Salvia divinorum illegal in Germany

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Germany - On Feb 15, 2008 Salvia divinorum was added to Appendix I of the Narcotics Act, which will make it illegal to produce, traffic, or possess (see Salvia divinorum - Legalitätsstatus in Deutschland). The law specifies "Salvia divinorum (plant and plant parts)", but does not mention salvinorin A. The law is expected to take effect soon. (last updated on Erowid, Feb 21, 2008)


a real shame.
I didn't expect it to happen so early...
It's not like salvia plants are easy to recognize in a regular herbs garden... it'll live on easily.

Sucks for you guys, though. States is still mostly green.
i truly hate to have to take this position, but it has to be so: i was expecting it. and it was later than i expected it. now, after germany many countries will have to follow. i don't have any SD plant, and i never will, because i'm not so fond of it to the point of having a constant supply, but if any of you guys want to have after the "drought", start your orders!
Yeah, sad. Salvia is difficult to use properly and I highly doubt it will exactly be in demand once it is banned..

Fortunately it is extremely easy to grow and doesn't stand out, so if you are growing it just for yourself, chances of getting busted=nil...
man................ there should be laws for stupid people and laws for smart people.... i mean people who know what they are doing and can imagine the outcome or whatever.... or better: make laws for the stupid and let the other people alone ... plz....

BrainEater a dit:
man................ there should be laws for stupid people and laws for smart people.... i mean people who know what they are doing and can imagine the outcome or whatever.... or better: make laws for the stupid and let the other people alone ... plz....

Yeah well the only response to this i can think up is: "If only we lived in utopia."
so far Holland is the closest...keep it up Dutch people you are our only hope
don't let the Christians take you down

seriousl we should buy cheap land and make Psichonautia a land of our own...
ooh! that gave me an idea!
Something Dutch rapper Typhoon says in one of his songs sprung to mind:

Land en lucht hebben een eigenaar,
nog effe en ze heffen tol als je naar buiten gaat.

He's talking about the urge of governments to own everything. The two sentences above say:

Land and airspace have an owner,
it won't be long before they'll charge you when you step outside.

I can't understand why someone would tell someone else which plants he can and can't grow in his garden... god, it's insane! It must be the fear to loose control...

Of course this is nothing new, but I had to vent my frustration. O wait, I was supposed to be enlightened, just love and not let it affect me ;)
Too bad and too sad... really sad.
Salvia is the least plant that anyone could 'abuse' of, but it is a so powerfull exploration tool. I guess that sooner or later all european contries will do the same.
Arghh... What would become my lovely plants :cry: .
yahh...but remember: it's easier to make everything that puts the power of control under threat // is unknown to some extent illegal or to say it's KILLER and just make the ppl afraid of it .... so sad is this... :?
so far Holland is the closest...keep it up Dutch people you are our only hope
don't let the Christians take you down

Well, the last years almost nobody believe in christ. But there is a large older generation, and because of this generation we have a christian cabinet. And they have done a lot of harm, these last years. And it looks like, they trying to forbid everything that can opens your mind.

Damn, i don't want this, but i starting to hate these guys. Yesterday i had a bunch of Johova witnesses at my door. And if they come once, they will come again and again.

Next time, i`m gonna be really angry and i don't know what i`m going to do, but i`m done with these sick people, who look weard and are just scarry. Yes, i`m starting to hate these people, and that's not something i used to do.
