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strange acid trip

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Spaceman
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hey there! :)

i've tried blotter acid twice. the first time i had half a dose and it went fine, with lots of laughs, colors were more intense, feeling of joy... great experience! :)

in the second time i took one dose and it was a much more intense trip with distorted sounds and some visual distortions but after six hours or so i started to talk less to my friends because i was drawing and then i got confused (was in home with 2 friends) and couldn't know who i was and had difficulty knowing who my friends were. i had a familiar feeling about them but couldn't remember them. i couldn't form a straight thought and began to feel scared, so i tried to talk to them about who I was and that I've taken lsd and eventually i began to feel sober.

is it normal to have such memory problems during the trip? or even lack of ability to speak?

a few months after that, me and two friends took a quarter of a different blotter and while they had experienced effects similiar to my first trip, about 5 hours or so i began to feel like dissolving, couldn't feel my body and couldn't form thoughts easily. i couldn't maintain a conversation at all and so i remained silent for some time and started to feel disconnected from everything and was not enjoying the trip or anything at all. a really much more intense trip than i expected for such a low dose. and my friends went just fine.

do you have similar memory problems? or do you know why i had such and intense trip with a quarter of blotter?

thanks! :)
i got confused (was in home with 2 friends) and couldn't know who i was and had difficulty knowing who my friends were. i had a familiar feeling about them but couldn't remember them. i couldn't form a straight thought and began to feel scared

These are signs of ego dissolution.

As for the relatively intense effects for such a low dose, anyone can have idiosyncratic reactions to any psychoactive, especially psychedelics.
It isn’t as straightforward as a linear dose/response relationship, and there are many factors, physiological and psychological, which could lead to the differences in intensity for any dose.

There is also no way of knowing how much LSD you actually took, other than having known the individual who made that particular sheet of blotter.

If you feel uncomfortable with such effects or the potential thereof, you should analyse why you are taking LSD in the first place.
Psychedelics are powerful substances, and not to be taken lightly.

If you are looking for recreation, there are many other psychoactives which may be more suitable.
also the OP said it was his first couple times trying acid? the first couple trips tend to be the most mind-blowing... even a low dose can pretty much knock your socks off, once you've done acid a few times you'd need much higher doses to achieve the same effects. well, that's certainly how it was for me.
Was it the same friends who were with you the two times ?
(maybe you should take acid with 1 friend but not 2)

What was the name of the blotters ? : )
Quant a dit:
Was it the same friends who were with you the two times ?
(maybe you should take acid with 1 friend but not 2)

What was the name of the blotters ? : )

the friends were different this time, but still close friends. they were both hofmann's. what i think it's strange is the intense feelings with such a low dose.

what about the memory problems? are they normal?

Sometimes, when i haven't took a blotter for a long time, i take a quarter of a hofmann (my favorites : ) and it makes me the effect of a full one that i take after 3 sessions in 2 months for exemple. (i'm french, it's a bit difficult to find the correct words). Hofmanns are strong and it's normal to have strange mindfucks sometimes.
I've read somethings like you describe in many trip reports, so I would say this is a common effect of lsd. It is normal to not be able to do things on lsd.

On my high dose trips, I was expecting this to happen, but it never fully did. I felt very distanced from what I normally consider myself, but I still knew the name of the person 'I' am.

I have memory problems like 'what did I just say?', or 'what happened 1 minute ago?' on lsd.

Maybe you're just sensitive to lsd? Lucky you

Please let us know how your next trip goes.
dude...in a hard trip all matter disolves in energy and you are worrying bout some memoryloss and not able to speak? those are not really symptoms to worry about. Weirder things can happen then that
Ya memory loss is normal but its really not memory loss in a way its that your mind is so damn busy. You said you got lost, you felt lost, well why? Was it in your thoughts? Thats very normal, and the other thing is youll forget your lost in your thoughts. One time on ten hits I forgot my own name for a bit(it was good though no panic) and forgot how belts worked(it was fun learning how again tho) just flow with it. Thats the thing with acid just flow with it dont worry or your gonna panic which is no god. One time on acid my friend forgot how just making statements worked(same time as belt actually) and he started freaking out, I gave him a hug and just said its fine, Im **** I get what your trying to say its all good and he understood and it slowed down and it was good again. Your head is transforming its no game remember this is powerful stuff and expect to possibly experience powerful things but try to enjoy it cause bad trips are like death. But then again its a good death, the first truly bad trip(lsa felt like I was dying its in trip reports) I had i felt like my ego somewhat(not completely yet) died afterward s and so much pressure melted away it was great in the end.. .one of the best trips. sorry for scrambled shit im drunk right now with some guy passed out in my room to drunk to neck so disappointing....
A mates got some Hoffman 2000s that the guy he brought them off said were quite speedy and only a bit visual, dunno if they could be the same as your tabs...

Maybe you just have a really low tolerance, or really strong tabs.

^Mrvitorsky, those are some massive pupils :D