For SWIM, the clown is the personality of DMT. For SWIM, there's something very clown-like in the DMT experience when taken without harmala alkaloids. It's kind and yet very freaky, funny and sometimes completely ridiculous, but then serious at the same time. If SWIM was to paint DMT as a caricature, it would be a wild clown, with a huge smile on his face, very colorful clothes, wacky multicolored hair, and a slightly creepy look in his eyes. He'd be a very wise clown, but also a trickster. One who likes to play mind game with you to teach you things, and sometimes just have fun toying with you.
5-MeO-DMT, is like an alien skeleton clown, far more freaky, the type of clown that gives children nightmares. This clown enjoys messing with you, but is also very wise, and is an expert in things like infinity, timelessness, etc., and loves to freak you out by showing you things you cannot comprehend. He's not gentle at all, but very blunt. This clown doesn't smile, but has a painted smile on his face. He wears only black and white clothes in a checkered swirly pattern, like a warped checker broad. He wears a tall black hat with a white band on it.
LSD would be a mad scientist always on the verge of inventing perpetual motion, but never getting there. He's always in a rush, measuring chemicals, examining the universe, he has boundless energy, can't keep still, but he's is very forgetful. He can teach you how the universe works, but will forget what he's talking about half way through the conversation and start working on his perpetual motion machine again, forgetting all about you. He gets distracted all the time. This guy is probably one of the most intelligent of the bunch, but something's obviously not quite right with him. He keeps looking at his watch, and wondering why no time has passed, it's 12:99 on his nuclear powered watch and he needs some sleep, but drastically wants to finish his perpetual motion project before it reaches 13 o'clock. He's funny to watch, very humorous, but also quite the science nerb.
Mescaline would be an ancient wise Native American Indian Warrior who is also a shaman. A very friendly, but very powerful man. One who is fearless, brave, and very wise in the spiritual realm. Not at all a trickster or a clown or a scientist. This guy is very serious, but also full of passion. He knows all the details of the spirit of the sun, the moon, the planet, nearly all living things on earth, and he's very respectful. He loves having you as his apprentice, and is happy to help you out, but if you are disrespectful to him, his warrior side will scare the living crap out of you. For the most part he is gentle, but as a warrior, he's capable of turning off his emotions, and going into battle full charge willing to die in the middle of the great cosmic explosion if that's what it takes to save his tribe.
The mushroom would be an intelligent alien being. A very calculated mathematical being which is very good at predicting things in the future. He's got little emotion, and is very logical about things. He's not a warrior or a clown, but is somewhat of a scientist. This alien can clone himself, and has millions of clones all over the universe that all share each other's thoughts. He's a small alien, completely white, large black eyes, not creepy looking, gentle and a little slow about things. He's very patient, and doesn't mind waiting a trillion years to complete a study he's working on. He doesn't understand human emotion, love, or anything of that nature, but is very wise when it comes to the spirit world. But his wisdom of the spirit world is completely science based. He's got lots of machines he uses, he loves computers, technology, etc., and he especially loves genetic engineering, and is in fact a product of his own genetic engineering.
Yopo would be a wild jungle warrior, one who loves to attack jaguars at night as a sport. He lives off of the meat of the jaguar. He survives from day to day, and does not make calculated decisions, but likes to act on an impulse. He's very intelligent and quick. He loves surprise attacks. He's a little harsh, rough on the edges, buy once you get to know him, you find that he's actually a fantastic friend, very loyal, and very knowledgeable about the spirit world, especially the spirit world of dream consciousness. This guy has fought mythical dragons, been inside the burning sun and survived, has done it all, and still has that youthful wonder about life. He's been killed thousands of times and resurrected again and again as the same warrior. He wears war paint, has poison darks in his bag, short hair, and loves the night. He loves fighting in the rain with lighting striking down all over. He likes the challenge. He doesn't like things that are easy and will always take the more challenging path. He likes to push himself to the limits. He looks warn out, with several scars, but don't let that fool you. He's one of the best warriors in the jungle. He's the only warrior the jaguars actually fear at night.