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Recommendations on what to take with ketamine

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Mcrachierach
  • Date de début Date de début


I have used ketamine for a great deal of research into intuiting future technological and spiritual growth for humanity. I find that ketamine is an excelent tool for seeing the future of the human imagination. I would like to adjunct ket with some other psychedelic to see if the powers of ket can be augmented. Does anyone have theoretical experience with ketamine and other psychedelics?
try nitrous, it brings the whole thing to its apotheosis :D I've heard of people taking lsd with it, I have no experiences on that one though.
Hi men ,

I was an usual special K user , as LSD...

If you want to enhance your K experience , yes you can Taking LSD before , it works very well, but WARNING !!!!

those drugs are at my knowledge , two of the strongers " synthetic " hallucinogens , so be sure of what you do !

and as I often say : it's not a game...
Yes, I agree with the above haha. I have taken k with lsd many... MANY times. LOL

It is honestly just a bizarre just... It will take you on a journey lemme tell ya. Once I did that and then took a hit of some (im guessing) low quality DMT. And jeez.. Just uh.. Go easy at first because it can get too intense if you let it
Swim's favorite combo is to take MDMA wait two hours eat Mush wait another 2-3 snort about 250 mg of k. Beware! It is pure joy, but not for the weakminded 8)
Ketamine goes very well with MDMA. I always enjoyed 50 - 150mg doses of Ket on the peak/comedown of MDMA, with lots of herbals of coarse. ;)
I tried ketamine with nitrous oxide a few times and it felt a bit like a mini DMT trip for me, really really awesome.
Also LSD with ketamine is pretty nice.
Or the combination of these three all together (but I think you must have got some experience with ketamine and psychedelics in general to use this one because it's really intense) so ketamine + lsd + nitrous = "What the fuck just happened?"
Mind you that a combination with these things is pretty serious, and not "just for fun", so you should be VERY careful with it.
Adding a really small dose of 2c-b with it is also a mindblowing experience, but I only tried that once.