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Alpiniste Kundalini
experience removed and in experiences forum now re-written. under Topic_Crystal DMT 1st time
I'm having trouble with reading your post :(
I think he tried dmt, AFER, but I only got that because it's in the DMT section...
all this posts in combination made laugh lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy shit dude by the way :D i haven't tried it yet!
Neither have I. It can be obtained on the streets here, but I'm not really interested.
how come??? how can you not be interested in this literally mind-blowing, and just incredible substance as a psychonaut???? in this answer i would be interested. :) i guess would i have it attainable on the streets here i would've instantly got me some. but well as i haven't i am in the same situation like you and interested why you think like you do.

Well, that's probably because I'm currently experimenting with ayahuasca. I'm still not comfortable enough even with orally taken dosages [the intensity is overwhelming at times], so I guess smoking purified DMT is way more intense, for which I'm clearly not ready yet. In other words, I feel that there's more work to be done with ayahuasca for the time being.
ahhh, alright mate! i guess that makes some sense!! =) so in your experience would you reccommend to start off with ayahuasca first or well it might be different for everybody on how ready you might actually feel???

i mean can you ever be ready for something like smoking DMT ??? i'd say it's tough in spite of not having tried it, but from what i have heard and read....

You should take my words with a pinch of salt, as I haven't had an exp with purified DMT, but anyways..here are my 2cents why ayahuasca has more to it:

-It's cheaper
-It's longer lasting
-Brewing aya is an art itself and I personally enjoy that a lot!
-It has profound anti-depressant qualities and a good impact on one's health
-It allows for more experiments
-It's legal!

That should be it. Again, I haven't tried DMT so I may be totally wrong but hey, these are just my speculations... :wink:
thanks for the good reply mate!!! by the way i have had some time of going through depression and mushrooms have helped me a lot with it, although i think i haven't cured myself completely with them (apart from having been training positive thinking 'n stuff ). would you reccommend me to try aya ??? it got me really kind of interested! i have read some stuff before about it and watched documentaries as well so it's not that i don't know anything ...

edit: also my health is a bit fucked, because of relatively long periods of everyday bong use, but also mushrooms , stopping the abuse and good food have helped me recover a lot, but probably not completely.

Well, aya is, of course, not a cure-all, but I suppose that every experienced psychonaut should give it a try!

You might consider the following...

First off, you want a good supplier. As far as my experience goes, Maya ethnobotanicals is the best regarding aya components.
Second thing you want is a good brewing tec. There are no best tecs [or I haven't found one yet], so it's a trial and error way. As I've stated before, it isn't bothersome; experimenting is a fun on its own !
Finally, once you get a real breakthrough experience, LSD or mushies will look like ginger bear. Many will argue, but this is just how I personally feel.

My own experience is still somehow limited, but I'll be glad to provide as much useful info as I can, in case anyone is interested. :)
thank you very much for your honest and good information! i know what you are saying aya not being a cure-all, but i was thinking healing properties might go deeper than mushies', because often it is considered more a ritual healing plant than mushies are for example.

ok i guess we shouldn't get too much off-topic here in this thread, in spite of not much happening at the moment, however i appreciate your efforts and if i need more information from a more experienced aya user than myself, i will gratefully ask you by PM if that's ok.

peace out :P
Yeah this went completely off topic. You could just make a new post in Ayahuasca, DMT thread so other users could participate! :)
Brother, if your still dealing with depression, you may want to take into acount the amazing METAPHYSICAL properties that these substances have to offer. Finding out one's own spirit is why they were put on this earth, so use this legal aid to your advantage! Look within and you'll always find love man.
DMT crystals are far more mind blowing that ayahuasca it self. It's just a complete different experience and both have there interesting viewpoints.
TSullivan315 a dit:
Brother, if your still dealing with depression, you may want to take into acount the amazing METAPHYSICAL properties that these substances have to offer. Finding out one's own spirit is why they were put on this earth, so use this legal aid to your advantage! Look within and you'll always find love man.
Welcome to the forum! :D