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Safe Or Scam = dead?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Le Roux
  • Date de début Date de début
Maintenance du serveur peut-être, depuis le temps qu'il n'y en a pas eu! :pidu:
Pareil pour moi =/
Il est 20:09 et safeorscam est toujours inaccessible.
voila ce que j'ai trouvé :

They say:
What's this?
Approximately on 8th July 2015, SafeOrScam stopped working. Apparently, as stated on the internal frontpage, hundreds of accounts were compromised, including administrator accounts. Days later, the administrators of SafeOrScam confirmed the case on the internal frontpage of the website. As they do not know the identity of the attackers and, as a result from these events, they probably decided to discontinue the service.
Features of ScamLogs
Contains the last rating of an extensive catalog of vendors existing on SafeOrScam (excluding the comments). One of the creators of this website had backups of his personal sitelist of SafeOrScam. This list was imported to the system, together with the latest ratings, updated up to 7th July. Developed by IT security professionals. By users for the users. Security and Privacy is important to avoid future security breaches on an essential service that's so commonly used by the entire community. More exciting features to come in the next days...

Je suis sur tablette, pas évident de traduire pour les non Anglophones désolé :?
Merki Calat ;)
Bon ben les gars il vous reste plus que votre bite et votre couteau pour trouver un bon shop^^
Ou d'aller fouiner un peu sur les bons subreddit, ca reste une source d'infos interessante pour recueillir des informations sur les shops. :)
C'est bien ce que je viens de dire, la teub et le couteau, et un peu de chance....
Exact. La majorité des votes a ete conservé et seul les commentaires ne le sont pas.

Plus de peur que de mal donc, même si il existe bien d'autres moyen de connaître la fiabilité d'un Shop :)
Pas sûr...

Reddit a dit:
They say:
What's this?
Approximately on 8th July 2015, SafeOrScam stopped working. Apparently, as stated on the internal frontpage, hundreds of accounts were compromised, including administrator accounts. Days later, the administrators of SafeOrScam confirmed the case on the internal frontpage of the website. As they do not know the identity of the attackers and, as a result from these events, they probably decided to discontinue the service.
Features of ScamLogs
Contains the last rating of an extensive catalog of vendors existing on SafeOrScam (excluding the comments). One of the creators of this website had backups of his personal sitelist of SafeOrScam. This list was imported to the system, together with the latest ratings, updated up to 7th July. Developed by IT security professionals. By users for the users. Security and Privacy is important to avoid future security breaches on an essential service that's so commonly used by the entire community. More exciting features to come in the next days..

Il y aurait eu un piratage de SoS, et personne ne connaît les intentions de ces personnes. Il y a de fortes chances que ce soit pour permettre à des vendeurs qui étaient bannis sur SoS de vendre leur merde tranquillement, ou alors c'est un "pot de miel"... :paranoid:
Dans les 2 cas, méfiance...

OpieBot a dit:
So SoS gets hacked and taken down and then this site pops up all ready to go? Someone just happened to have logged all the vendor ratings from SoS?

I highly suspect the people running this site are involved with sabotaging SoS and likely used scanning tools to grab their vendor database.
You seem to be plugging it in multiple locations. Seems really sketchy. Watch out people.

Roironsteroids a dit:
So anyone is able to register on ScamLogs? Of course that's pretty much the only thing they can do right now, but that also invites every scammer on this planet and makes reviews incredible hard to take serious.
Bin, à nous tous, on pourrait pas tester les scams que chacun connaît et vérifier les bons?
Sans nommer bien sûr ici, mais juste signaler si c'est deconnant ou pas.
Moi j'ai trouvé un peu incomplet, mais rien détecté d'anormal. ...Ceci dit j'ai essayé que des sites fiables,auc un scam.