Salvia illegal in California...for children

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
This is both bad news and good news. Bad news because any ban is regrettable, but good because this new law keeps the usage of Salvia legal for adults. If more states (and countries) will follow this example, it could be considered very good news.

Law restricts hallucinogen

No longer will children be permitted to buy a hallucinogenic drug that has been readily available in California.

Legislation to ban the sale of Salvia divinorum to minors was signed Tuesday by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Violators can be charged with a misdemeanor when the new law takes effect Jan. 1.

Assemblyman Anthony Adams, R-Hesperia, predicted that his Assembly Bill 259 will save lives and "prevent irreparable havoc on families and society."

"Whenever we can keep a dangerous hallucinogenic drug out of the hands of our children, we're doing something right," he said in a written statement.

Salvia divinorum, sold in tobacco shops and on the Internet, is produced from a Mexican plant used by Mazatec Indians for healing and ritual prophecy.

Users in the United States have reported effects ranging from relaxation and sensual pleasure to out-of-body experiences and frightening hallucinations.

– Jim Sanders, Bee Capitol Bureau
good news!!! an initiative against the stupid youtube salvia smokers
I like Arni .
an initiative against the stupid youtube salvia smokers
What's stupid about them? Why blame young kids for living the life they live (filming everything with their web cams, cellphone cams etc.)?
What I find peculiar is that none of the teenagers filming their salvia experience comes out with a useful insight. That says something about salvia I think.
I think it says everything about saliva . But turned around most people today dont get as much positive out of their drug experiences as they could if it were legal and they were taught how to do it positively . If they had good education and guides it would be much better for them .
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
What I find peculiar is that none of the teenagers filming their salvia experience comes out with a useful insight. That says something about salvia I think.

You don't get useful insights when you don't look for them, especially in the short time of effect of salvia. Teenagers who take mushrooms just for fun don't come out with more useful insights, believe me.
Hopefully this keeps salvia legal for a long time.

Salvia is never going to be a widespread drug. Most people still don't know what it is, and the few who try it generally hate it. It takes a lot of patience and trial and error to learn how it works for you. I think this strikes a nice balance with the actual risk the drug poses..

>Teenagers who take mushrooms just for fun

Perhaps that's why many only do it a few times, as soon as it becomes a bit challenging and no longer just fun they quit. Same with LSD.

I think the older you get the more you will get out of psychedelics. The more entrenched consensual reality is into your brain, the more these perceptions will be shattered. You just have so much more life and such a wider palette of memory to draw from. You will tend to use it more responsibly as well hopefully.. Just MHO of course and I'm sure there can be exceptions.
"I'm sure there can be exceptions."

Most people do it less the older they get , but not all . I know a guy whos about 70 now and he trips a lot . Also the people i`ve met who go to ayahuasca ceremonys tend to be upwards of 30 . I think the people who get a taste fore tripping when they are young stay with it . So do a lot of the people who dealt or people that mix in the crowds that do it . = Me and people who go to trance events / festivals .