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Shroom and spores

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Goran.Hrsak
  • Date de début Date de début
Sporeprints, if well stored, can survive for years.

Some mycelium should be visible in under 7 days. If nothing happens for two weeks, it's best to make a new batch. The room's temperature is also a factor in the speed of colonization, so don't keep the poor things in too cold temps.
What do you think-is sterility dogma overblown.I make my cakes with only clean hands,water from waterline(some ionide and clor),and pots what ever I find-Never got infection to the first flush-then I was trying to give water directliy to micelium-one it get hsrd snd dry from indide even the best humidifiers cant help.But i whant to tell that its only need to be somewhat clean and everything will perfectliy be done fine.What do you think(if you ever try on your own) and for everybody on forum what do you think about that(primo have mussh growers at home. 8)
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
What do you think-is sterility dogma overblown.I make my cakes with only clean hands,water from waterline(some ionide and clor),and pots what ever I find-Never got infection to the first flush-then I was trying to give water directliy to micelium-one it get hsrd snd dry from indide even the best humidifiers cant help.But i whant to tell that its only need to be somewhat clean and everything will perfectliy be done fine.What do you think(if you ever try on your own) and for everybody on forum what do you think about that(primo have mussh growers at home. 8)

Yeah, it's pretty much exactly like that. If you don't get contaminants, whatever you are doing is enough.

Incidentally, I'm preparing a new batch of shrooms today. 6 jars of Psilocybe Cubensis Palenque to be exact. I hope they'll grow up happy and uncontaminated.

Random thoughts on sterilization:

It appears that the need for sterility is very much dependent on your geographical location and living conditions. Humid locations are probably more prone to having all kinds of non-wanted microscopic lifeforms crawling or floating everywhere, as are old houses, especially those built of wood. It also appears that the Americans are more prone to having their shroom farms contaminated than us lucky Europeans, which probably means that the continent is home to a wider selection of aggressively reproducing mold species than Europe. There are differences between areas of Europe as well. Some Finnish growers are very lax with their sterilization protocols and never get any contams, whereas a Latvian acquaintance of mine told me that he has never successfully birthed a contam-free cake.
Yeah latvians are a bunch of dirty bastards.. no wonder they can't cultivate shrooms properly.

(JUST KIDDING!!) :lol:
A lot is depending on the space you live in. I use simple household procedures to work sterile and have almost no contams. When I did the same for a friend at his house, half of the batch was infected with green mold, something I read can be persistent in old houses.

Sterility will become very important when you want to do mycelium selection to get the best out of your spores. I'm currently moving house and planning to build a sterile room with a HEPA flowhood for those kind of experiments.

I was told that when you wanrt to do that, you won't get away when you are slacking with sterility.
btw.. if I get spores on my shroom heads should i brush it off onto the ricecake or remove it completely?
c0sm1c_d4nc3r a dit:
btw.. if I get spores on my shroom heads should i brush it off onto the ricecake or remove it completely?

At least not on the ricecake. Mycelium that has spores landed on top of it doesn't tend to fruit so easily anymore.
So I should just collect the spores in a bag (or some sort of container) or just get rid of it? I just recieved notification per e-mail that my two large mex. cub. grow kits are on its way. So some helpful hints would be much appreciated. I read that the azarius manual isn't that thorough?! ;-)
c0sm1c_d4nc3r a dit:
So I should just collect the spores in a bag (or some sort of container) or just get rid of it?

If you want to collect and store spores I'd suggest you'd make a sporeprint. Collecting spores that have already landed is not an efficient nor a sterile way.
Ok. I'm a newbie to growing shrooms. I'm waiting for my kits to arrive and of course I want to get as many flushes I possibly can. :lol:

Sorry for the "20 questions" but ur answers lead to another question, perkele!! :twisted:

I collect the spore prints with normal paper from the shroom heads then? Argh.. I guess I'll google for some thorough answers. I bet u have more important stuff to do than answer silly Q's? :lol:

Eläköön Suomi. Finn power perkele!! :twisted:
c0sm1c_d4nc3r a dit:
I collect the spore prints with normal paper from the shroom heads then? Argh.. I guess I'll google for some thorough answers. I bet u have more important stuff to do than answer silly Q's? :lol:

Sporeprints can be made on different materials, but tinfoil (my personal choice) and cartonpaper seem to be most popular. There are couple of printing techniques described at shroomery.org, they oughta give you a pretty good picture of what printing is about.

And there's no harm in asking question, although initiativeness in searching information is of course always a good thing. But personally I don't mind answering. After all, forums are about conversation and trading information.
thx Viaticus. I have been doing some research about growing shrooms, reading forums mostly. But I think I'm covered. I have a buddy who has some xp in growing shrooms. But it doesn't hurt to get a 2nd and even a 3rd opinion right?! ;-)