Salvia D. now Illegal in the Sunshine State (FL).

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Antikhristos
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The hallucinogenic herb law (HB 1363) makes Salvia divinorum illegal and puts it in the same class of controlled substances as marijuana and LSD. Possessing the herb, often sold on the Internet, will be a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, when the law goes into effect July 1.

The powerful entheogen is now considered a schedule I substance in Florida.

Awesome... f*** you very much Mr. Crist & Brandenburg.

sad. :(
How can Salvia be illegal under the same categery as LSD and Marijuana? I thought how it was made illegal was the way it worked on the brain. And a course, Salvia is very unique.

And a course, Salvia is very unique.

You can ask some people the difference between LSD and heroin and they wouldn't know it -.-
I am talking about the way that the active chemical in Salvia acts on the brain. It is unlike any other chemical found in any other psychoactive substance. That is why it was legal, and it still legal in many places around the world. It just doesn't fall in any category that other substances are listed in. This is why I am wondering why it is being categorized in the same list as Marijuana and LSD. From my knowledge of this fucked up drug laws, if the substance acts on a certain part of the brain, it is categorized with other substances that have similar actions. I believe they also categorized it on medicinal benefits. This is one fucked up world, that's all I have to say...

drug is drug. You've seen the kids on youtube, they were laughing, so they were happy, do you want a happy youth??? No! You want them to go to Iran for you, listen to your fucking propaganda and believe it.

sorry for saracsm...btw, didn't know there was a system in the war on drugs...
^^ It is so true, yet sad. Smoking a sacred, not in the youths eyes, substance is worse than killing an innocent person. Sick, sick World!

Also I am not sure if that is how the system works. I heard it somewhere and I wonder if it was true. If it is, then they are going against drug law regulations.

sick- that's the word. I am very very tired of all this propaganda bullshit. But I understand it. The system needs the drugs to be illegal. Imagine the whole nation being permanently stoned. = Peace, love, happiness. Who would want to make a career then? No one. So the whole system would collapse. Of course, this example also works for other drugs. People who are intelligent, think about how the world is built up, learning from trips and coming nearer to divinity aren't useful for the system. Fuck the system.
I dont think if drugs were legal and properly controlled that society would colapse or everybody would be permanently to stoned to do anything . Drugs are freely available now and society has relatively few problems with them . Them most drug problems come because of the illegality and it consequencys and bad education .
I am one of those people who use drugs and want peace, love and happiness. But I also want to be a 'productive citizen of society'. I want to contribute to this society, but not in the way most people think. Imagine a society with open eyes, a society that excesses towards knowledge, a society that integrates psychedelics into its culture, a society that is for the people. This is what we need to create. Fuck this corrupt system, why must it be here, honestly? There is no point. Everyone just needs to be true to who they want to be, and citizens of this society should be allowed to do what they want to do as long as it does not endanger the safety of others. We need to tear it down, and rebuilt from scratch. One fucked up place, it needs to change, soon!

This society is built up on exploiting others. Imagine there wasn't any China and Africa. The wealth of the western world lies on exploitation. If everyone needed insight this system would collapse. And every system defends itself.


I dont think if drugs were legal and properly controlled that society would colapse or everybody would be permanently to stoned to do anything .

I didn't want to say that...but the system fears it (I think)

want to contribute to this society, but not in the way most people think.

How do you want to contribute?
I want to make babys ......or at least practice a lot ......
I want to make a change. Open peoples eye to the meaning of living. People think living is working 9-5 Monday-Friday. I want to open peoples eye to the power and beauty of psychoactive substances. People are not living without these substances. It is part of the human experience, and everyone deserves at least one solid DMT experience.

I`m not arguing against what you said . I agree with it . But.....

"People are not living without these substances."

My way of saying that would be :- "Some peoples lives would be better if we all had free , responsible acess to these substances" . As all people dont need them , there are some people out there who live open , enlightened lives without them . But the chance would be a blessing for most people .