Small plastic bags could be banned in Chicago

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Tiny plastic bags used to sell small quantities of cannabis, heroin, crack cocaine and other drugs would be banned in Chicago, under a crackdown advanced today by a City Council committee.

Ald. Robert Fioretti (2nd) persuaded the Health Committee to ban possession of “self-sealing plastic bags under two inches in either height or width,
How about banning people who don't know what a trash bin is instead...
This is completely outrageous! What next ? will they ban cigarettes because people throw their butts on the streets?

Besides the dealers will put the drugs in tubes or jars or whatever, and those jars or tubes will still be found all over there.

Well let me tell u the law is gonna make it difficult for alot of innocent non-drug dealing folk (like clothes sowers who need to baggie their *extra* clothes button and herb sellers), Yes an outrageous law!

these detectives probably had a bad experience on a baggie they found on the floor, was probably full of some extra potent dissassociative and they took the odd *sniff, so they have their reasons! one of them probably picked up a condom and thought it was a baggie.. shame on him for snooping around peoples drug habits!!
" This is completely outrageous! What next ? will they ban cigarettes because people throw their butts on the streets? "

They have a woman cop where I live that is called the cigarette lady, and if you throw a butt out of your car, she will chase you down in her huge, taxpayer-funded Crown Vic and write you a ticket for 500 dollars or take you to jail, her discretion.

Also, where I live:

Cameras at all the major intersections. I counted 7 at the one I was at yesterday.

No smoking in a car if a child under age 5 is in it...

Predator drones like the US military uses for spy purposes are being purchased to fly over high crime neighborhoods and take photos.

Police regularly violate the 4th Amendment by standing in the road at intersections and looking all up in your vehicle to see whether you have your seatbelt on or not. Anything they see, you are charged with, too....

It's about time they fucked with some other people :roll:
i didn't knew that it was so, spice. that seems like a military dictatorship to me, and they don't give a fuck for the people. very sad indeed...
Good idea. These baggies are waaaaaaayy too small.
daytripper-yes, well, the newly elected governor in this state IS a Republican, which should tell anyone just how out of touch w/ reality
this place is.....that kind of shit never went on when a democrat was governor......most of the people down here are severely afflicted with a bad case of greed combined with real ignorance, and they are easily manipulated into voting their race (color) regardless of the political party. This is one of the most redneck, repressive places in the US these days. ...which must be related to why I am stil here....

I have work yet to be done :idea:
"I have work yet to be done"

Please tell me this doesn't mean you're gonna go out on a frenzy suicide, killing everyone within a mile around you first?

Because if that were true, you'd better just synthesize a whole lot a drugs. And pollute the water supplies of your area with it :P
I say we ban humans, they fuck everything up all the time! :roll:
HeartCore a dit:
I say ban these bags, they are too small for those politicians to stick their empty heads in and suffocate themselves, anyway.

These people are so out of their minds, it could be funny if it wasn't true...
It really sounds like something Mayor Quimby from the Simpsons would suggest.
They would also have to ban syringes because used heroine syringes are a real threat compared to empty plastic bags. Fuck the diabetics, ban syringes!

I say we ban humans, they fuck everything up all the time!
LOL, yes! That would be the ultimate solution for a nice and clean planet!