I'ts just a little something that I wrote on a Sunday morning at work last year, that I felt like sharing.
In a way, it is the materialization of what my mind has reaped in the year and a half of mind, consciousness and awareness expansion that precedes it.
If you have any writings, poems, songs, notes..etc you want to share, do it here! I, and surely many others, would love to read them
In a way, it is the materialization of what my mind has reaped in the year and a half of mind, consciousness and awareness expansion that precedes it.
Sunday, November 30, 2008 at 12:22pm - Welcome toThe Machine.
My thoughts on a beautiful, yet treanchant song from Pink Floyd, the revolutionary artists of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I decided to add this song as a note because I feel it is right on about this world and so-called society we live in.
Welcome to the machine.
This monster of a world we live in, as mindless, ignorant fools and servants. What's the purpose of life if we are to just "live it through". Every moment counts, don't just sit there and watch it go by. Don't just take it for granted.
You can either be just another cog in this monstruous machine, or you can wake up, do somehting that matters, free your mind, think for yourself.. don't just believe what others tell you.
As one of my favorite quotes says, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste". I think the human mind is the most beautiful gift life has ever given us. It is the pillar of humanity, we wouldn't be here today without it.
But that's the challenge about it, being able to take that gift and use it wisely. Corruption, power, greed, envy, ignorance..some of the obstacles on our path to greater things. Most men fall to these..and for what? More corruption, more greed. You'll never reach the light at the end of the tunnel, and before you know it .. it's too late, and you look back at all those years you've wasted.
Maybe I'm not one able to tell such tales, but I know I've encountered change in the way I think, in the way I perceive people, life, society. And I can clearly see how wrong things are in this world. I've learned not to take things for granted, and see them through for myself. Lies, deceit, prejudice. They are all faces of today's world that mask its true identity, and make people false towards themselves. And then more layers of lies and prejudice build up on top of that, and you end up with what you see today. People driven by the TV, the media, all the advertising, all the capitalist profit-driven bullshit. Don't succomb to that, wake up, use your minds, seek more opinions, do research.
"Ignorance is a bliss", most people are happy with their lives, in their little world, or maybe it is just an illusion of happiness. But I cannot but feel sad for these people, as they are truly missing what's out there. Get out of your little box, and live life, take risks, enjoy those little moments, explore all possiblities. For me, these possiblities lies inside the human mind, I am amazed by how capable it is. All these emotions, feelings, rationalities, logic, creativty. It is a treasure beyond limits. The only limits to it, is the ones you give to it. If you choose to ignore it, then lays dormant many wonderful things.
"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern." -Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception.
Allright, I'm gonna leave it to that..and without further adue, the lyrics that I promised a few paragraphs earlier
Welcome to the Machine - Pink Floyd.
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
Where have you been? its alright we know where you've been.
You've been in the pipeline, filling in time, provided with toys and
scouting for boys.
You bought a guitar to punish your ma,
And you didn't like school, and you know you're nobody's fool,
So welcome to the machine.
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
What did you dream? its alright we told you what to dream.
You dreamed of a big star, he played a mean guitar,
He always ate in the steak bar. he loved to drive in his jaguar.
So welcome to the machine.
If you have any writings, poems, songs, notes..etc you want to share, do it here! I, and surely many others, would love to read them