Sewage reveals drug habits

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Glandeuse Pinéale
WHILE sewage is not something you can set your watch by, it'll certainly tell you when the weekend has arrived.

Last year Yves Levi and colleagues at the University of Paris-South found that Parisian waste water was awash with cocaine and its metabolites on Friday and Saturday nights (Forensic Science International, DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2010.04.007). MDMA, the active compound in ecstasy pills, was also present, though at much lower levels.

But things are different down under. This week the same journal has published the results of a similar study by a team led by Chang Chen at the University of Adelaide. They report a quintupling of MDMA levels and a 30 per cent rise in methamphetamine use in Adelaide at the weekend compared with midweek levels (DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2011.01.037). Cocaine maintained third place all week.

A UN report published in 2009 did not find such a big geographical disparity in cocaine use, Chen says. The report estimated that levels of cocaine use were similar in Europe and Australia, but Chen says the waste-water analysis suggests the drug is 30 times more prevalent in Europe.

Both teams hope their studies will inform campaigns against drug abuse. ... laide.html
yea cokes hard to come by and its way more expensive than other drugs here in aus
i think that explains part of this

its weird to think they're testing the sewage water to see the levels of drug use in society...
It is truelly shocking to think people are monitoring the sewage :shock:

I guess its just a step away from a camera down your toilet with chemical sensors that feed the data directly to big brother...
P.S. The toilet has added security, One must place thier thumb on a sensor for verification purposes and to unlock the lid....
hahaha too right
Damn, people use more drug during weekends, what a major scientific breakthrough §§§

(Hehe, just wanted to be a bit sarcastic, surely there's some valuable data in this)