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So I did LSD for the first time last night...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion No-Key
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Glandeuse Pinéale
And I didn't see a tie-die vortex with Tim Leary riding a giant white rabbit down it, nor did I see previously inanimate objects hop up and start clawing at me, nor did I see a single thing the way I expected.

What happened to me is beyond words.
I was a God for a short time.

And I don't know what to do now.
And I don't think anyone else can tell me that either.

----Just throwing that out here------
héhé :lol:

Near frustrating, isn't it ? :)
Hell, the God thing is even just an approximation.
I have been very absorbed in Zen lately, and my trip was very attuned to that.

I was brought satori, and my meditation has been taken to an entire new level.
There just aren't words that can be used to describe it...

I don't know if it was just me, or a powerful dosage or a weak one, but it all seems to deeply and fundamentally transcend all of that.

Gonna have to go reread all my D.T. Suzuki and Castaneda now :shock:
No-Key, I'm not so sure about Castaneda;
I would rather like to read a good Huxley's "doors of perception",
to start with :)

Brugmansia, i feel it took me around 1 -1.5 year to "recover" from my first trip in that sense ..frustated about the lsd taboo first, then i could not refrain linking everything to my initial Lsd experience and wanted to share with people, which i found out was MUCH more difficult to do than i could ever imagine; unrevealing aspects of human and his social life i would maybe had never given attention to and much more..

My life then took many 180° turns for re-equilibration ..both conscious and unconscious ; that part took much more time and is today a strong part of what makes what and who i am today (i30 yrs old - 11 years after)
After my first acid trip, I experienced a 'need' to convince my close friends and people I care about what these substances do with the human brain when used under the right circumstances. And how it affects me heavenly in my further way of life.

When the acid trip was a fact for me, I felt like I had seen something that makes all the rest in life details. And remained with the thought that this could release the ultimate 'thing' for every human.

I could have poured my heart out to other LSD users with a huge trip report, but I think something like 'I recognise where you all went through, and know what you're on about now' sums it all up.

It's impossible to share with non users what you experienced and how overwhelming it was, because you're now living with the consciousness in you, and that feeling of not exactly getting your inner life on the trip across is sometimes hard to deal with.
Brugmansia a dit:
a 'need' to convince my close friends and people I care about what these substances do with the human brain when used under the right circumstances. And how it affects me heavenly in my further way of life.

one of the causes of the psychedelic revolution in the 60's in my opinion.
no-key, what was the dosage you took?
Not sure, the guy I bought it from said that it was really good, and he is a respectable fella with no reason to lie.

He said it was stronger than the usual stuff in my area, which I have gathered to be about 50micrograms.

I think this was between 50-100, I didn't see very much at all after all, stayed in that enlightenment phase the entire time.

But, I don't have any frame of reference to back up most of those hypotheses.
hey man.... acid is very difficult to integrate into your psyche, if for no other reason than its sheer power. X is very friendly to the ego, almost maternal.

LSD is like a zen master, fierce, tigerish, demanding. Very direct and sometimes brutal even... but much like the zen, exceptionally difficult to render into words.

I know this is unsolicited advice, but if you really want to read something relevant to what you just experienced, then go to Barnes and Noble and get them to order tou a book titled 'The politics of ecstacy' by Tim Leary.
Another book concerning LSD experiences is called 'Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer by John C. Lilly Phd...
These two guys forgot more about lsd than the rest of us will probably ever uncover.

Quite literally, you have chosen a new path for yourself now, and acid will change everything about your life if you persist in your experiments.
It's funny, because I took acid on and off for over ten years before I 'got it'
in the sense of synesthesia and full blown multi-colored swirls coming out of a saxophone along with a whole lot more, but by the time I got that, I was already past LOOKING for that, y'know..?
But be aware of who you're around and where you're at when you drop.
Don't just do it casually until you have a bit more experience and confidence.
Acid CAN be learned, and you can get to where you can somewhat control it, (by not trying to control it, a whole 'nother story) but be careful, man.
Hope this is recieved as it's sent, good luck, traveler.... :)
Those books sound very interesting, the titles alone reflect some of the things I have been turning over in my own mind since the experience.

Thank you for the advice, it will be taken to heart.

I don't want to try X because I have lung problems associated with stress, and I also really don't like amphetimines in other things, and just get the feeling that it would not be conductive to the experience I am trying to learn from.

I enjoy the Zen aspect of LSD the most.
I don't think it is an entirely new path from the one I was on before I took Acid, but I am definitely on a much more interesting tributary.
spice a dit:
hey man.... acid is very difficult to integrate into your psyche, if for no other reason than its sheer power. X is very friendly to the ego, almost maternal.

LSD is like a zen master, fierce, tigerish, demanding. Very direct and sometimes brutal even... but much like the zen, exceptionally difficult to render into words.

Sounds like mushrooms to me, I always find it very easy to integrate LSD into my psyche, that's why I love it.
Ok bumpy mushroom rides are still favorite, but man, acid is insane :D