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Stoned forever?

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Glandeuse Pinéale
About 5 days ago, i got stoned for the first time, using a bong.
When i'm stoned, it kinda feels like some strange nice pressure kinda massage on my brain and some pressure on my ears (like i'm sitting in an airplane that's ascending in the sky).

But the next day, for no reason, i got the same feeling like i was stoned while hadn't smoked any weed :?
So for 5 days no i'm sometimes sober and suddenly "stoned".

Could this be normal or should i see a doctor?
adoma a dit:
About 5 days ago, i got stoned for the first time, using a bong.
When i'm stoned, it kinda feels like some strange nice pressure kinda massage on my brain and some pressure on my ears (like i'm sitting in an airplane that's ascending in the sky).

But the next day, for no reason, i got the same feeling like i was stoned while hadn't smoked any weed :?
So for 5 days no i'm sometimes sober and suddenly "stoned".

Could this be normal or should i see a doctor?
If this is the first time you smoked, and you smoked alot i guess you can have some aftereffects for a couple of days. If it stays I'd see a doctor.
how much did you use?
as small as a top of my pinky, but i smoked it pure
Nobody ever died from smoking marijuana once. You are safe.

The effects will go away. Just smoke more and you'll build up tolerance. :lol:
There is a chance your body metabolizes the alkaloids in the weed very slowly, therefore you're staying "stoned" for a few days.

I don't know whether this is true, but it is a possibility.
DevXavier a dit:
There is a chance your body metabolizes the alkaloids in the weed very slowly, therefore you're staying "stoned" for a few days.

I don't know whether this is true, but it is a possibility.

Sounds weird.
You're smoking it, so it goes straight into the blood.

To me it sounds more like you recognize something you didn't recognize before.
Forkbender a dit:
DevXavier a dit:
There is a chance your body metabolizes the alkaloids in the weed very slowly, therefore you're staying "stoned" for a few days.

I don't know whether this is true, but it is a possibility.

Sounds weird.
You're smoking it, so it goes straight into the blood.

yea, but weed is special, the tail of the thc molecule makes it behave like a fat, it stays in your system very long because it is stored (and released) in the same way as your lipids. that's also why weed can be tested for months after usage.
maybe someone should invent weed-o-suction, for getting rid of that extra tummy and passing the drug tests! just for 9,90€! and if you call now, you will get a hair cut so short that even the CSI team cannot tell what have you done yesterday!
Meduzz a dit:
yea, but weed is special, the tail of the thc molecule makes it behave like a fat, it stays in your system very long because it is stored (and released) in the same way as your lipids. that's also why weed can be tested for months after usage.

I know, but can you experience effects because of that after just one time?
I find that hard to believe.

I heard this story about inmates failing drugtests because they were working out and burning fat (containing thc) in prison.
Forkbender a dit:
I know, but can you experience effects because of that after just one time?
I find that hard to believe.

if you're not used to it, why not? :wink:

i have quit smoking mj now (already a month) and i really feel the difference between the time when i had a constant stream of thc in my blood, and now.

i were a daily smoker, so that might explain the difference, but not the time it took to have it all out of my system (which is why i stop)
Cannabis does affect us for a few days when we smoke it, but when we smoke regularly we just don't notice it, since we're constantly in this state. But if you quit smoking for a few months, and then smoke once, you'll notice that the day after you are not yet 100% sober. Nothing to be worried of, trust me ;)

One of my friend smoked a very large amount of pot when he was like 9 years old and had barely smoked before and he says he had flashbacks for about a month. That's whene he became an anti-drug. Then when he got older he rediscovered the stuff and now he's addicted to weed :?
When I began smoking I actually liked that the stoned feeling lasted to the day after, in fact I could intensify it with music. I say there's nothing to worry about, you had your first high and it's normal you steel feel it for some days.
Forkbender a dit:
To me it sounds more like you recognize something you didn't recognize before.

I agree man I think you just might have had a very nice trip and youre still sort of re-entering your reality and experiencing a bit more of the psychedelic trip on the way. I wouldnt worry too much Im sure the effects will go away within a few days although why would you want them to? it seems to me getting high without having to spend money on weed is pretty sweet
Ooooo. And congrats on the devirginization.
Happens to me too when I smoke a fair amount, I definitely feel it for a day or two after. Occasionally even the psychedelic-ish effects will persist a bit the next day. It's made me smoke less frequently, but when i do smoke...: :D :D