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Spilt Bongs!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JustinNed
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 954
Guys, I often use a water pipe to smoke out of but CONSTANTLY find myself dropping/tipping over the bong making a huge wet mess everywhere. I know lots of you have to have this same problem, how do you avoid it? I'm actually thinking of just making a little holder and drilling it up against the wall.


:o Oi!


I cant stand it! I smoke bongs all day and night :)

Nothing is worse....

Really, I think I have said enough.....

Cant stress how much I really hate it :lol:

P.S. I havent found a way to prevent it and find that its best to just use the oppertunity to clean the bong pipe and change the gauze(Pipe Screen). I find smoking weed and marrocan hash in a gauze leaves ash in the holes plus when water has been thru the gauze its pretty fucked any how 8)

But I do fucking hate it! :lol:
Never had the problem. Maybe be more conscious of your actions and it will avoid the problem. Don't take that the wrong way, as it seems like it came off the wrong way.

peace & love!
Quite a good one.... :lol:

9/10 its not myself, I have a few living in my house at the min :roll:
You could smoke your water pipe in the bath :lol:
Or just stop wasting your health , money and time . Throw your phalic symbol away and learn to smoke more effectively .
if you're that clumsy maybe you should just smoke out of pieces that aren't going to break quite as easily as a bong would.

my buddy has had a clear, glass roor water pipe since last xmas (his g/f got it for him - fucking awesome) and its never been dropped or knocked over. when he's not using it he has a home-made case for it. and when people are using it.... you just use a little self control and realize you're holding $300
That's another option: get an expensive piece.
$300 that's a lot money! I could live two weeks from that amount of cash. I think a much simpler bong, will work just as good. I can buy 10 bongs for the same amount of cash. And can drop the bong 10 times, what will never happen of course...
I live a month from that much money . If money had any value for you you would take care of your things .

I know several headshop owners and they say the whole of their profit comes from glass bongs . Everything else in the shops brings no profit . They say they live off dumb rich decadent kiddys breaking glass bongs .

Maybe life is trying to get you to look at what you are doing and why ? Why smoke bongs other than to show off ? Why waste money for bongs ? Why destroy cannabis , get CO2 poisoning , destroy your lungs and fuck yourself up ?
what method of administration do you recommend, GOD?
Dry it . Powder it . Sieve all the stems out and smoke it in one hit pure pipes . Light it with as small a flame as possible from one side and let it burn from one side to the other . Practice putting as little cannabis in each pipe as posible and using as little fire as possible . Learn to pull just enough to get it going on its own and then stop pulöling and just breath the smoke in . Make sure your pull is small enough so that you can breath more air in after you have pulled . If you cough breath out straight away . Coughing stops you from getting high . Dont fill your lungs as full as possible with smoke . Dont hold it as long as you can . Dont force yourself to hold it in under preasure . Smoke three hits and stop , if three hits doesnt get you where you want to go either your stuff is SHIT , your smoking it wrong or you have smoked to much .
Funny, that is precisely the way I like to smoke. I preferably use hasheesh, though, just take 1 hit and am done for a good hour.
Don't get me wrong, my water pipe is acrylic and only cost about 10US. I generally smoke out of my pipe but it is nice to mix it up with water pipes/cigarettes, etc. By all means if I had the money to afford on a vaporizer that would definitely be my proffered method.
And YES, my weed is SHIT! It's also very cheap, not all of us have money to spend on high quality marijuana or the ability to grow. ;)
I rarely ever smoked out of a pipe...I find it quite laborious, especially with keeping the holding net (how is it called) in but I also have a dumb pipe (or I am dumb, as GOD would point that out. I don't like bongs but I like vaporizers, the only way I use weed now.

Offtopic: I dunno in what thread so I write it here, but FluidDruid somewhere pointed out that he never heard of mixing weed with tobacco...it is quite the opposite here, here nearly noone smokes pure weed. If someone rolls a joint, it is always with tobaccy.
Some psychedelics are free . Just pick mushrooms . Being choosy costs money . Being realistic psychedelics / drugs are only expensive when we have taken to much and still trying to force ourselves to get high . You can only get out what is in there throwing money at a fire is expensive .

I`ts more expensive trying to get stoned on shit grass than on good quality grass .

Bongs are expensive , so is incinerating cannabis .

Sorry Justin , i wasnt critisising you .
c: I dunno in what thread so I write it here, but FluidDruid somewhere pointed out that he never heard of mixing weed with tobacco...it is quite the opposite here, here nearly noone smokes pure weed. If someone rolls a joint, it is always with tobaccy.
Most people in the US never hear of mixing weed and tobacco, I don't do it much myself.

I knew you weren't critisizing me GOD, your one of the most well respected people on these forums (imho), I thought it might of looked like I took it that was when I posted though. ;)
Most people I know that smoke good weed agree that is it cheaper to get high off of good weed, but really I just enjoy smoking and I figure it's better to smoke a bowl than a cigeratte. This does make me wonder though, where my tiny metal one hitter is.... :P