigger a specific memory or emotion, or it could make me think of a particular sensation or even a flavor.

I know some people use weed to turn their brains off (by smoking a shittonne of it every day), but that isn't for me. if weed is making you think, why fight it? if you fight it you won't enjoy it. if you go with it, explore it, then it starts to get fun and interesting :) also, much like a psychedelic, if i get some insight or idea while high, i wait until i'm sober and think about it again.

i think weed is a great tool for allowing me to step outside my music/work and give me a different perspective on it. also the thing is, once you get to a certain level of listening i think it is no different than once you get to reading a certain level of literature, or any other art form. you are just very aware of your senses, aware of structure, etc. this is normal and part of the development process of many an artist, art is about thinking, entertainment is about shutting your brain off!

i also like playing my music while tripping sometimes. this always has completely unpredictable results. last time, the tracks i thought i would enjoy the most while tripping, i actually got hilarious imagery and burst out laughing during them, and some of the tracks i didn't think i would enjoy as much i was suddenly really into.
i know what you mean... sometimes when i listen to a certain music too much, i get the feeling that the music is used up and i can't really enjoy it, because my mind is bored...

that scares me, but i don't know really why it's like that, yet i am trying to find the reason for that. :P

but also i experience the opposite effect and get really into music and then i often discover new things, which is way cool.

certainly on music you can most probably tune in better and therefore explore your own psyche.

peace. :weedman:
Thanks User_1919, then we're on the same boat yet again!
Good to know that i'm not alone!

Yeah i totally agree with you, weed for me is also tool to visualise the music sometimes in my head!
Like psychedelic music makes more sense on weed, i can imagine the sounds in a bigger degree!
So yeah, wont try to fight it atleast next time!
It's just abit strange sometimes!
It's like im to aware of the mental changes! Im to fixated on awareness, rather than enjoying it fully!

So is there any place i can hear your music?
Psyolopher a dit:
It's just abit strange sometimes!
It's like im to aware of the mental changes! Im to fixated on awareness, rather than enjoying it fully!

So is there any place i can hear your music?

Yeah, I do know what you mean I think. I've definitely spent too much time during some of my experiences thinking about my changes in awareness, analysing it instead of making use of it or enjoying it fully. while i think this is good sometimes, it was getting to the point it was distracting from the actual experience. like, spending half the night wondering is this psychosomatic, is this an effect, etc etc.

i think this is partially related to set and setting, also i think i've gotten better at this over time by just going with the flow and allowing myself to be surprised/delighted when something i don't expect happens!

as for music, i'll PM you, if i forget, remind me :P
I think I have an idea about what you are talking about mate.

I think Cannabis makes the mind inquizzative, If the mind cant be inquizzative (I.e. Cant question anything anymore) the mind changes from quizzing things to theorizing on things and looking at yourself (faults, troubles, memorys and other things) Sometimes from the 3rd person too. This is obviously all signs of an increased awareness and the higher the awareness the more you have to deal with.

I too enjoy music production but I find myself unable to deal with music (Production or Playback) after long term exposure to it, Feeling down or over stoned, I kinda lose interest. I have very little skill in the area its just a release and learning curve for me.

You also said that you are finding things hard in life at the moment, This wont contribute to your concentration. So to put it in a music metaphor, when high your mind is running several tracks (Questions, Situations and Outcomes) that dont match up meaning frustration, confusion and a lack of interest. I think when life is tough and people have alot to think about, Cannabis makes people think over hard and get little results from obviously deep extensive thoughts. So they play the same thoughts over and over. I think it possible that through this conditioning of the mind we can pick up negative thoughts, That we apply to our general thoughts. Conditioning of the mind begins.... Paranoia follows.... To the point of mental illness if not address'd and dealt with appropriatly as soon as recognised. Whether it be having a brake from weed and dealing with the issues yourself or having a break from weed and seeking professional help.

I myself, Have recently decided my 7 year canna abuse is taking its toll on my thoughts and how I conduct myself in general becuase I feel Im always observing myself from the view of the people around me :?

It is roughly day 5 and already I feel better! At first I was like Im quitting smoking all together, However I later decided I had been abusing weed. I was smoking so much... Up untill 5 days ago Id get out of bed in the morning, Change my bong water, Wake my girlfriend up and go and make a cup of tea for the 2 of us. Then Id have a bong, some tea and some more bongs. Then thru out the day to the very last 5 minutes of going to bed I would be smoking bongs any where between 10 and 30 per day. I recently smoked an Oz of Grade A Afghan Hash in 2 weeks and this cost me £140. So I have decided that I need to reduce my intake to 2 or 3 bongs a night or 2nd night even. I think Im gonna benefit greatly from this not only mentally but financially 8)

Im sorry if Im a little off your track mate but thought this might be relative to your situation :)

Peace out, Stay safe

Nice one Sticki . Control is the key , abuse is abuse and has negative effects .
Thanx God.

Abuse is defo bad news mate.
ive always found the thought potential on cannabis to be much greater and more fluid than sober thinking. in fact i was starting to write this and couldnt come up with the right words, so i smoked a little and started again.

i have mild synesthesia in everyday life, but i find it even more pronounced with cannabis; seeing sounds as moving objects, and colors as sonic and textural messages to the other colors around it. smoking generally allows me to paint, draw and play music with greater freedom. sometimes.

but sometimes it kills my creativity. but i think the key is indeed not to abuse it. most of the time when i smoke seldomly enough, the experiences are fantastic, intellectual, carnal, and free. my thinking goes through many different phases. good conversation is also often more interesting and takes many more routes than a sober one.

as for your idea about songs as mind diaries, i totally dig it. ive often thought of paintings or drawings or poems as maps of that moment in time. this also went with the idea that i shouldnt go back and edit them once i stopped the first session, which may be harder to do with music. but i also make paintings that i DO come back to over and over, covering things up and making new parts. and i guess that these also could qualify as transmissions of a state of mind or thought.

sort of like the idea of a high having different parts. for me it used to always go like this:
1. somewhere between excited nervousness to paranoid thoughts about the ramifications of having just smoked "drugs"
2. silliness and general happiness and possibly physical activity
3. relaxation leading to boosted reflective, intellectual, insightful thoughts (the best part!)
4. come down and possible laziness

but now that i am more used to it after mild abuse for a few years, the giddiness and anxiety are almost never there, but the happiness, expanded thought capacity and relaxation are still prominent.

any thoughts on any of this?
I started smoking, rarely for about 5 years ago!
I started with Hashish and had a mind blowing experience!
Then it just became exciting and fun!

Now, i've moved to another country!
I didnt smoke for a long time, like almost 2 years!
Then i met this guy and we hang out alot, and he felt the same creative urge when he smokes (Well he smokes quite alot)!
He's not very creative in the musical spectrum, but he draws and writes!
Some of that stuff is abit jibberish, but some of it is really interesting!
His pictures have great character to!
So i later on discovered sometime back, that i also have shitload of ideas!
Not just musically, but ideas for all kind of stuff!
And i noticed, once i started to write part of them down or express it through music that this was absolutely boosting it up!
Because i experience alot that i get certain ideas, and i can live through them in a way!
I really like to kick back with nice chill out music and visualize the music, in that way i feel i am enjoying the music greatly!
The i do the same thing with my music!
In fact, i had some left overs which made me feel light now!
And i already was really productive tonight, im working on a chill out song!
The general idea of the song, was to have a simple layers of pads and an easy flow that developes and gets more complex with each loop!
(btw i will share it with you)

paint a dit:
sort of like the idea of a high having different parts. for me it used to always go like this:
1. somewhere between excited nervousness to paranoid thoughts about the ramifications of having just smoked "drugs"
2. silliness and general happiness and possibly physical activity
3. relaxation leading to boosted reflective, intellectual, insightful thoughts (the best part!)
4. come down and possible laziness
Yeah, that goes for me to!
i get sometimes nr 1 alot!
But mostly, i let me self get to part 3 most of the times!
I've stopped partying and such with weed, because my mind often feels another place then the people around me!

I Dont smoke that much, i've never liked the everyday smoking!
Because it kinda makes the experience dull and empty, resulting in crap thoughts and laziness!
I now smoke it once every other week or maybe twice a week!
But dont have much money, so i take it really easy!
Like i said above, i use it with my friend and we exchange ideas!
Or i try to use it for music, it depends on the mood!
But i dont really feel like i can enjoy every social situation while high!
For me, its important to have some 'menta' space!
Where i can just truly let myself go to enjoy the high to the max!
I dont know, does my use come close to abuse?
Because, descrided there on number 1, i sometimes get these thoughts!
I've reduced drinking alot also.....

So, somebody ever get these thoughts about going deeper and deeper?!
I've experienced and searched for great and deep inner feelings which are beginning to be more and more unrealistic to most, but make totally sense to some!
I often try to express it through music, in hope somebody can also feel them or understand them!
In a way like a stimulant, hopefully with revelations!
Its hard to describe, but I believe im on a good path about this!

What do you think?
i wouldnt say that you are abusing the plant at all. but i know those feelings of guilt about smoking come up. and if you feel them a lot when sober too, the listen to them. sometimes your head needs to get clear, and smoking when you dont really feel the need/desire for it is not good. in my mind, as long as you dont use cannabis as an escape from everyday reality, but rather as an enhancement of it, then you are good.

a few days ago i used it to develop the thoughts behind a painting. i worked in my sketchbook and filled a large page with notes diagrams drawings and linked them together with arrows. i like this mode of working, and id like to approach some scientific topics this way, anyone got some good scientific thinking points?