Saudis behead 2 for smuggling cocaine

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA - The Saudi Interior Ministry says authorities have beheaded two Nigerian men convicted of smuggling cocaine into the kingdom.

Mohammed Qodous and Idris Abdul-Ghani, were convicted of smuggling the drugs by swallowing sachets of cocaine. The Interior Ministry says the beheadings took place Sunday in the Red Sea coastal city of Jiddah.

Saudi Arabia follows a strict interpretation of Islam under which those convicted of murder, drug trafficking, rape or armed robbery are executed in public with a sword.

Forty-two people have been beheaded this year, according to an Associated Press count.
At least they weren't mistreated in some shitty jail for an agonising long time.
But it sucks knowing that there have to be innocent people that were just convicted of a crime they did not commit.
All in the name of God, religion and justice huh?

sounds like they have to satisfy theyre thirst for blood and the mostly unneeded death of a peoples that could potentially be reformed if not handled so violently and shown only hate. anyway these so called "hadith" laws are really in the powers of the state (saudi kings,royals etc. elitists connections) and they use it to possess the conscious of the masses keeping them in line and under control while exploiting and manipulating their lifes, acting as though they are the good guys and moslems who put their faith in God when the only thing they put theyre faith in is their own evil self deluded illusitory and falsified identity maintaining their egos and seing theirselves as better than the rest of the peasants. They lie to their own people and do business with the americans against their own people. Sickening really.

Saudis and the Bush administration etc are tied in marriage (along with the bank owners and occultist ritualists) and they have been dealing and working together in all sorts of corruption from a long time ago, and its just a branch which facilitates the same sytem of global chaos; maybe more towards what george bush openly stated as the new world order
. I dont know about chopping peoples heads off with a sword but its the same as electricuting a body to death and to make a judgement wether to kill or save a life should not be dependant on one rich arab or a deputy sheriffs bias and evilly distorted opinion on wether that person should die for smuggling some cocaine etc. but rather from a gathering of those more consciously and intellectually aware of life and a desicion to be made with good morals and a code of honour maybe a bhuddist preast or a shaman leader; the guilty should be punished to learn a lesson and hopefully reform with guidance, help and support but to end his life on the spot and give no chance, to feel no mercy is RAW and really those that have no mercy will be shown no mercy. their past evils will reach back at them later to balance out the karma and cosmic order of the universe.

Its only a matter of time that people find out that Bush really doesnt go by the bible and neither do the Saudi's go by the Qur'an. These things are just tools whereby they hide behind and disguise theirselves, their corruption and and evils. to be accepted as truthful, honest and sincere when really they are a bunch of neo-globalist political propagandist masterminds. then they abuse the trust they have earned for putting on such a show! wow what effort. All in favour of elite disregard for human life -put your hands up. i rebel against this system and hope we fight them because this is a war, not against eachother, not for freedom of physical shackles but it is a war for the freedom of our consciousness and a fight to show our good human nature against such humans which disregard us as a being of life and rather see us in the sense of a statistic, a robot, programmed to live by the system, for the systems continuation into an ultimate paradoxx of some kind, im not exactly sure.

Bearing all these things in mind, we are all each individually responsable for ourselves, our own perception and how we conduct ourselves, to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery - Bob Marley, and reach for conscious spiritual awakening. I think also we who have "some" sort of insight and understanding need to reflect it upon others in an effort to regard other people as one as ourself and not to disregard or disvalue their life as if they are not human and do not have a conscious and do not feel emotions. Its just establishing good relations and collectively creating a positive charge/flow in life that people are not so inwardly dead but outwardly open to new and great things, ideas, concepts, ideologies, thought systems or matrix's etc. etc. and not divided and kept in the circle of hate from religion and opposition of political preferances or colour or language or any other delusion which we comfortable penetrate our selves as if it is a lethal venom, leading the societys rapid downfall. we need the antidote and im nearly sure by george that we have it.