What IS YOUR opinion about REALITY PORTAL, part 2?!!

  • Well, well, well... It's getting better...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's even worse than the first part.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Lennon would have been proud.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It feels like I've been there now. And I will go 2008!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I fell asleep after first 10 minutes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Crap, crap, crap!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • One of the warmest most summerlike docs I ever seen.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It even made my grandma wanna go to a rave.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If you keep up this good work. The project will rock the world!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Better than anything Michael Moore could have done.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Nombre total d'électeurs


Glandeuse Pinéale
Here is the next part of the REALITY PORTAL evolved awareness documentary.


Follow us on an adventurous explorative journey to another world. A Psychedelic Portuguese Paradise Party.

60 minutes packed with Passion, Party & People.
Summer Sun Sensations...

Meet cavemen, people living in the djungle as well as hippies, ravers, DJs and psychedelic WIRED & N.Y TIMES journalist Daniel Pinchbeck. ... &plindex=6
I watched it and i liked the festival land , the tents , buildings , creations and deko . BUT it could have been better if the guy who made it would learn a bit more about making a video , about how to get his message across and did less trying to pick women up , look at tits and let people talk crap about things they dont understand . Lao tse said the more talking and thinking the further from the truth , and i was thinking mainly about the plastic people , posers and consumers , especialy about the woman with the crystal skull toy and the crap she was talking . There was obviously not enough good acid there , if you have ever been to a greatfull dead concert you would understand what i mean , " people dont talk they are " . There wasnt enough music and dancing , thats what its about .....Trance ....dancing yourself into a trance and forgetting all the posing and mind games . Ego death and not ego wanking . Boom is realy about the nights when everyone comes out of themselves and dances like one big tribe , a psychedelic family , not about the half dead people hanging around all day . The last time i went to Boom was in 98 and there were not so many "profesional cool people " there , now it seems to have died like Voov and become a collection of people who are playing pantomime , bad copys of bad copys of pseudo alternative "hippys" in their mode uniforms . Allthough it didnt look as syphylised and plastic as burning man has become . I didnt see anyone who was obviously tripping or on ecstacy .

The guy who was interviewed at the end was cool though but even he looked a bit lost in a sea of people who hadnt understood and he knew it ..

This isnt suposed to be negative , it looked like it was realy nice . But i like partys for the music , dancing and everyone having good strong trips . At greatfull dead concerts you realy didnt have any choice , the acid was often free and everything that you could get to eat or drink had acid in it......... wich made everyone forget their images and just be themselves . = I didnt see much point in it , what was the message , why should someone watch it , why should someone remember it , it just looked to me like someones holiday snaps .

I think it would have been better if the camera was on a tri-pod and just turned on so that it caught the atmosphere , so that the people could have just walked past and come and talked to it or ignored it , however they felt . Then again one long pamorama view of the people on the main floor dancing , and the music for an hour after midnight when the place comes alive. Maybe also just give the camera to people in the food dome and just say pass it on and see what happens , what naturaly would come out . Or walk up to people and say that they have ten minutes to film what they thought the essence of the festival was , the bits that they enjoyed the most . And then cut it later and mix it together to portray the feeling . And then less crap about 60 minutes that might change your life and the rest of the adverts writen on the cover and in the post .

I just watched it again with the sound turned down and a party mix from a few years ago playing loudly instead and it was 110% better .