Ik vroeg me af of er in zo'n kleine paddestoel naar verhouding evenveel Psilocybin zit als in volgroeide paddestoelen. Met andere woorden, kan ik van die kleine gedroogde paddestoelen gewoon een portie eten (3 gram) of moet ik de dosis aanpassen?
I ordered a growbox cubensis (from azarius), but, probably i didn't take care of it properly, there only grew a few small mushrooms.
Now i wonder if in a small mushroom is proportional the same amount of psilobicyn as in mushrooms of a normal size.
Can I eat of these small mushrooms the same amount as of big mushrooms, or do I have to eat more grams for the same effect, for instance because a mushroom gets relatively more psilobicyn if it grows bigger?
I ordered a growbox cubensis (from azarius), but, probably i didn't take care of it properly, there only grew a few small mushrooms.
Now i wonder if in a small mushroom is proportional the same amount of psilobicyn as in mushrooms of a normal size.
Can I eat of these small mushrooms the same amount as of big mushrooms, or do I have to eat more grams for the same effect, for instance because a mushroom gets relatively more psilobicyn if it grows bigger?