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Red and swollen lips after a night of Xtc/Speed.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Djones
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Glandeuse Pinéale
Lately I'm having red and swollen lips the next day, after a party night of Xtc and speed.
Is this due dehydration or has really got to do with the drugs itself?
It's because when all your muscles tense when you're high, you also start to lick and bite your own lips and make strange jaw clenching movements. The next day you are sober and then you start to feel what you've done to your lips.
Haha, that bring back good old times. When I used to take e and I was still living at home I had to convince my parents that I was not beaten up at this party I went to the night before.

There is only one way to minimize this just by chewing gum, then you won't chew that much on your lips. It can be terrible this friend of mine once did a lot of e en her lips were like big "zulu" lips for at least a couple of days.

We al thought it was very funny but she didn't of course.

Also what you can get from a night of e is these blisters in your mouth, don;t know what they are called in english but in Dutch its : "aften". They can hurt like hell and can even make it difficult to eat, but perhaps this is just me and I used to take it a bit too far sometimes.
Rutger a dit:
Also what you can get from a night of e is these blisters in your mouth, don;t know what they are called in english but in Dutch its : "aften". They can hurt like hell and can even make it difficult to eat, but perhaps this is just me and I used to take it a bit too far sometimes.

I have had blisters in the back of my mouth also after MDMA or Speed. I think this is because you suck alot on your own tongue/cheeks when you're high. This causes a sort of vacuum in your mouth, wich causes these blisters.
After I discovered it was caused by this, I didn't have the problem anymore. 8)