toadlicker a dit:
the thing is i've gone slowly and have grown alot from it, i seem to have hit a block and everything i've tried has yeilded no clues as to why, what i'm looking for is a way to get past this blockage.
goran i knew if i put up this post you would reply and i was waiting for your reply, i'm just looking for suggestions really, what would your suggestions be?
1.Test yours faith(like that you have 10 fist like and 25years old Peyotes and let them be for 2 years and do not fall in temptation of consuming them.(Like idea that El Santo Nino de Peyotl will visit you!)
2.Buy book with natural herbal medicines and how to make them, and of course make them.
3.Build altar, start to write yours spells and observation of your magical and non-magical life.Wicca order name this book 'Book of Shadow'-
4. Go to the forest,swamp,marsh,desert and build yours special place.Yours Temple, where you will conjuring and summoning Higher Powers and cast spells,worship yours deity,dance and sing.There you will brake this wall that is standing betwin stasis and evolution.
5.Plant the tree of Life-when you will be attacked by other sorcerer or demon/devil,there yours protection will be highest possible.Even I do not understand The Tree of Life and purpose of it and what is giving it to mage-priest.But every village in non-material hunger world have it.
6.Make your own pipe, talismans, rings, bracelet, magical items,ect.
7.Hide Book of Shadows-this is yours source of third eye in material form-
8.Invite and share knowledge with others. Make Order-like Kelts and Stonehenge
9.One magical plant or tool must be chosen as master-like bread in catholic church,but this would be one specie of shroom, cacti, ayahuaca, datura, soma, maybe something new but special.
10.Important is to find yourself a new name.Do not rush-name will come when you will at least believe-from friend mouth like something rude or nice(my come like that), written on wall, or something in yours surrounding will say it for you-(fallen tree, tornado, something nature like).
If you want more write me to personal mail and than I will help you more when time is right.But exchange of potions making and experiences,ect.,I would like to share.
Please what do you think, and is this small guide helpful