Russian state TV suggests USA involved in drug-trafficking

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How many % increase in OPIUM prod. since US invasion?

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Glandeuse Pinéale
Russian state-controlled Channel One TV has broadcast a report containing allegations that US forces are involved in drug-trafficking from Afghanistan to Europe. It also highlighted the problem of drug abuse in the British army.

The channel's weekly news roundup "Voskresnoye Vremya" on 10 February noted that, according to the UN, the amount of opium being produced in Afghanistan has more than doubled since the coalition troops entered the country. reports>>>

The Afghan trade in opiates (92 percent of total World production of opiates) constitutes a large share of the worldwide annual turnover of narcotics, which was estimated by the United Nations to be of the order of $400-500 billion.

The LAST YEAR BY THE RULE of the so called TALIBAN the was only 185 tons. 2006, after a few years by US/British forces the production has SKYROCKETED!!! And that is the POLL QUESTION TODAY>>>

How many % increase in OPIUM prod. since US invasion?

PLEASE!!! Also check this eminent source if information regarding this issue>>>

Source: ... cleId=3294
This isn't a poll, this is a quiz :lol:
Damn :smoke:
1. where do i vote?
2. this doesn't surprise me
3. Why do you think Communist Russia invaded Afghanistan and why did USA sponsor the Talibans to take power? and why after the Talibans started the war against USA the USA decided to suddenly bring their Democracy and Freedom?
Answer: afghanistan is both rich in Petroleum (this actually is not true, but if you control Afghanistan you control the movement of petroleum through the asian continent) and Opium
you control Petrol=>you control the world's energy
you control Opium=> you contol the world's pharmacy
(this will be true until people will stop using oil as an energy resource and Opium as a precursor for all the legal addictive drugs and anaesthetics)
EDIT: this site is a tricky bastard it gave me the opportunity to vote only after i posted....
I bet 1500%
(can't view the video at my work)

Funny title for our German friends :mrgreen:
"The channel's weekly news roundup "Voskresnoye Vremya" on 10 February noted that, according to the UN, the amount of opium being produced in Afghanistan has ..............MORE THAN DOUBLED......... since the coalition troops entered the country. "

= more than a hundred percent but less than 333 percent , OR ????? WHAT DO I WIN ??????

"Funny title for our German friends " -

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Deutsch , WO ?????? Je ne comprends pas ??? ik begrijp niet ???
GOD a dit:
"Funny title for our German friends " -

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Deutsch , WO ?????? Je ne comprends pas ??? ik begrijp niet ???

(should be ficken ins Deutsch, but hell, I've got a great imagination :P)
man, "they"re getting more clever

...using an oil conspiracy to cover up the real one

in italian + german it is nicer, space!

tra ficking


tre ficking

Russian state-controlled Channel One TV has broadcast a report containing allegations that US forces are involved in drug-trafficking from Afghanistan to Europe. It also highlighted the problem of drug abuse in the British army.

What Russian tv says is (as much as I do believe this) pure propaganda. I receive an international Russian news channel (in English) through digital satellite, and it is really sickening. You only have to watch it for five minutes, without even knowing the circumstances, and you know it's pure propaganda for Putin. They are so blunt with their "we're the best" statements, it is just *barf*
" do medical opiates (like morphine used in hospitals) come from afghani poppies?"

No . But it would be the answer to the problem . The governments of the world are trying to help their own pharmseutical industries , keep Afghanistan down and keep the world opium / heroin trade going . The Afghanis have no choice , trying to get them to stop growing poppys and trying to get them to grow other products that there is no market for is somewhere between very stupid and cynical . Even if there was a market for the alternative products they would not get anywhere near the same price and could not live from their harvests .

"traficking "

Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !

"I receive an international Russian news channel (in English) through digital satellite, and it is really sickening. You only have to watch it for five minutes, without even knowing the circumstances, and you know it's pure propaganda for Putin. They are so blunt with their "we're the best" statements, it is just *barf*"

Good point , that channel sounds the same as CNN and the BBC .But is it the same Russian channel ? , and is this report bullshit ? I remember a few months ago the Amis opened a motorway bridge , to help Afghani trade and their economy ............................ on the main heroin / opium smuggeling route out of Afghanistan .
I often watch russian news in russian and believe me, there's as much propaganda and shit as in other national news. It does not differ from american or latvian always sucks, it's meant to
Democracy = freedom? The media speaks the truth? Bullshit!
tryptonaut a dit:
Russian state-controlled Channel One TV has broadcast a report containing allegations that US forces are involved in drug-trafficking from Afghanistan to Europe. It also highlighted the problem of drug abuse in the British army.

What Russian tv says is (as much as I do believe this) pure propaganda. I receive an international Russian news channel (in English) through digital satellite, and it is really sickening. You only have to watch it for five minutes, without even knowing the circumstances, and you know it's pure propaganda for Putin. They are so blunt with their "we're the best" statements, it is just *barf*

YEah, I agree that it's a lot of propaganda everuwhere. Now, more than ever, I beleive. Still, dosn't take away the fact though that many sources report the same thing.

That Afghanistan has become a gigantic goldcalf for the massive western imperalistic forces of WAR.

And American and British forces for instance have orchestarted the biggest genocide in modern history! ANd the information is just coming out...

Top US Lawyer And UNICEF Data Reveal Afghan Genocide
The United States invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 with the ostensible excuse of the Afghan Government’s “protection
HappyMind a dit:
Democracy = freedom? The media speaks the truth? Bullshit!

hi there! I agree!

Thats why we're doing this. Ehh... Where did you get that picture from? Do you know who made it? Is it possible to use it?

This was already clear to me when the US decided to go to Afghanistan to get the supposed leader of the guys that supposedly blew up the WTC.

One of the arguments we saw on Dutch television was that aside from getting the supposed terrorists, we would fight a drug war there, battling the opium production.

It was already on Dutch national news a year ago that the opium production had increased. The numbers where higher though, if I remember correctly, they talked about an increase of a factor five since 'we' where there, as opposed to when the Taliban ruled..

But really does this surprise anyone? I mean its a well documented fact that warships from the US returned from South America filled with illicit drugs. Its a less documented fact that the US government was primarily responsible for the crack problem in some major cities by dumping unheard of quantities of cocaine on the US market.

It's naieve to think that governments are not involved in drug trafficking.
I mean its a well documented fact that warships from the US returned from South America filled with illicit drugs.

It's naieve to think that governments are not involved in drug trafficking.

I have been looking for a reliable source for info like this.. not specifically south america but drug trafficking by governments all over the world. I wonder if this is actually well documented, and who 'really' knows about it and who is kept in ignorance. It can't be that easy to find factual reports with sources that uncover these practices?
can you tell me where i can find it?
"I have been looking for a reliable source for info like this.. not specifically south america but drug trafficking by governments all over the world. I wonder if this is actually well documented, and who 'really' knows about it and who is kept in ignorance. It can't be that easy to find factual reports with sources that uncover these practices? can you tell me where i can find it?"

Yes . Try to get information about an American professor called Alfred W.McCoy and his work . He has written several very good books about the subject all of wich he documents with oficial American government papers . One of them is called "The politics of heroin" , published by Lawrence Hill Books . ISBN1-55652-125-1
This has some interesting read as well:

An August, 1996, series in the San Jose Mercury News by reporter Gary Webb linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s. Webb's series, "The Dark Alliance," has been the subject of intense media debate, and has focused attention on a foreign policy drug scandal that leaves many questions unanswered.