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san pedro qeustion

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion dutchmarshal
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Glandeuse Pinéale
i never did a san pedro trip before.. but i read allot about it on allot of diff forums ect...

but my qeustion is about the size of the cacti..
and diff online smartshops you can buy san pedro cacti.., is a cacti of about 20-25cm big enough for a trip?
or does it need to grow first.... because that would suck..
dutchmarshal a dit:
or does it need to grow first.... because that would suck..

But it's a great opportunity to grow your own cactus and direct good intentions towards it. San pedro grows pretty fast (under good circumstances about 30 centimeters a year), so you won't have to wait long. I don't know how much you should take, though.
yea i know what u mean...
i allready have a peyote cacti...for a short time... and i am going to buy about 20 seeds for diff cacti growing..

but i am looking for a place where i can buy a cacti for 1 dose... and just see what's it like
I don't really know. You can try online smartshops or any smartshop near you, but the strength of these cacti is very variable. If you got very weak stuff you need 2.5 kgs to get modest effects. But this can already be too much if your cactus is stronger (higher mescaline %). (Based on info on erowid.org).
man ive started growing a san pedro myself and its so radical just knowing that you have this plant in your room that youre gonna grow then eat and trip out is an awesome feeling ive only had mine about a month now but its already grown a bit

as to how much you should eat im not too sure theres a headshop near where i live and it sells pre-cut pedro at about a foot long but ive never gotten a trip from that amount so im thinking you need more than that depending
You can buy cuts of San Pedro off of eBay, but as pointed out to me, the younger the plant the higher alkaloids in the cacti.
Relative, not absolutely.
thx for the info you guys
i'm going to buy 10-20 seeds)san pedro) or so soon ^^ so that if i grow them..i will surely have enough ^^

but as pointed out to me, the younger the plant the higher alkaloids in the cacti.
why are we actually growing them :P what about eating 2 baby's :shock: (cacti offcourse)
can aynone plz tell me what size cacti "aprox" i should buy for a good trip :S
because i really want to try this for about half 1 year now or so...
Eating 2 babies won't do anything. The alkaloid content is slightly higher relatively, when they're younger. It's not an absolute difference.

Same with shrooms.
A dose is suposed to be about the size of your forarm with fist . But content can vary . They grow very quickly when they are kept very warm = in the upper 30s centigrade . Best where there is a lot of light but not all day in direct sun light . Wich means you can grow one and cut the top of and get a dose and still have a cacti that grows and produces more . They are very easy to make cuttings of , just cut the top off and let the wound dry and then plant it . I think that hydrophonic growing is best as it seems to me to make the chance of rot very small . If you look in the foto gallery there is a picture of one lying down and growing in a tray in a cat toilet !!! The bit that is lying down is one dose .

You could also try looking here:- http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opt ... =san_pedro
i ordered my first cacti (Trichocereus peruvianus, 15-20 cm) from travellersgarden :D :D :D
i will keep it a while to let it grow a little more before eating it, my gluttony have caused me bad trips on the past with other psychoactives.
Its very hard to dose correctly. Last time we did about 7 kg san pedro for 7 people, I had a little bit more, lets say 1,3 kg. The trip was very nice, but I would have liked it a bit stronger (but I'm used to quite heavy doses).
It's allmost impossible to say how many 20-25 cm cacti you need, because i've seen 25 cm cacti weigh 300 g up to 1 kg.
You can also try to calculate the amount of mescaline, look up the average percentage mescaline for a san pedro, weigh the cactus, and do the maths. :wink: