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Salvia and Cannabis.

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I'm considering smoking a bowel of each. My idea is: first smoke the dosage of cannabis which gets me high; second: wait about 5 mins for the THC to enter my bloodstream; Three: Smoke one bowel of Salvia EX 10 (Pure Salvia, not Purple Sticky) and enter the world on a cannabis trip.

My only concern is the effect of both mind-altering chemicals in my brain. I'm scared that something wrong may happen, or I'll have some mental breakdown.

So my question is: has anyone tried both Salvia and Cannabis in the same bowl, or smoked cannabis then Salvia? What where the effects? Negative, or Positive?
I didn't even notice the salvia after the cannabis.
Forkbender a dit:
I didn't even notice the salvia after the cannabis.

Which extract did you smoke/ingest? Salvia, I'm sure would have an effect if the right dosage is on your bloodstream; then again, you could not have done Salvia before, or not enough--- as the reverse tolerance thing is sometimes in play.
Who knows.
I know that.

I took pretty much the same amount of 5x as the two times before which made me break through.

I noticed some light sparkles, bodily feelings, but nothing special.
I have done that, and i don't can say that it influenced my salvia trip. Maybe because i where used to be stoned...
When I smoked salvia I always smoked some cannabis once I started landing so I came down to earth faster... that says it all.
I noticed that the salvia lasted way to long. It wasn't full blown salvia trip the whole time, but for about 2 hours I was still wondering what was going on. It was like a really intense Cannabis high, but has some unique qualities to it.

peace & love
I don't think it would make that much difference. Perhaps cannabis will make your thoughts race, so the salvia experience will be more mental, for example hearing salvia speak to you or doing a lot of (weird) thinking during the experience. Do you always enjoy the 5 minutes after smoking weed? Or do you really like the effects 20 or 30 minutes after smoking?
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
I don't think it would make that much difference. Perhaps cannabis will make your thoughts race, so the salvia experience will be more mental, for example hearing salvia speak to you or doing a lot of (weird) thinking during the experience. Do you always enjoy the 5 minutes after smoking weed? Or do you really like the effects 20 or 30 minutes after smoking?

I notice the strong effects after a few moments after I took a hit (on cannabis) for Salvia, it usually takes 30 seconds after one large hit off one bowl.
I have about 21 bucks or so, and Holy Smoke Salvia here costs around that amount for pure 10x; I'm, however not sure if I want to save the 20 for this week, or get some Salvia. I'll post back my experience if I decide to get some.
user_1919 a dit:
I noticed that the salvia lasted way to long. It wasn't full blown salvia trip the whole time, but for about 2 hours I was still wondering what was going on. It was like a really intense Cannabis high, but has some unique qualities to it.

I had something kind of like this.I was pretty high on cannabis with a friend and we decided to go into the woods. It was very dark and I couldn't see very much around me without using my cellphone as an improvised flashlight. I decided to take a big hit of Salvia, which is always 10x better in the dark...

And then I completely stopped existing. The darkness around me was the only thing that existed. I didn't think about anything because my mind did not exist, I kept observing the void in front of me until a light started dancing in front of my eyes, and for a moment and thought that light was the only thing that existed in the whole universe, then I heard a weird voice which woke me up. It turned out my friend was pointing his cellphone's light in front of my eyes and doing weird noises with his mouth (he was laughing at me basically).

Then we got lost in the woods, he was very high but he had to guide my every steps. I kept seeing drawings in my mind, for example an hybrid between a school bus and a bee, stuff like that which I compared to stickers on my brain. It was great basically.
Salvia and cannabis is a quite powerful combo but some people may consider it a waste as cannabis hide much of the effects of salvia.
I did it one time, that was really intense, that's what i did :
I smoked weed bowls first, i was quite stoned. Then i did a mix salvia/weed bowl, that had a good taste, good high, and then i chewed about 15 leaves during 30 minutes (that was hard but i was stone so i found it was fun ^^), and i had a nice and intense high, i think i'll try again later with more salvia and less weed, because with a lot of weed it's a little bit hard to remember everything ...
I got some salvia at one point this summer and me and my roommate mixed every bowl we smoked with it for about a week. Its definitely different than smoking weed alone but its nothing like a straight salvia experience. It seems like the weed kind of dulls the effects of the salv a little bit and makes it last longer. I've never been as depressed as I was the day after our little bender there though. My roommate too. Maybe it was just a coincidence but I doubt it. I generally have a pretty positive demeanor. Overall I'd say don't waste the salvia. Just smoke it straight and enjoy it for what it is.
One thing I just thought of:

at the time I tried combining cannabis and salvia I wasn't really experienced with cannabis yet. I had done it a handful of times, almost always with at least a few weeks in between. Maybe I would have noticed the salvia if I was more experienced with cannabis.
Yesterday I smoked a tiny bit of cannabis on the comedown from salvia, and it put me in a weird hypnagogic state for about half an hour, after which I fell asleep with very vivid (but not lucid) dreams... It might have to do with the fact that I was already a bit tired before the salvia (quite a mistake on my part, it made the trip feel very tiresome).
'Yesterday I smoked a tiny bit of cannabis on the comedown from salvia, and it put me in a weird hypnagogic state for about half an hour, after which I fell asleep with very vivid (but not lucid) dreams... It might have to do with the fact that I was already a bit tired before the salvia (quite a mistake on my part, it made the trip feel very tiresome).'

Cannabis on its own makes you tired. I've tried smoking a cigarette after the heavy effects of Salvia wash away. It's interesting-- the Salvia effect comes back, but it's different. There aren't visuals, and my body feels different than It does while Salvia is in my system. It's like an extreme nicotine rush. All you want to do is sit down and zone out for a while.
"Cannabis on its own makes you tired."

It depends what you smoke and how you smoke it .
'It depends what you smoke and how you smoke it .'

Time of day is also a factor. I mostly do it before I go to sleep, when I'm already a bit tired.