Salvia highs on YouTube raise alarms

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JustinNed
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
ATLANTA — Concern about Salvia divinorum, a shamanistic herb from Mexico that some U.S. teenagers are using to get a hallucinogenic high, not only is spurring parents to have heart-to-heart talks with kids, but also has led some states to outlaw it.

A concentrated leaf compound that's usually smoked in water pipes, Salvia divinorum - known as “Sally D
that article made me sick... sick of this entire bullshit system. if we are the generation that is said to lead this world into another golden age, then why are the past generations, especially all the old men and women who hold a governmental position, still telling us what to do and when to do it and where.

i think we all need to stand up, and tell these people what to do.

all of us, every "psychonaut", "neophyte", and "indigo child" here, needs to stand up, and speak as one voice, one very very powerful, very LOUD, voice.

this is OUR world and WE need to take our respective positions.

WE need to set this world straight, EDUCATE the world so there becomes no point in drug abuse, so everyone KNOWS how to use many of these "god-given" substances for the purposes for which they were intended.

this reminds me of a great t-shirt i have somewhere buried in my closet.

God made weed, Man made beer... Who do you trust?

JustinNed a dit:
funny how we can all see the direct effects of prohibtion are All negative, but not one person in a position of power sees this.

All negative for us, all positive for the control-freaks who lead us. They see salvia as a threat, like mushrooms and LSD, because it is another drug that expands consciousness, that may help people learn to think for themselves, which is VERY dangerous for them.
this is the exact same problem we noted a few months ago (sorry, I couldn't find the thread)
We were already worried about those videos by those irresponsible kids. Now the government is onto it and we're being screwed again.

I still don't get it, who could be interested in watching those vids? there's nothing profound or interesting to see
Next thing you know, everyone's on water and bread only because some people freak out on color additives and place those vids on youtube
skrudge a dit:
I still don't get it, who could be interested in watching those vids? there's nothing profound or interesting to see

Same issue over and over again, people are ignorant, and the only thing they'll be interested to see will be this kind of videos as they'll confort them into the idea that salvia's users are stoopid kids wanting to show off on the web.
It can also be obtained via the Internet. Its easy availability and disorienting properties come as a surprise to parents and many lawmakers, who are asking why the U.S. government has not yet outlawed its sale.

Just ban everything! If you don't like it, fight for it to be banned! Fucking close-minded people, worried about themselves. Do they not understand that their is a good chunk of the population that uses psychoactive substances for spiritual purposes. Citizens, always thinking about themself, self-fish bastards!
a kind of distorted identity search,

Oh God, and TV is the right way to find yourself...??

[quote:bj1gif9y]What makes Salvia divinorum dangerous, experts say, is the nature of the 15- to 30-minute “trip,
wow...that must be real professional experts, who'd think of salvia being psychedelic???
Me. I think of Salvia as an incredibly powerful psychedelic. I've had some very powerful experiences on it, even more so than say mid dosage of mushrooms/shrooms.
She should be treated with respect.
there has to be a way of shoving the truth in everyones faces, so blatantly that the governments of the world have no right to restrict the usage of such natural powerful entheogens. if we dont change fast, we will lose our opportunity to bring this world back into the golden age it so desperatley needs.

technically speaking the US government is already against its own constitution, by federal law noone is allowed to limit or prevent the usage of ANY substance by individuals. the only thing that can be federally regulated is the commercial side of it. as far as personal consumption goes, it is unconstitutional to stop anyone from doing anything to their own bodies.

but then again, we all know the difference between should and is...

may we all awaken the link within us as the children of light, and return to the ALL.

may the halls of amanti glitter with the light of the world till the end of aeternity.
I don't feel that disturbed by kids uploading videos of themselves smoking Salvia. Because first of all everyone has the freedom to do and upload whatever they want (and the Salvia trip just happens to fit within a 10 minute YouTube vid). As long as the videos don't contain violence, I don't see any problem with them. Governments can't put a ban on Salvia on the basis of these videos, for they don't show accidents. Indeed everyone seems to come out of the experience unharmed.
Banning won't make substances disappear.

Yeah but Salvia will be extremly hard to get. Usually anyone who gets Salvia, gets it from the internet.
Lol, I read "Christian Science" and just started laughing! :D
the biggest load of shit since the invention of "god"