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Red Cannabis Strain?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Synith
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I saw a photo a while ago which showed a blood red blooms on a Cannabis nug. I was wondering if anyone knew which strain it was.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much. It was Caramella.

I have yet to smoke this strain. (:
sorry . not sure to understand what you said :

you have seen a picture , the picture of a Weed seed , the weed seed colors "marron foncé" with little ..."nervures / nerf / trait /trace fine" red colors

( it usualy the sames "motifs" but in black , and the seed here , itd red ?)

en francais :
tu as vu une photo d' une graine de cannabis , elle etait de couleur ordinaire Mais , dessus tu as vus des nervures , comme les veines , de couleur rouge sang.

i have seen this weed seed 1 time in madagascar (but "rouge foncé" ) and and other time were i leaved .
they are "specials" in color and "skin" , but it give just a plant of Good stuff , "gout fruity" but no magic ..
"Zamal" with piper smell same as "indian sharas" , is for me better stuff than this seeds :)

as soon as possible when i fall (si je tombe ... )/is i drop , if i meet it again i 'will remember keep it and post picts of them .

hello Dr_Oogie
Synith was referring to the color of the flower pistils. Caramella pistils are a striking red colour. Caramella is well named - toffee apple red pistils and a distinctive caramel aroma

okay sorry , i had not understand ..

its give me Hungryyyyy

Yes i' ve seen yet this stuff 1 or 2 times , but unlike seeds, i dont know where it's come from this stuff.

in french we have give it the name " Fil Rouge " (probably for colors of "étamine" ) , and the majority of french people says ( i dont know if it's true or just an urban legend) this stuff come from martinique / guadeloupe .....

but the pics ... Donne trèg faim . hophop , go "craft" my "spliff"

Thanks for reply

copier coller of a forum who speek about of differents species of weed , we use to grow . there is the same bud you've shown me .

It's speak about " Zamal" , the local name of the weed on reunion Islandalut
le zamal, en fait c'est la majijuana sativa indica,

"elle est cultivée en exterieur, intérieur ça existe pas ici.

il y a plusieur variété, mangue carrotte, filament rouge, filament rose, qualité poivre... certaine on parait il disparut
je suis allé à amsterdam, bien sur dans un coffee shop, et je t'avoue que j'ai été un peu dessus, je préfère 1000 fois la réunion au niveau prix et au niveau qualité."

I think you speak about "fil rose ou "fil rouge quality ..

the quality "mangue - carrotte " was named like this for the smell .. whith the time , people who grows Weeds , have understand (!!!) when you plant (planter , enterres) your Zamal plant under , fruity tree (name of fruit is "Mangue") , it give to the weed , colors of "carrotte" orange , and the smell of the fruit "mangue"..
but this is not a legend , i'm not able to explain Why in english , only in french , but its the consequence of , compound was synthetised by "mango tree" roots , in the earth..... too difficult english . sorry

that is mangue carrotte stuff . not visualy impressionant , but i (trouve / je le sent) ... it give me un "fucking buzz" i'm rolling several hours (i dont smoke lot of ... ac' est pas celle la ma drogue ><)


the forum who speak about (french sorry , lot of divergents advices , but fucking stack of noobs whos speak shitty :) )


lol Okay i think i'll go to stop to polue your forum, with this abominable english level
Mango too is a very red strain :)
and smokes GREAT!
it also has red hair :drool:
Mr.Smith a dit:
a good plant, caramella
yes indeed Mr. Smith

Redbeard, Dutchman's Royal Orange. Nebula (more a cinnamon colour)
Caramella has a toffee apple smell when growing, so i hear
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