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smoking and health

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion BrainEater
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5 922
greetings! :P

i just thought maybe anyone wants to discuss lol... hmmm :x :wasted: anyways despite of supposedly most of the discussion being rather common sense... personally i can say i have found that smoking can lead to disease but also health. because well there are lots of different shits to smoke and i know that it also can make a great difference not only what you smoke, but also how you smoke.
in other words the smoking technique matters and maybe not everyone is really aware of their own smoking techniques.
also interestingly enough i noticed that depending on what i just said and also nutrition and a lot more shit
you can smoke yourself sick or healthy. this not a joke, but to be taken with a pinch of salt.
it's in some sense like with smoking you can train your chi energy, because smoking can effect the nervous system and relatively obviously the nervous system is related to fear.
i can say that i didn't always have the best feeling for when to smoke and when not to smoke, but i learned from my mistakes hehe... i think it can be important that you can say no just like that and when there is a social compulsion/peer pressure.. maybe like will power vs chi energy... lol..
btw i don't care if nobody answers.:smirk:

it may be false pride but I feel as if pot smoke sticks to flesh less so then other smokes, like I can hack up a lot easier while smoking some sort of glass compared to the resistance of coming loose after a blunt... Phlegm in the lungs >.> but I don't think of that as non healthy I enjoy smoking to much, herb anyways I don't smoke cigs or even drink on that note.
Smoking is a very harmful habit of today.
It is a silent killer, which destroy our heart, liver, an d lung and take us to the death.
We should avoid the smoking and try our best to quit the smoking if we want a healthy and long life.
i agree, but what if you combine it with the right food and moods? given that you "can" smoke... knowing how to inhale a smoke right... similar to how you should probably only drink alcohol when you "can" drink alcohol... understand?
or like some people think it's good to hold the smoke for a while in the lungs... i don't think so.. well anyway of course i am not saying that chainsmoking is good, but simply something like that i know that with some people it's like they smoke for a while and they immedeatly become sick and with others it's like they smoke for long periods and seem to be relatively healthy.... well just a common sense argument... for example would you say it's no difference whether you smoke different tobacco sorts, or weed sorts?? but i also don't like it when you smoke only because of habit, there has to be "real" enjoyment or so lol.... and then as i said the smoking technique can make a great difference also... 8) :retard: ;)

western cigarettes have little tobacco and much garbage. was and am smoker, and know when i smoked cigarette after i started smoking pure tobacco i felt big disbalance in my body, and then i connected dots, and understood that i felt it before but didn't connect it with cigarettes.. if you want to smoke search pure tobacco and avoid cigarettes..my advice
Hi BreainEater,
Agree with you that smoking is injuries to health and may lead major health issues. Smoking can cause certain types of cancer as smoking effects our lungs and throat. Smoking is bad for heart and may lead to depression, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Stones Sharp Accountants
well... what about training the immune system? are challenged immune systems better than unchallenged ones? of course cigarettes and tobacco are something quite tough... i think it can be interesting to think about this, but please with really healthy common sense!!

hmm you are right friends because we see many cases in our life of smoker who have poor lungs because of cigarette smoke... Its really harmful because they are addict able... and hard to quite them after getting addicted to them.
yeah maybe it's like people can get addicted to anything basically, but with cigarettes and tobacco it's probably a special case. there is still a big difference between physical and mental addiction. maybe it gets crazy when addictions overlap or it maybe seems like it.. for example when people start to justify their addictions to themselves and others but maybe it tells something if the justifications are different or so... mental and physical responsability... there could probably be written whole books about this topic lol... humans are creatures of habit and herd...
also in order to drop a bad habit what you basically need is will power.. maybe with herds it's similar lol?
well... i just think it's a difference whether to smoke a cigarette a day or once in a while because of the enjoyment or special situation or so or to smoke great amounts daily because of habit.
but i also know somebody who used to say he smoked once in a while or in a special situation and he started to smoke more. why exactly and how it turned out or so i don't know...
does it only tell something about will power or are cigarettes really so evil? and if so are all sorts of cigarettes equally evil? or all people equally weak, if that's the right way to say it? etc etc...

anyway... i just think cigarettes and tobacco in particular have got to do something with the nervous system, because when people say they have to smoke a cigarette now, is it like becoming "nervous" and then possibly suppressing the nervous feeling and/or the not nervous feeling in cases of smoking or not smoking??? is holding the breath for smokers a more advanced exercise? hmm just some questions...
i always thought the ability to relax is great.

Cigarette smoking is a very dangerous addiction of these days, It is a quiet fantastic, which eliminate our center, liver organ, and bronchi and take us to the loss of life, We should prevent the smoking and try our best to stop the smoking if we want a proper and balanced and extended life.....
Smoking is not good for the health and fitness of the body.Smoking is very dangerous addiction
in these days so we should be avoid the smoking because smoking is a bad habit.Smoking
cause of the lungs cancer and depression.Si i don't like the smoking...
hmm not really sure, but are you afraid of smoking?? personally, i had been smoking quite a bit for some time and i think i became afraid of it, but i didn't quit it nevertheless. i guess it's a bit difficult to explain. well i noticed something... when i smoked, while being afraid of it, it seemed to make it worse... sounds logical, right?? anyway... maybe if you forgot how good simply breathing can feel or if you compensate something with the smoking then i would say simply just do it or so... i mean quitting smoking. or try to at first smoke more or less a drastically smaller amount of cigarettes every day, until you don't miss it so much anymore. you could see it as a practice for will power also... maybe observe how the thoughts about smoking sometimes try to consume your energy or so... maybe try breathing meditations with music... or also for example holding the breath, deep breathing vs shallow breathing... and maybe think a little bit about your diet, but not overthink it, if you know what i mean. it's a bit the same but also a bit different for everyone. try to enjoy simple things like laughing. be nice to yourself! moreover consider whether coughing still feels good most of the time. except for smoking weed in some cases i mostly find it really disgusting to smoke at all while being sick.

Smoking is not only unhealthy, i think smoking in public is antisocial behavior. When you smoke in public other people will inhale your dirty stinking cancer producing smoke. It makes me mad when i see people smoking in a area where there are children. I hate it when i am in a area where people are smoking and the stinking smoke get,s into my lungs, into my hair and clothes. I think people who smoke in public are assholes that only think of themselves and of there own nicotine addiction.

i know that in south America shamans use the smoke of Nicotiana rustica to heal. They sometimes mix this plant into ayahuasca. I have grown this plant myself and it,s a nice plant. You can also sniff the juice of this plant. It has a high dose of nicotine in it.
It depends on what you are smoking. Inhaling smoke is never a really good idea, but some smoke is worse than others.
BrainEater a dit:
greetings! :P

i just thought maybe anyone wants to discuss lol... hmmm :x :wasted: anyways despite of supposedly most of the discussion being rather common sense... personally i can say i have found that smoking can lead to disease but also health. because well there are lots of different shits to smoke and i know that it also can make a great difference not only what you smoke, but also how you smoke.
in other words the smoking technique matters and maybe not everyone is really aware of their own smoking techniques.
also interestingly enough i noticed that depending on what i just said and also nutrition and a lot more shit
you can smoke yourself sick or healthy. this not a joke, but to be taken with a pinch of salt.
it's in some sense like with smoking you can train your chi energy, because smoking can effect the nervous system and relatively obviously the nervous system is related to fear.
i can say that i didn't always have the best feeling for when to smoke and when not to smoke, but i learned from my mistakes hehe... i think it can be important that you can say no just like that and when there is a social compulsion/peer pressure.. maybe like will power vs chi energy... lol..
btw i don't care if nobody answers.:smirk:

Counselling would probably work. I was actually forced to attend the counselling from a clinic in Toronto. Most people make a number of attempts before they successfully quit smoking. Even I had made many and at last I made a decision to change my smoking habits with the help of the psychiatrist ( [url]http://www.drcohen.ca/[/URL] ). Just find the right support person or program. You'll be surely able to quit it.
