Shrooms won't kill ya, but the cops will...

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Cops, Shots And Shrooms
A new federal lawsuit targets police who killed a man on mushrooms.

Give a 20-year-old enough magic mushrooms to make 30 people trip hard. Then put him up against three cops armed with Tasers, beanbag guns and Glocks.

It’s a recipe for disaster, and that’s exactly what happened 18 months ago when Jordan Case wandered into a stranger’s apartment, freaked out and was fatally shot by police in Tualatin.

Before he died on Oct. 22, 2006, the unarmed aspiring physicist was Tasered 12 times, hit with nine beanbag rounds and shot four times. In a federal lawsuit to be filed April 3, Case’s parents claim their son’s death was totally unnecessary.


“It didn’t need to happen that way,
indeed, totally avoidable... Shame, shame, shame...

I don't like the title by the way. Shrooms don't kill, only cops...
...." a classic case of cops relying on weapons over brains"

Come on, when have they ever done otherwise?

See, I dn't get sad, like it seems most of you do, when reading this shit.

I get M-A-D.

REAL mad, and real determined.

For EVERY action, there is an opposite, and EQUAL reaction.
(so sayeth Sir Issac)

Ideas are bulletproof.
Mycophile a dit:
I don't like the title by the way. Shrooms don't kill, only cops...
OK, I changed it.
Hmm this is terrible news. I feel pain for this being :( such a shame, this world is full of ignorance, injustice, misunderstanding and misconception.

Its ashame to have anyone murdered for that reason just for tripping balls.
The problem is that the police are lacking understanding in that region of psychedelic use and reaction. They are uneducated by the state, which keeps them in total ignorance and consequently they are easier to control and dictate laws to. Arrest them! Police State. Like we are all criminals.
The word "Crime" has been overplayed and they are making everyone look like criminals, herb growers, mind expanders, hippys, innocent afghani villagers, immagrants, etc.
The Police (just like everyone else: WE) are being kept in the dark because the elitist's knows that if they (and also we as ONE) gather some sort of stable ground for working and evolving intelligence, that our eyes might open and we might revolt instead of the usual conforming idealistic approach to the institution. They know that if people get it in their minds to be more open and aware of life and reality, open to suggestion of possible and potential perceptive concepts, then they will lose their power because there power revolves around the ignorance and deprivation of others. They own the banking system (with which they fuel such evil intentions), keep the sheep in line with the global propaganda, opress and supress the ones that question the corruption, make it all look razzle and dazzle, throw in some alcohol and prozac (to restrict self development) and you have a perfect recipe for totalitarian control.

Instead of helping the people progress the ONE- conscious and global awareness, they just create a situation (where we play a great part) and its a situation of them and us, clever and dumb, rich and poor, first and second class, dividing the people against theirselves (really planting the seeds of ignorance which people allow to grow in their hearts and minds) so that they will keep everyone in the dark, dumb and distracted, blind to the spiritual, immersed in the worldly cultures and ultimately to be a product of the ultimate grand conspiracy, a helpless nation and cruel globalists inflicting harm to the world.
Of course this doesnt occur without the "give-way" from the collective conscious of us all, we allow it to happen by doing nothing and conforming, or to refrain from conforming and to make no action, which is just as bad.

Again, getting to the point its an "Us and Them" situation; they disregard our interdependency on eachother as ONE and see and make almost everyone else see us as seperate. Once that view is present in the human mind, many other evils can sprout from there because we see no significance to each other. Other human lives dont matter. Thats just the problem. The police saw this guy as a raving lunatic and because of their lack of wisdom and understanding took orders from a police station (without real guidance to the subjects state and condition) to stop him even to the extent with death when they could have easily overpowered him with their brutish strength rather than being consumed by fear and depending on man made objects.
Collective Ignorance and until we collectively approach the problem and try to create a reverse impact on the manifestation of dark energy/vibes, we will let it get progressively worse with more innocent people being unjustly and wrongly put to death.
zarlack_galactic_explorer a dit:
Instead of helping the people progress the ONE- conscious and global awareness, they just create a situation (where we play a great part) and its a situation of them and us, clever and dumb, rich and poor, first and second class, diving the people against theirselves (really planting the seeds of ignorance which people allow to grow in their hearts) so that they will keep everyone in the dark, dumb and distracted, blind to spiritual, immersed in the worldly cultures and ultimately to be a product of the ultimate grand conspiracy, a helpless nation and cruel globalists inflicting harm to the world.

So there are two kinds of people: those that divide people into two kinds and those who don't?

Seems kind of circular, doesn't it?

Focussing too much on an Other (Elite/Government/Devil/etc.) will never help you progress to universal awareness. By always refering to a 'they' when talking of negativity in the world, you are pretty much doing the same thing as 'them' and sustaining what 'they' do.

Besides these critical notes I do of course agree that we shouldn't accept these kinds of methods and that we should help to create awareness in the various modes of government about how certain drugs affect people. Situations like this can easily be prevented by public awareness. The hard part is to make someone aware, which is pretty much impossible if that someone is not interested in your case.
I guess you make a good point forkbender.

we do mostly together accumulate a collective ignorance or negativism, i guess i do so unconsciously aware of it. thanks for pointing that out and that yes we have to have some sustainable ground for planting public/global awareness and YES that is impossible to do with the unaware and uninterested. So i think we should try our best and let the natural course of the development of our race continue into that age of awareness.

I guess it is inevitable
I wonder why that guy would take 113 grams of mushrooms though, that's insane. Unless they were fresh mushrooms and the author of this article mixed up dosages. It would still be a high dose, about 4 to 6 times higher than what is sold as one dose in Dutch smartshops. But depending on the water content (which species was it anyway, and how did he obtain them?), it would equal to 10 or 11 dried grams, which is twice the dose recommended by Terence McKenna.
have you guys thought of the possibility that being told what to think is part of human nature ?
if we are like this, forget your utopias and your blissful projects for humanity. this is what we are. we can certainly enjoy spending many hours supposing what the world would be if we were in charge, but be sure that those hours are lost forever.
Yes Awareness is a good step..

Situations like this can easily be prevented by public awareness. The hard part is to make someone aware, which is pretty much impossible if that someone is not interested in your case.

But i find a Example of.. lets call it "evil, elite, ect" a good start for creating a some sort of awareness that there is something wrong in this "World".
The "World" creates a bigger picture for everyone where many aspects are involved including psychedelics, the world is something that everyone can relate to.

And ofcourse when one keeps on hating the "evil" it wont get him anywhere, then a negative spiritual spiral.

The next logical step is reacting on the situation, how could we improve all this. but for one can react the one must know the source of whats is wrong.

Less TV more Books..

Rest in Peace Jordan Case..
daytripper a dit:
have you guys thought of the possibility that being told what to think is part of human nature ?

Yes, and that gave advantage to the species of man, until we discovered we can lie.
113 grams of dried shrooms equals about 1130 grams of fresh right? Well I calced the physical overdose in mgs/bodyweight into mushrooms and it was right about 1,1kg. Either this dude managed to take a physical overdose or this article is full of shit and they were fresh. I suspect the last.
The incident happened in October, so it's possible he picked 113 grams of fresh liberty caps.
It's so very very sad, but looks to me that he didn't do very good preperations if he was able to "escape" his room.
It was however very very unnecissary to execute the poor soul :evil: