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Shrooms and Coffee

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Elfe Mécanique
Hi guys and women,

I haven't ate all day, preparing for my visit to mother universe tonight.
I go crazy and my stomache is roaring constantly and asks for food!

To stall the feeling I am drinking coffee like crazy and smoking cigarettes like crazy.
Is it ok to do shrooms while on caffeïne?
I really had a lot of it today, my leg is shivering up and down and I can't stop it lol.
Anyone experience with this?
I have had experiences where I drank coffee before consuming the mushrooms and also drank coffee while on mushrooms. I am not sure how it works in high doses though. I would only have a cup of coffee before.

peace & love
My heart is really beating hard, maybe I should reschedule my trip? :s
if you don't feel at ease from not eating, eat something. Feeling comfortable is important, I think. Just for the next time :wink:
It sounds like you are fasting to have a bigger trip from limited ressources ?

Well having an accelerated heartbeat and metabolism is going to destroy your goal, it is not a good combination in my opinion, you want your heart to be relaxed if you are to use the mushroom as a spiritual tool, it's not a toy.

If you don't want to eat anything but still feel ok, you can drink a shake a good whey proteins or other proteins if you are vegetalian. This will not clog your digestive system , will be absorbed very fast and will give you sustenance during the trip.

Don't forget, tripping harder is not necessarly a better trip. You could be hallucinating madly and not being able to "keep" anything from the trip, or you could not reach the fabled hallucinogenic level but feel your hormones pulsating and have a lasting effect on your mood for weeks... your choice !
why so stressed? relax. get the false idea out of your mind that you cannot fast for a few hours without feeling hungry.
No no no I just fast because I want to feel the full experience.
Normally I fast 6 to 12 hours, now the entire day.

I started now with 40g fresh cambodian.
Will let you guys know (tomorrow) how it ended.
I started with a small portion, so I might double the dose.

See you tomorrow!
Thanks for all your insights guys!

And my heart is beating because of the coffee I guess, but I switched to water now!
See you tomorrow
Enjoy your flight and thank you for chosing Psy-lo-airlines!
And the trip is over!
Well it's still here, but you know how it goes....


I choose to stick to my 40g fresh cambodian...

The trip was short, brief but HECK intens!

Keep my eyes open for anything that can provide an answer.
What am I looking for? The creation!! (gonna give someone special kudos right after this post, because that really stunned me!)
Ahuaeynjxs if you are reading this, I'll quote you in a moment at the sun has stopped)

I must recon I am at this moment a "dumbfuck" ... But now that I see that I can change that

I felt for a brief moment I was gone, I don't know where I went but I totally forgot I was human! I really did!!!!
I don't know what I was, but I was not where I was standing I can tell you that!
It wasn't until I grabbed my face I remember me being a human

Me and my girlfriend had a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE fight two days ago, but today... I told her how much I love her! I can't thank her enough for everything. She gave birth to my angel and that is everyhting!

I looked at her with my magic pair of goggles and although her face went everywhere, they eyes spoke words I can not describe.

REading this all over again, you'll know... cambodia is worth a visit hahahaha
Cannafarmer a dit:
The trip was short, brief but HECK intens!

I have done mushroom trips with up to 120mg of ephedrine plus some caffeine, and I always thought they were most intense. Once or twice it ended in some kind of extreme mind-orgasm that was almost too much (felt a little like my brain would almost explode, but interestingly I couldn't say that was a bad feeling...). These trips never were the most spiritual, but I never really regretted it. Was a little different, but interestingly extreme ;)
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
*slaps forehead*

Your poor hypothalamus...


I can feel the shift of my metabolism due to the diuretical properties. Body elevates it's work through depleting nutrients in the blood.

Aldosterone is increased through drinking coffee and potassium and sodium is pulled out of the cells through the urge of urinating more. Which results in a faster absorption, a shorter but more intense peak and faster break down of the shrooms.

I had done this combo, my bloodsugar dropped noticeable faster which made the second half of such experiences quite heavy and sometimes it took efforts to think due to the lack of carbohydrates in the blood.

This is why a sufficient amount of coffee was appearently added to henbane by witches. To prevent inhibition of digestion and the inability to pee. The raised heartbeat was treated with a certain amount of high percentage alcohol. And lots of water to compensate dryness and help the metabolism to proceed.

However, while shrooms enlarge your veins, cafeine narrows them. The hypothalamus has gotten two signals to execute which are antipodal with each other.

THIS is why shrooms can treat migraines, they open the veins that have been narrowed thanks to the coffee.

And yes, weed can do a lot of goods to the veins if one has stopped with smoking nicotine.

If I'm doing opium before shrooms with high bloodsugar levels, the effects come on way more gradually, a less intense peak but the effects last up to 10 hours if I abstain from the toilet.
So if you go pee the trip will last shorter? :)

I also have another question.

You say weed is good for the veins?
Is that a fact? Do you mean smoking it or eating it?

I have considered stopping nicotine and to exclusively smoke cannabis.
But I only started indoors again. My next harvest isn't till the end of march at latest :(
I think next time you'd better just eat normally and don't do caffeine or tobacco the day of your trip.
Did 6g dry of the same shrooms a while ago.
First I did them fresh as you can read. But dry was something else.
So are dry shrooms really different, or was it just because I did a higher dose?
Anyway, the trip lasted more then 5 hours and kept peaking up!
Are they dry really better? I'm about to say yes!
Cannafarmer a dit:
Are they dry really better? I'm about to say yes!

Same with me. I think dried shrooms are better than fresh ones. Maybe because I take more (it looks less...). I don't know. It's been a long time since I took fresh mushrooms. They're certainly not worse dried!
'My heart is really beating hard, maybe I should reschedule my trip?'

Yes. Never go into it if you feel nervous. You should feel at peace with the herb. Knowing it'll be safe and you'll learn something from it.

If you're just nervous as a first timer, I'd smoke some cannabis about 7 hours before you try it. I wouldn't recommend smoking a bowl of weed, then eating shrooms. I only mix my cannabis with salvia. That's about it.

Anyhow. Good luck to you.