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Salvia + Grass = ?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
  • Date de début Date de début
i find smoking 2-3 hits of good weed before smoking salvia intensifies the salvia 100X. back in the day when i used to smoke salvia 5-10 times a week i would notice a huge difference if i smoked some green before.. at least put a small amount of green at the bottom of the bowl for a screen, and put the sal on top.

personally i dont advise ANYONE to ever smoke salvia... just because eventually your going to have the trip that you will never forget.. (not exactly enjoyable....)

but if you are going to do it, go big or go home!! :)
If you shift up with Salvia very gradually you can become great fuck buddies at a certain point. :P Plus, we are all loving ourselve, and masturbating over ourself in a certain way.

Keep going and you're all everywhere. That's the time I stopped. Still haven't picked it up since. But I'm already thinking about re-trying for about 6 months. But there's DMT, which is much more petite and delicious.

I'd have to say one is fairly brave if combining salvia with any synergetic substance.
i smoke salvia flowers with cannabis, not for the high of the salvia obviously, but because i believe the combination tastes really good and it keeps me from adding tobacco to the weed....
to get high off salvia you can't smoke it in a joint, you have to take it all in a bong rip ad hold the smoke 30 seconds minimum
wtf.. i never even knew that salvia grew flowers... are they more potent then the leaf?

i considered smoking salvia about a month ago when i was drunk... then when the bong bowl was packed i thought to myself WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING! am i fucking stupid? lol. then i decided not to smoke it:)

the more sal you smoke the lower your immunity to it gets.... (im pretty sure this is the only drug known to man that this happens with)

DMT on the other hand in my oppinion is MUCH better. it lasts about the same amount of time, but is MUCH more comfortable. it may be harded to find, but is definatly worth the wait. fuck salvia, you should stick with freebase NN-DMT. (or ayahausca)
Psyolopher a dit:
Im wondering....how is the combination if anyone has tried it?
like putting salvia instead of tobacco.

It's best not to.

Unless you want your soul being ripped from out your skull, then shoved in rotating plexiglass mirrors, which are strangely wallpapered an an eternity of the same image, then shoved right back into your eyes for the purpose of lifting everything you are about into your face, then-- no. Salvia is not for you.

I'd use Salvia alone. Adding Cannabis to it, or visa-versa, makes the feelings of Salvia longer, but the trip itself still goes away in 15-30 mins.

Salvia is not an appropriate substitute for tobacco. Try Kava Kava (Though it is addicting) or regular garden sage. Messing with Salvia D is like holding a gun without knowing how it works, or what to do with it.
I don't know why is everyone advising against it... but I've had GREAT times smoking a Salvia+Weed joint (with tobacco..but I never smoke weed without the tobacco anyway)

Take a usual joint .. and just add a fair amount of salvia (10~20x)to it (not too much) maybe 1/2 the amount of weed you put or something..

And the result is very similar to weed alone, but stronger and very very nice! Me and my friend couldn't stop laughing for like 25mins the other day .. and I mean non-stop .. total euphoria! haha

It's also a very nice buzz and I love the smell it gives to the smoke. It will last around 1-2hours from 1 joint.

And..this way, you do "NOT" experience the heavy mind trip that you get when smoking salvia on its own, just the buzz and euphoria.

Let me know what you think if you try it :)
Never mind what ochho said.
Salvia doens't induce euphoria, it induces disphoria. Read up on opioid kappa receptors.
"Unless you want your soul being ripped from out your skull, then shoved in rotating plexiglass mirrors, which are strangely wallpapered an an eternity of the same image, then shoved right back into your eyes for the purpose of lifting everything you are about into your face, then-- no. Salvia is not for you."

i love the way you have worded something so difficult to describe. excellent imagery Synith
Mr.Smith a dit:
"i love the way you have worded something so difficult to describe. excellent imagery Synith

Haha, thanks, mate.
Synith a dit:
Never mind what ochho said.

Why never mind what I said? Okay I made a mistake .. what I meant by euphoria was really intense laughing that is hard to control. I thought that was the meaning of euphoria (Sorry, English is my third language).

And I am just documenting the effects that I encountered when smoking Salvia+Marijuana.

Other than that, my opinion is really truthful, I am not looking to lie to anyone on an internet forum.

I'm sorry, but I see that some forum users are way too arrogant. If I made a mistake, correct me..don't bash me.

ochho a dit:
Synith a dit:
Never mind what ochho said.

Why never mind what I said? Okay I made a mistake .. what I meant by euphoria was really intense laughing that is hard to control. I thought that was the meaning of euphoria (Sorry, English is my third language).

And I am just documenting the effects that I encountered when smoking Salvia+Marijuana.

Other than that, my opinion is really truthful, I am not looking to lie to anyone on an internet forum.

I'm sorry, but I see that some forum users are way too arrogant. If I made a mistake, correct me..don't bash me.


It's understandable.

However, I'm saying it's best to not combine drugs at all.
Synith a dit:
It's understandable.

However, I'm saying it's best to not combine drugs at all.

I see what you mean by that, I'm not encouraging it.. I am just saying what I experienced the 2-3 times I smoked Weed+Salvia, since that was what the OP was asking about. :)
Thanks for great answers.
I've tried Salvia about 6-7 times before, I think the experience is profound.
And I really do think that salvia has less effect on you long term, then any other psychedelic substance.

So smokin it with weed in a bowl seems nice, if you wanna have your head blown out. Or some weed before smokin salvia.
But nevertheless, it doesnt seem to be like a good habit to have.

I dont do psychedelics or other drugs regularly anyway.
(ok maybe i smoke some in the weekends lol.)
^^someone's going to edit the post above, just a guess

I just smoked some salvia and I still don't like it. Had the most insane visuals on salvia a while back. Then my most horrible exp. when I smoked it in a big bong, never going to do that again.
I'm in the middle of my vacation right now and home alone so I got some time to try things. Smoked a bowl of salvia almost everyday this week but it feels awfull to be honest. Really was hoping to reach the bizar visual state but I'm to much of a chicken to take the big hits again.....