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Some questions about light dosage tripping

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Elfe Mécanique
Ok so, as you know from my last topic, my first time doing LSD was about a week or so ago. I was not planning on tripping again for awhile, but the opportunity has arisen for me to trip again without much worrying.

I will be around pretty much everyone in my class as we will be going on the Project Graduation school sponsered trip. My basic question is will I be able to keep myself under some semblence of control if I only take one hit from a standard blotter paper?

Under two hits from gel tabs, I did not experience very intense visual hallucinations or anything extremely wild I do not think, so I'm inclined to believe one hit will be enough to have a fun trip surrounded by my class mates.

My main concern is the go-karting we will be doing. I'm an excellent driver, and I drive deliveries under the influence of large amounts of cannabis often, so I'm not too worried about my driving, but then again, I've never driven on acid before. I will probably have to drive sometime during the peak of my trip, and I'm wondering if you guys think this is really not a good idea. Its only a small track, and the vehicles are small and probably do not reach a very high speed.

Also, there may be an officer attending the trip with us. She will not be looming over my shoulder the whole time but she will be around. I think I can keep a pretty good head on my shoulders (hell, last time I tripped we talked to some police officers on our bike ride :P ).

If I do come under suspision however, do you think it would be possible for me to get into any trouble? I will be caryying no contraband, nor will I be drinking or smoking beforehand. I think the only symptoms will be globy eyes and goofy behavior. Do you think in your experienced opinon I run the risk of getting caught?
Go-karting on Acid :p thats so would be so crazy :rolleyes: , seems like alot of fun to me. But be carefull you neverknow what kind of mindtrick the acid will do to you. the last thing you want is freaking out in front of your class. and you said that there is an police officer too on journey? :?

if you're gonna do it keep the dosage low, so that nobody would notice it.
And if possible have somber guy with you that knows you're trippin, he could help you out in tricky situations.

but if you keep it low, i think you'll be fine.
Not something for me trippin on a fieldtrip, but go-karting on the otherhand :) they only concern i have is the noises that they make..
I don't want to be a partypooper but I really don't like tripping with alot of people around me.
Also I don't like to be restrained in my freedom while tripping.

The way you are planning a trip, is the worst-case scenario for me :p, and a police officer? Awww baaaaaad vibes dude! :shock:.

I prefer to have a mystical and spiritual experience when using psychedelics, in stead of partying.
For party's I use party-drugs... Like MDMA.
But hey, that's just me... :wink:
Entheonaut a dit:
Also I don't like to be restrained in my freedom while tripping.

For party's I use party-drugs... Like MDMA.

Exactly my thoughts. For a fieldtrip I would not even think of taken drugs, except for some weed or/and alcohol. I aslo hate the idea being in space alone or have to do this in any sneaky kind of way.
marc a dit:
Entheonaut a dit:
Also I don't like to be restrained in my freedom while tripping.

For party's I use party-drugs... Like MDMA.

Exactly my thoughts. For a fieldtrip I would not even think of taken drugs, except for some weed or/and alcohol. I aslo hate the idea being in space alone or have to do this in any sneaky kind of way.
heh and then you get that once in blue moon everything falls in the right place full blown weed trip. At least that happened to me once when I wasn't expecting it the least and it's quite the experience :P
you should just make some potent weed cookies and take them with you, weed is always a good drug no matter what your doing, wouldnt recommond acid with a officer there tho, could turn bad, but ive heard of contacts that can make ur pupils look smaller, so there is no sign of enlarged pupils just if you can keep it together or not. but i wouldnt recommond acid, my opinion anyways, peace
TBH, i don't believe in low dosage trips.
The least you can have is a blotter off 100 mg.

Those jelly trips are, btw, nearly just for mindfuck. And they should last longer. Like up to 12 hours.

But suppose you are tripping on low dosage, 100mg, and you're karting in the peak off the trip, imagine abnormal visions then..(yes on a LOW dosage that's possible). What will you do then? Run over one off your classmates?

But if you think you can handle it, go for it.. just be cautious.
Me and one friend took one hit apiece, and it was FUN AS HELL!!!

The Go-Karts were not little kiddie ones like we all thought, these things got up to 40mph, and the track was really fun to drive one. While we were not actually karting, there was a big arcade we were set free in, and all the tokens were free, so all around good times for all. The cop never noticed anything or was even slightly suspicious.

I've never done MDMA or anything, but one hit of acid was the perfect thing IMO for what I was doing. Great body high, some very slight but intriguing visuals, and a whole lotta fun driving go-karts around like a crazy maniac.

Btw, do energy drinks such as Red Bull have an effect while tripping? I drank two in a row, because normally when I'm sober thats enough to where I cannot keep my hand still from shaking. After drinking the two bulls last night however, other than the veins in my hands crawling all around right in front of my eyes :P I could hold my hands quite steady. I assume it is somewhat like drinking alcohol in that you cannot feel the effects, but I was just curious.

Finally, discovered one of my classmates was interested in trying LSD over the summer, so now I've got another (much higher dosage) trip in the works!