I don't think any of us have created an ideal for ourselves, but it might be said that the whole has created an ideal situation. In other words, the life of any individual is suboptimal because it must bump into other entities, which sometimes hurts. An ideal situation would be painfree, so for the individual there will never be freedom from pain, suffering, waste of time, etc. But from a larger perspective all the entities together keep the show running. The flowers, the bees, the trees and me. There is unceasing death on planet Earth, but birth as well. The system itself is ideal: DNA replicating itself within a certain niche of the eco-system, with self-conscious entities (human beings) being the part of nature that reflects upon itself through science and contemplation. It's perfect from that perspective. Everything is happening exactly as it should. When you consider it from a very broadminded perspective, it could be said an individual life is ideal too, but I find it hard to make such a value judgement. It just is what it is, and for many people it sucks and doesn't make them die wiser than they were childeren.
It seems the reality we're in is a spinning mass of energy that predicably turns itself into solar systems, inhabitable planets, DNA-code, lifeforms and self-reflecting, vocal humanoid creatures that study the heavens and create instruments and sciences. If there is a goal to be accomplished, it's the purpose of the thing as a whole, indirectly perceptible in its parts (such as DNA or the humanoid nervous system).
Most of you know that I believe the individual human experience is coded by the logos of the planets, much like the human body is coded by the alphabet of the DNA. There is code everywhere, and the code replicates itself (the planet code also replicates itself, for the birth and fate of children are embedded in the horoscopes of their parents, and vice versa). If a code replicates itself in predictable ways (which the combined codes of DNA an astrology do: astrological code reveals which male will combine with which female), there is only one way existence is going to unfold. Since the code replicates and alters itself predictably, everything and everyone was inherent from the very beginning. You living your life was scripted into it from the very beginning (the initial bang, if there was one). And so was Hitler's and George Bush. It's the manifestation of a very ancient script. Not an ideal script for the individuals (life is fragile and individual pleasure fleeting), but still the script of the unavoidable unfoldment of code.
the notion that "I" may be the only "real" person seems to be commonly encountered on psychedelic drugs. i think i actually believed it for several months in 1988 after a large amount of acid. it all made perfect sense. ive spoken to many people since who have had the thought
It's bollocks. It's the type of ego-inflation due to the ingestion of psychedelics, warned about by Alan Watts and others. And if it's not ego-inflation, it's at least a dangerous notion, for why would you feel empathy for the "unreal" people out there? No psychedelic experience will take away my common sense notion that we are all individuals in a somewhat similar situation. No one is more real or important than anyone else, though some may leave their mark while others die and are forgotten.