Ritalin and Cocaine Have Identical Effects on the Brain

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
New scientific studies bring about a new wave of concern about the safety of commonly-used drugs, as it seems that, oftentimes, their effect on the brain is not fully understood. For example, a recent investigation shows that Ritalin, a drug prescribed millions of times per year in the United States alone for the treatment of diseases such as the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), has the same effects on the brain as regular cocaine use, especially on the reward regions of the cortex.

The new study, conducted on unsuspecting lab mice, further shows that, at times, the effects of Ritalin are roughly the same as those of cocaine, which should be a major concern for parents treating their children with the drug. The investigation team, based at the Rockefeller University, has revealed that methylphenidate, the active ingredient in the ADHD drug, has long-term effects that often overlap with those of cocaine .

Methylphenidate can have structural and biochemical effects in some regions of the brain that can be even greater than those of cocaine. Further studies are needed to determine the behavioral implications of these changes and to understand the mechanisms by which these drugs affect synapse formation, RU senior research associate Yong Kim, co-author of the new study published in the February 3rd edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, says.

RU Vincent Astor Professor Paul Greengard, the head of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, has also co-authored the new paper. The team has studied the behavior of lab mice, which have been injected with either cocaine or methylphenidate for two consecutive weeks. Once the trial period concluded, the investigators have focused their questions on the effects of the two substances on neurons.

For most of the conclusions, Ritalin has behaved in very much the same way cocaine does in the brain, on account of the fact that they are both psychoactive substances, and, as such, have similar effects. In some cases however, the methylpenidate has revealed a stronger impact than that of cocaine, triggering, for example, a higher level of protein expression in certain parts of the brain.

This research is very important for the health of American children, and parents need to check their babies' prescriptions for this drug. Furthermore, while the researchers say that further studies are required, they do not mean that they might come up with a different result. They simply suggest that they will repeat the experiment and notice the exact effects of Ritalin on the brain.
" Ritalin, a drug prescribed millions of times per year in the United States alone for the treatment of diseases such as the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), has the same effects on the brain as regular cocaine use, especially on the reward regions of the cortex. "

'ADHD' is not a 'disease' of the brain. There is no existing test that shows evidence 'ADHD' is a disease of the brain, yet the bio-psychiatric establishment makes out that is so mainly through rhetoric, and advertizing!
makes sense, they are both white.
not surprised
Zezt you are right.
I'll be allright taking 40 mgs some time when otherwise not ever taking ritalin right? :roll:
Still have some lying around :P
The fact of weather somthing is a disease or not has nothing to do with advertisments . What is called ADS and / or ADHD is seen as a problem and is "treated" with amongst other things Ritalin wich is advertised .
Thanks GOD, I've been saying this kinda shit for over 10 years now!
I always thought it was more similar to speed, but cocaine sounds much more elite.
GOD a dit:
The fact of weather somthing is a disease or not has nothing to do with advertisments . What is called ADS and / or ADHD is seen as a problem and is "treated" with amongst other things Ritalin wich is advertised .

"MM: One noteworthy phenomenon you document is the marketing of pharmaceuticals to children.

Petersen: The companies are creating cartoon characters and giving kids free gifts. They’re trying to reach young consumers who may go on to take their medicines for decades.

For instance, AstraZeneca has created a creature named Pulmi. He kind of looks like a frog. He’s animated. He looks like he could be a character in a Disney movie. And the kids can go online and watch funny videos of Pulmi dancing and blowing his horn. He’s advertising a drug for asthma called Pulmicort. He’s also making drugs fun for kids.

This type of promotion is very dangerous because it can mislead children and their parents into believing these drugs are safer than they actually are.

Kids don’t buy drugs, but they’re very persistent. If the child has asthma and the doctor thinks a drug other than Pulmicort might be better for the child, the doctor might be up for a fight.

MM: The industry has also created or expanded markets for drugs for kids, notably to treat Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Petersen: ADHD is a condition defined by certain behavioral symptoms a child displays.

What the drug companies have been able to do is sell more of their medicines by marketing the disease. They’ve promoted the disease to parents, taught parents about it through their websites and by handing out brochures in schools and through doctors.

At the same time, they now aggressively advertise drugs like Concerta and Adderall for ADHD. You can open up Ladies Home Journal and see ads for these drugs tucked in amongst the ads for cold cuts and cereals." http://www.multinationalmonitor.org/mm2 ... ersen.html

ADHD 100% Total Fraud
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 2422318032

The ADHD Fraud: How Psychiatry Makes "Patients" of Normal Children http://www.trafford.com/4dcgi/view-item?item=9628

There is no existing test for so-called 'ADHD' yet millions of children are diagnosed with it, and are pushed harmful drugs.
I THINK you are saying same thing GOD?

Hope so.
"The fact of weather somthing is a disease or not has nothing to do with advertisments . What is called ADS and / or ADHD is seen as a problem and is "treated" with amongst other things Ritalin wich is advertised ".

I am saying that there is a percieved phenomenen that is "treated" witrh ritalin . I´m not saying if or if not there realy is a problem .

Personaly i think that most of the cases that are diagnosed as being ADS / ADHD are false diagnosies . That ritalin is no real help for the percieved diagnosis and that its fashion with extremely many doctors to throw ritalin at people diagnosed with those problems .