hey man.... acid is very difficult to integrate into your psyche, if for no other reason than its sheer power. X is very friendly to the ego, almost maternal.
LSD is like a zen master, fierce, tigerish, demanding. Very direct and sometimes brutal even... but much like the zen, exceptionally difficult to render into words.
I know this is unsolicited advice, but if you really want to read something relevant to what you just experienced, then go to Barnes and Noble and get them to order tou a book titled 'The politics of ecstacy' by Tim Leary.
Another book concerning LSD experiences is called 'Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer by John C. Lilly Phd...
These two guys forgot more about lsd than the rest of us will probably ever uncover.
Quite literally, you have chosen a new path for yourself now, and acid will change everything about your life if you persist in your experiments.
It's funny, because I took acid on and off for over ten years before I 'got it'
in the sense of synesthesia and full blown multi-colored swirls coming out of a saxophone along with a whole lot more, but by the time I got that, I was already past LOOKING for that, y'know..?
But be aware of who you're around and where you're at when you drop.
Don't just do it casually until you have a bit more experience and confidence.
Acid CAN be learned, and you can get to where you can somewhat control it, (by not trying to control it, a whole 'nother story) but be careful, man.
Hope this is recieved as it's sent, good luck, traveler....