smoking coke in a joint is not very nice, i think it's a waste, and that people do it when they don't have so much coke left and want to share with everyone then they make a joint and pass around, 'cuz there's not enough for a line for each person.
smoking base is ok, you get happy, a bit like the feeling of ecstasy pills, but faster (a window opens in the brain), warm feelings on the face, but really, the best experience is snififng, because of the feeling in the mouth and throath.
coke is very addictive, not physically but mentally, because it's so nice that you just want to keep on doing it, and never go down again, and you can sniff half a gram very fast, and then be totally hyper and not sleep, and some people get into heroin because of that, to calm down the coke high.
also it's so social (like ecstasy) that later on you just want to party on coke. otherwise life is boring. the difference between coke and ecstasy is that with ecstasy you just take one pill for the whole night (if you're not crazy and take more and more), it relaxes you at the same time as it keeps you high and full of energy, while the coke you have to keep sniffing every half an hour to keep high enough (but that's just an illusion, and coke is called "more" by many people, 'cz you just want "more" and " more" ).
well the differece between the smoking and the sniffing is that if you smoke base you must isolate the coke (burn it in a spoon) and the shit it's added to it to cut it, and the effect is very fast and then guess what? you want more!
the joint just tastes of coke and doesn't give a very big high.
the sniffing works also fast, and you get the physical sensation.
Also with the first time, you might not really feel the effects, because your body is not used to it.
alice :wink: