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storage of small amounts of liquid lsd

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion rosetta_stoned
  • Date de début Date de début


Matrice Périnatale
my friend has a small bottle of 30 drops.

10 of them are mine....

and ive just got no idea how to separate out a quantity that small...

any ideas?

i thought the easiest way would be adding them to a drink but this would react with it rapidly...distilled water isnt even quite pure and its such a reactive chemical....

im an experienced acid head but never been in this situation before. any help would be appreciated.

Why don't you just keep them in that bottle and trust each other that the bottle will be kept safe? I wouldn't risking wasting Liquid Acid.
use a sugarcube to 'store' the drops. one drop each.
Hey Man, first and first do not put yours drops into pipe water!!! Pipe water contains Chloride and this will disintegrate yours acid in 30 seconds. And if someone who have this bottle is yours friend, do not worry. I believe that he would not scorch you. But only if you and him are friends. :wink:
sugar cubes or winegums if u like the taste... then in the fridge preferably... or somewhere dark n dry...
Mix it with distilled water . Put it on sugar cubes , one drop on each lump and keep it cool and away from light .