Spanish police seize 40,000 doses of ayahuasca

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
MADRID, Spain — Spanish police have raided a house in a Madrid suburb, arrested two people and seized 40,000 doses of a psychoactive substance traditionally used by South American shamans.

The substance yaje — or ayahuasca in Quechua, the ancient Inca language — is derived from a hallucinogenic jungle vine used for centuries in religious and healing ceremonies.

Investigators were alerted to its suspected distribution by an organization in the Las Rozas suburb, the Interior Ministry said in a statement Monday.

Three minors were among 21 people taking part in a ceremony when police raided the house in late December. The agency said the estimated value of the seized drug was $1.63 million.



A "drug" was seized during a "ceremony"? :roll:
it said in some spanish news that they were all (including the kids) watching pornographic movies at the time of the bust.. sounded pretty weird
40000 X 50 mg = 2 kilos of pure DMT / 2000 liters of liquid = more than 2 tonns ?

They must be as thick as pig shit . The neigbours knew , kids present , so much of the goods and then doing a ceremony with it in he house .

This could maybe be a landmark / defining case . If they get found guilty it opens the doors for prosecutions against all european ayahuasca users .
im pretty sure that the 40.000 number was way off.. I will try to find the spanish news again but I think maybe what they had was 40 kilos of caapi.

there was a whole deal about them advertising in vegetarian bars, charging quite some money, offering discounts for under age and kids. and then all this story about pornography.. Doesnt seem like the most ethical people around, but god knows what from the news was actually true (and nobody should be arrested for this anyways, imo)
Assuming they had dried leafs and bark stored somewhere, $1.63 million for 40,000 doses, means one dose costs $41,75. I think you get a decent dose from online vendors for much cheaper than that.
It usualy costs about 100 e a dose . I`ve never seen anything cheeper than 50 e .
"ayahuasca in Quechua, the ancient Inca language — is derived from a hallucinogenic jungle vine used for centuries in religious and healing ceremonies. "

= liquid .
If it was leaves and bark it would weigh at least 14 tons .

I`m glad i dont mix with people as dumb as that .
Why would they need so much at the same time anyway ? It's not like it's going to dissapear any time soon.
I think it will be interesting to see what happens to them and what they say in court . It sounds to me like they were very stupid and greedy or that plus they are gambling on getting off by useing a false religeous arguments case . If they try that the court will tell them that one cant sell religeon .

Its people like that that are causing trouble for the rest of us .
The story regarding the participants caught watching pornography could just be a smear by the police to cast those involved in a bad light. You know, 'sordid sex cult use drugs in witch craft rituals' sort of thing.
GOD a dit:
40000 X 50 mg = 2 kilos of pure DMT / 2000 liters of liquid = more than 2 tonns ?

They must be as thick as pig shit . The neigbours knew , kids present , so much of the goods and then doing a ceremony with it in he house .

This could maybe be a landmark / defining case . If they get found guilty it opens the doors for prosecutions against all european ayahuasca users .

The police's plans with all of this ayahuasca? 2 tons isn't going to be easy to just dispose of properly...

I hope they get off of all charges, other than the watching pornography with minors...