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Seeds Germination,need help

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Trustafari
  • Date de début Date de début


Glandeuse Pinéale
So i have 5 big bang seeds and i want to know,what is the best so way for germination,should i put them directly in the soil,or i should put them between 2 wet paper towel for a 24 h.Last time i didn't have problems with putting them directly,but i guess professional opinion will be better.
put them directly in soil. use a seed/cuttings compost, or John Innes No.1. regular compost can contain too much fertilizer and slow down germination. its not always mixed very well either, so a seed may sit in an area with too much fertliliser which can burn the root or kill it. dont put them more than 1cm deep and keep them nice and warm.