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speed hallucinations/regrets

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ProStoner
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 974
hey all
I once did speed
first i`ll explain the story
I was going out with some friends and we got totally drunk
we went outside to smoke some hasj
and at that time we got the idea do do some coke it was 3AM dutch time
well we made some calls but no coke they did have speed
lemme state I never ever did any synthetic drugs before which I`m not planning on doing anymore also :P not like this
anyways we arranged that we got some speed
we went to my friends place and by that time it was like 4AM and I was still waaay to drunk
we both took a line and a"bommetje" as we call it in dutch
its speed put in a joint wrap and then swallowed
the first hour I noticed not much but I start feeling very woozy
and we watched movies during that time we didnt really do anything we were just sitting on the couch the whole time
each time when I had to go to the bathroom and stood up I felt such a big rush in my head it went black before my eyes it was a very very uncomfortable feeling
this went of for a while
then I started feeling sick and I suddenly had to throw up really really bad
then the hallucinations started I saw red lasers coming from my fingers I even saw very realistic things that were not there like eyeglasses on the table which were really not there but I could touch it with my fingers and go along the linings of it and thats how I showed my friend
from then on I had to throw up about every 30 minutes that went on till around 13:00 then I had to go back to my dads home and when I got there I was still seeing stuff like brighter light walls closing in and shadows moving a bit
I still had no sleep
I told my dad I drank 2 much last night and went to bed
oh and before dad I took a shower trying to clear up my mind which didnt really help cause here the really weird stuff happened
the water that was falling down on the floor made the water allready change colers from light blue to yellow to green to red it was very weird "cool" to see but still not what I wanted at that time :P
I threw up again
went to bed and I had to throw up every 30 minutes again till 17:00
then I finally slept for 1 hour
but at 18:00 my dad woke my up for dinner of which I could not really eat a lot
I still stil lightly hallucinating and this went on till 24:00 till I went to bed again

now what I would like to know is why this all happened
and I cannot understand how peopel can get addicted to such a crappy annoying drug :P

and +point though I quite smoking weed cause of it
I don't know exactly why I could keep it up now
but It helped me with that :)
I don't know...I took speed so many times and it never happened to me!!!It was probably mixed with something else for the hallucinations and all those weird things or else I don't understand.And also it's not good taking it while you're already drunk or mixing it with alcohol...
well if it could have been the alcohol but still
I just can't believe that it caused those hallucinations
maybe it was that + not enough sleep ? or not eaten enough but not having noticed that
Unless you are allergic to speed (is that possible?? I don't know...) I guess it was mixed with something bad.
Good speed will make you clear-headed and full of energy, no matter if you were drunk before or not. If you had just taken too much good speed you would have felt differently as well - probably you would have walked all across the city trying to find a good party or something like that. Probably you would have talked nonsense continuously having a weird look on your face, but not have thrown up continuously seeing colors...
The most clear halucionations that I every had were on a combination of speed and MDMA. I think it was the MDMA though because it was very trippy. Done a lot of other stuff but I never had the hallucionations that I had from that combination.

It does sound strange that you were so fucked up by the speed. Normally speed is ok when you take it , the nasty side will be in the morning when you want to sleep and can't.

What I do know about speed is that its something you do for a short time but after this time you find out that its not really worth taking because its not that great and the after effects are quite nasty. Just my opinion though. I do sometimes take some ephedra though , its much milder and does not give me such a nasty hangover effect.
yes I like ephedra I mostly took that on Lowlands for example
and speed is like 10 times worse which I did not like
and about the hallucinations i`m not lying thats for sure :)
One time i had hallucinations from speed and i threw up also, but i didnt had anything in my stomach. I always believed that happened because i was completely dehydrated in combination with no sleep.
Something that commonly happens with speed is the presence of the metabolite mCPP in your system triggering a histamine release in your body, especially with insufflation. When you snort methamphetamines, they're so strong that they flood your brain with serotonin and norepinephrine. Serotonin rushing is a good thing, it's the main factor behind why you feel like you do when you're rolling. Unfortunately though, if you have eaten a lot of slightly over-aged bright fruits (especially bananas) and then have at least a .04 B-A-C level and you start sniffing, your liver will be running on overdrive from the high levels of ethanol, and the aged fruit will metabolize with the ethanol via the 266 metabolite mCPP. When mCPP is present in decent concentrations in your body and you introduce methamphetamines into your brain, a decent amount of the population this happens to will experience a very slow-onset, but quite severe histamine release, causing feelings of poor blood circulation in your head and extremities, stupor, hallucinations, the itching sensation in the middle of your back when you cough, and regurgitation. Hope this helps.

- tim.
allright that helped yes :)
can it also cause cramps in my hands and arms??
cause thats what i had also my hands were forced to make a fist and
my arms were rockhard
Speed usally (it such a long time ago !) I think now almost 10 years, terrible clasing of the teeth resulting in terrible grinding of the teeth.

I really had to use gum otherwise I would really damage my teeth. I know now at least to stay away for the stuff. Sometimes it coke but that is only once in a while. I heard speed is pretty popular in the Goa Trance scene again , any one any thoughts on that ?
well for my experiences
i`ve done it again now
accidently lol... cause they told us it was coke
which I still want to try sometime
but the grinding of teeth yes is very annoying
buts that "normal" hehe
a while ago i had some very real halucinations of speed.. i was awake for a too long time.. something like 40 hours or so.. and decided to go to bed, but while i lay down in bed (last line of speed24 hours away) began the most realistic halucinations i've ever saw.. i saw all my friends come in my room and chatted around me, it was like a big party in my small room, and they all comunicated with me .. at first i found it very amusing but after a while (2 hours or so) i get totally crazy about this damn reaal halucinatons it felt very very very psycho, like if i looked in the mind of a psycho.. they were everywhere.. and the only thing i wanted was to sleep and get rid of this to realistic halucinations.. after i while i felt finally a sleep..
I've never heard of someone who has this type of halucinations on speed what i think is very strange.. anyone who had has a sort of the same?
Yea, I had this kind of halucinations. But I think you halucinate if you drunk to much, sniff some speed en stay awake way and way too long. When I had it, I was seeing lots of friends pogoing. I went to punkparties the whole weekend. In the beginning I saw little UFO's flying around that was quite funny, but later much more things were apearing, and it almost make you feel crazy because your complete sober or in a bad hangover when you see these things.
yes indeed
these thing can be quite disturbing
since u did not ask for the hallucinations
like when u do shrooms or so its cool :)
but not when u wanna sleep or when your at home with your parents lol
or when u have to cycle over a small road with water on both sides and the trees all bend over to u and try to push u off the road "with some help of the shadows lol"
I guess the hallucinations are more from a lack of sleep than from the speed. If you stay up way too long and keep yourself awake with substances your mind kind of falls asleep while you're still technically awake and you're experiencing half dreams half reality. I once had that (without speed) after staying up for 36 hours and then after 2 hours of sleep being woken up again.
well i`ve once stayed up for 3 nights and 4 days and that was without drugs
well I did smoke some weed
but I didnt experience hallucinations then
I had some really weird hallucinations on speed. But there's a whole story attached to it.

I didn't sleep from friday till sunday and friday I was sitting at a friends house, taking pills and drinking and smoking joints. Saturday I basicly didn't eat anything. So saturday evening we went to a party.
Ofcourse again on speed and pills. I still ate something at the party.

That sunday we went to a birthdayparty (still without sleep)
And I was drinking beers again, but didn't want to eat.
So a friend of mine offers me some speed, so we go upstairs and I take a sniff.
Then downstairs I rolled a joint, went outside and smoked it.
Friends allready warned me that this was absolutely a fucking bad idea.
But me, as stubborn as I am, I still smoke the joint.

So after the birthday everybody came with us to Rotterdam Central Station.
Walking there I suddenly had to go to the toillet so I went, but on the way to the toilet I totally forget what the hell I'm doing. And I rememberd thinking: Fucking bastards, they just left me. Well fuck them, I'm going to the train. But when I arrived there the sounds drove me nuts and I started to see men in dark uniforms chasing me, so I was in panic and ran back to the front of the station but on my way I began to see a kind of wolves chasing me, so it was a really scary experience. And 1 friend chased me and began to scream: HEY DUDE, SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT! You're losing it man! Where the fuck have you been? And he kind of awakened me and I lost the hallucinations.

I just wanted to go home. But everybody was mad at me and I started crying. That was the saddest thing I ever experienced. The rest of my drug experiences were really nice, but this was some really dumb shit.

And back in my hometown I had some "chasing" hallucinations and in my bed I saw my whole room coming at me. But I could laugh about it, 'cause my room looked really rediculus.

This was in the time I still was a very active member of the anti-braincell corporation. I don't do that kind of shit anymore. Sleep is very important!
And I hate speed
Possibly you didn't actually obtain speed, maybe some type of research chemicle your hookup sold to you as speed? when I did speed the experience was nothing like yours.
ProStoner a dit:
well i`ve once stayed up for 3 nights and 4 days and that was without drugs
well I did smoke some weed
but I didnt experience hallucinations then

lol well ive stayed up like 6 days and nights and not had hallucinations, and ive also stayed up a day and a half, was trippin balls, and i passed out before i even made it to day three. i think its all case dependent, really. *shrug*

generally speaking, the deal with this kind of thing is this:

the drug is just a tool. it takes you where you wanna take it. i sniff coke and im not jacked like most people cause i like a mellow coke rush. ill sniff like 1/3g of some almost pure snow and fall asleep five min later. if youve done good coke before you know thats nearly impossible lol.

with speed, you tend to have a better rush and you're more likely to have hallucinations if you move more, get excited, etc. anything that might cause your brain to add to the effects of the speed (using more serotonin). taking speed makes you happy, puts you in a good mood, you do something else, it makes you happier, the happy makes you happier, etc... and the happier you get, the more serotonin you're producing, the harder you trip on the speed. nifty huh? Drugs are honestly just tools. It's the brain that does the work/takes the damage. Drugs just make it easier for us to put our brains in those states. We're honestly capable of doing it without illicit drugs. Thats what shamans are man... in the old days (more than a few hundred years ago) and still today in some places, shamans take insane amounts of drugs and have visions that help their tribe or whatever, and eventually, they become shamans, cause they've done enough drugs to trip without them now, and they're officially like witchdoctors or something lol.

pretty neat. hopefully im a shaman one day. I got the shamanistic sex down, now I need to get the shamanistic perception down, and ill be good. ill trip and fuck great forever :D
afraid4myself a dit:
Possibly you didn't actually obtain speed, maybe some type of research chemicle your hookup sold to you as speed? when I did speed the experience was nothing like yours.

well yesterday I got some new information with kinda interested me
and might able me to close this topic once and for all
and that is...
it was Ketamine... what I was given
I talked to someone about all things I went thru when on the drug...
and she said that all these things were very very likely to have been the effect of ketamine.. on my oversensitive body
she said she was 100% sure about it that it was that drug..
it also explains that after only have done it like once ... I still have flashbacks sometimes.

i`ll be happy to hear your comments on this