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Searching the name of these LSD blotters

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion johnnyboygomez7
  • Date de début Date de début


First of all, sorry for my bad endlish, I don't know how to say some things in english, especially about drugs.

I got a LSD from a friend of mine and he said it is called "Black Shiva", but I can't find anything about a Black Shiva acid on the internet.

Here is a picture of 2 blotters:

Anyone got an idea of what is it? If the answer is positive, can you describe the effects of using it?

Thank you!

Oh, by the way, I am brazilian.
well, maybe they are the normal shivas? they look like it, but I'm not entirely sure if that tells you anything about them. if they are the same that I had they are probably 250µg+
idk anything about blotter names but i have deffinatly have seen that paper before, i didnt get a name on it though, but if it is the same, its really good very visual very euphoric like grade A acid made the festival worth going too lol