Reid Vows to Get Tough on Drug Users

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Dr. Leospace
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Dr. Leospace

Alpiniste Kundalini
United Kingdom - DRUG users caught in possession of as few as five ecstasy tablets or enough cannabis for just ten joints could face up to 14 years in jail for dealing under proposals being considered at Westminster.

New Home Secretary John Reid is looking at tough thresholds on the amount of illegal substances classified as merely possession rather than intent to supply under the latest anti-drugs legislation.

The move is a radical U-turn from his predecessor but one in the job David Blunkett, who 18 months ago took the decision to reclassify cannabis as a Class C rather than a Class B drug and recommend it to the police that being caught with small quantities of the drug should normally be dealt with by confiscation and an informal warning.

But now Dr Reid has drawn up Draconian guidelines which will apply to the whole of the UK.

For cannabis resin the limit would be cut to five grammes compared to the committee's original suggestion of 133.

Cannabis leaf would also have a five grammes threshold compared to the initial 500 grammes.

For ecstasy the limit would be five pills against ten while the limit for amphetamines would be 14 grammes in line with the committee's original proposal.

Possession of cocaine, heroin or crack cocaine would be just two grammes against seven.

Source: Scotsman (UK)
Copyright: 2006 The Scotsman Publications Ltd
Thisa is the kind of wishy washy policy makling that undermines every attempt at creating some sensible solution to the drugs issue.
One year there's a step in one direction, the next year all gets reversed. No wonder people don't put much weight on the utterances from the poliiticos.

Never mind the actual issue at hand, the fact that the society keeps oscillating between two nearly identical situation just wastes money and does nothing to actually resolve the issue of senseless prohibition and its consequences.
jilola a dit:
Thisa is the kind of wishy washy policy makling that undermines every attempt at creating some sensible solution to the drugs issue.
One year there's a step in one direction, the next year all gets reversed. No wonder people don't put much weight on the utterances from the poliiticos.

Never mind the actual issue at hand, the fact that the society keeps oscillating between two nearly identical situation just wastes money and does nothing to actually resolve the issue of senseless prohibition and its consequences.

Totally agree, their drug policy is based on incidents amplified by the media instead of reason and scientific research. They make laws but do not look at the actual situation, at what is happening in the society.