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Reaching level 5 on a mescaline cactus?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brugmansia
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How much is required?

My last experience was half a meter of fresh San Pedro which I dried to much smaller pieces for easy consumption, but it seemed nowhere like the highest level in which one should lose his self recognision or even further, his body.

Though I had lost all my contraction, couldn't make a fist, felt like I was physically reduced in size with a bigger head. When my eyes were closed, imagination started to form, visuals in which I could contract and went deeper, but no sign of a possible dive through a gate with another free universe within. Although I could contract deeper but I got stuck because the dose was too low by far.

So how much cacti should one eat to get that 3 day experience in which you can fly? I thought about 150 cm San Pedro, drying it.

I want to experience level 5 at least once in my life time on my #1 entheogen. Just for the record, I don't mean 500 miligrams of the main alkaloid mescaline. Just all the alkaloids of a cactus.
My friend :roll: U are another disappointed Pedro user! Is prep guilty? OR wrong clime or shop? Who the hell can know! But we could find right PREPARATION with elimination of wrong(low acting) preps, growth clime round cacti, shops and sizes. What U say? And rest of U, every member should say something especially if he has used Pedro or Torch!!!

I'm not dissapointed in my San Pedro experiences. I'd pick it as my favorite entheogen ever. Since my 60 cm dried from Azarius on an empty stomach I know I'll be single by choice till death, and why. To pour it out with no nuance, acid screws my brain compared to San Pedro. The white dress...

My question was or anyone had some info about how much the the Tarahumars used back in days to get that 72 hour experience, which of course, teleports you to another realm. Just a rough estimation.
This isn't even true psydelic cacti. I am giving to this one Lophophora specie variation,L.diffusa common name for everyone on this forum.

Diffusa is outcast from noble Williamsii family!
Parasitic thug, anti-psydelic Williamsii deceiver, Diffusa cacti, with similarity to noble paladin Williamsii cacti doesn't have even tiny difference from hypothetical analogy with most noble, the best and most delicious edible mushroom know to men and called (Amanita caesarea.lat) Caesar's Mushroom with treacherous and almost identical, lethally similar mushroom called (Amanita phalloides.lat) Death cap.

Some Net sites paint Diffusa with black description?, or how much delirious, bad for trip use, inducing evil trip door opening, fall from cliff XP, inducing fucked effect with poisonous cacti!

I trust Erowid to some point. Look what people wrote in their trip reports! Bad experience is always celebrated like "good one"! We have learn something! But what? Do U know that trip induced with hallucinogenic substance or plant produce voyage or 100% real experience to our brain?
YES! Human mind doesn't percept difference from dimension which we call reality! Dreams, lucid dream, hallucinogenic mind altering state, *.*, produce just the same changes on our neuronal network as any "real experience.
And bad trip which carry lot's and lot's of fear, shame, horror, scream of your soul in dark and endless void doesn't differs from real war horror or street rape terror and posttrraumatic stress disorder which can emerge out if your neuronal path network isn't "stable" enough!!!

(And bad trip which carry lot's and lot's of fear, shame, horror, scream of your soul in dark and endless void) explaining: U know that this isn't real, trip is only mind altered by drug and U are aware of it, U know that, U know that as human being but biological processor unit can't know that, BPU is only hardware! Soul or spirit software is what controls that BPU(biological processor unit)! And in that time your soul give very high voltage to BPU. BPU is over clocked! And neuronal network suffer.

i dont know about level 5.... but i did do about 30 in of 2in thick pedro before........

by the time the peak hit i was face fiirst in the corner of the couch then i closed my eyes then i was watching the aztecs perform sacrifices atop their pyramids (crazy......i know). im sure it lasted only a short time but it felt like eternity.

i think if you wanted to go on a 3 day trip one would have to break it up into multiple doses throughout the first day and a half or so, i cant imagine trying to ingest more than a meter in a short amount of time, talk about a body shock.
I don't know - I had a little taste of some San Pedro today that was growing on my balcony. I had only like 15cm of it, at the bottom where it was really thin. It was like nothing, I thought. Just a little taste. Now I'm still tripping and I thought it was quite amazing for that little taste...
The only thing I've tried apart from that was like 30cm of cactus from the 60cm pieces I bought online. It was quite an experience every time, but I wish I could ingest more cactus, or get better source material.
The stuff I ate today re-assured me that home-grown cactus can be really good, though. I'm looking forward to eating the rest of the piece (which is like 35cm and double as thick as what I had today...)

As soon as you have a recipe for ingesting 1 meter of San Pedro in half an hour, please tell me, will you?
My advice to anyone would be to remove the skin very carefull with a sterile knife (especially if you want to keep a part of the cacti to grow further) and put all the small slices in front of a fan. You might have to wait a few days before the parts are completely dry and reduced in size.

Then, repeat this process untill you have enough dried cacti. (store the other ones in plastic bags in the freezer untill then) Then consume all the small parts by swallowing them with juice, the taste is so extremly bitter but with this method you won't have to taste anything of it.

Trying to eat fast is what I'd recommended as well, because once your stomach starts with absorption, your appetite and will to swallow more decreases noticeable.

It's so easy to get huge amounts of LSD, Shrooms or DMT in your system. That's why this glorious plant is lacking respectability since many have ceased before they even reached an effect slightly over treshold.

But I suppose an amount of potent cacti that resemblances with 10 grams of shrooms, 500 mics acid would be reality overwriting. The euphoria and imagination will be peerless.

Guess I'm crazy enough to fly to Mexico once.
1 small thing i was thinking about. When you reach the point of a 3 day trip is that whit or whitout sleep?? Cause 3 days whit no sleep and full tripping sounds like you need 3 weeks vacation to recover :lol: Mexico sounds great but a bit dangerous when it comes to "drugs" at the moment.
I slept on my last San Pedro experience, only 6 hours but it seemed sufficient, when I woke up I still had a part of the energetic bodyload for the half of the day.

It seemed that my mind knew exactly how to use my energy thrifty. You'll be amazed how tired music you makes if you listen to it for hours with joy. Not only on San Pedro, but also when sober. The same goes for writing. Only did this in small episodes.
I doubt you'll ever reach a truly out of body, loss of ego state with mescaline

I can't comment on pure crystals, but I've tried higher doses of dried San Pedro and the nausea significantly overtakes the psychedelic effect. To the point where when I tried doubling up the dose I was being sick every quarter of an hour throughout the night and can't really remember any pleasant effect.

The only time I've completely disconnected from my body has been with standardized salvia extract, although the experience is so short lived.

Even with large amounts of psilocybe it's difficult to get beyond what I would call surface effects.

I found the taste of the cactus became worse each time. At first I could drink it and only felt slightly sick. The next time, worse. Now, it tastes like soap with Bitrex in it.

The effect continues even after being sick, which is good. And you'll feel much better - probably why purging yourself (being sick) is part of the Native Indian method.

Getting large amounts into you isn't too difficult, it's stopping it coming back up that becomes the problem. And as with other drugs, simply doubling the amount doesn't necessarily double the psychological effect.
i don't know if this qualifies as an 'out of body' experience or not but i always classified it as one. the one and only time i had synthetic mescaline (not extract, it was pressed into a huge tablet) i also dropped mdma. i got violently sick but after purging everything was fine. as the peak hit, my "mind's eye" overtook what i saw with my real eyes and before long i could no longer see what was physically in front of me i could only see what was projected in my mind and i was in a different time, a few hundred years in the past. i was with the native americans on the east coast while the pilgrims landed, i was one of the native americans and experienced what they experienced. i was confused and weary of these new people, etc. absolutely incredible trip. i was at a rave but the entire peak i don't know what i was really doing, i guess i was just sitting there not doing anything. what seemed like hours later, i started to see my actual surroundings again but still had a strong mental projection which was fading away, like a slow transition from a dream. i was disoriented and confused, where was i, who was i, why am i here? i was not panicked at all, in fact quite calm. i had spent, what felt like real energy, making movements and living this other life and couldn't imagine that i stayed put, not moving, the entire time. the realization of my actual surroundings came back to me when i saw my wife and friend again, i remembered who i was and then remembered my name, which seemed like such a silly concept that we were all 'unique' when in fact we are all the same. i was completely blown away by what had occurred. the strongest spiritual experience of my life. i didn't sleep until the following night, with strong visuals that couldn't be distinguished from real life, or non-hallucinations. on the ride home it was daytime and i was quietly watching the beauty of the snow fall. turns out it was during summer time. the after-glow was a strong feeling that lasted long after the trip, the feeling of unity with our physical universe, basically i was just very quiet and humbled by it all. i never felt the roll really, i'm sure it had an effect on the trip but it was greatly overpowered.

i've had several extract trips from cactus, one of which i was back in time again but with the aztecs and reading their writing, but that synthetic experience was by far the strongest. i'm sure there's little discernible differences between synthetic and the a/b extract, perhaps it was just the high dose + set and setting that everything just happened to align properly. i'm not sure, but i'll always treasure the experience and be grateful to carry it with me, no matter how many years ago it was
Goran.Hrsak a dit:
U know that this isn't real, trip is only mind altered by drug and U are aware of it, U know that, U know that as human being but biological processor unit can't know that, BPU is only hardware! Soul or spirit software is what controls that BPU(biological processor unit)! And in that time your soul give very high voltage to BPU. BPU is over clocked! And neuronal network suffer.
maybe if you'd eat all of these


or when you're tripping on acid and you do a large balloon of N2O ;)

Brugmansia a dit:
Guess I'm crazy enough to fly to Mexico once.

i'm coming with you!
Brugmansia a dit:
I thought about 150 cm San Pedro, drying it.

:lol: you must have a huge stomach.

Maybe try peyotes instead?
Even with large amounts of psilocybe it's difficult to get beyond what I would call surface effects.

Psilocybe is one of the easiest ways to get out there completely, safe, and without noticeble body discomfort. The mystery with it is that most people haven't got a clue about what a full dose is and that a full dose is more psychedelic and visual compared to 500mics of acid (ok the latter will last longer I'll give you that).

Anyone claiming its hard to get beyond surface effects with psilocybe, like you do, hasn't got a clue about the potential of psilobyin.

I'll repeat it once more, when in doubt, double the dose. (and be amazed)

/ontopic: I'm growing my own San Pedro's and Peruvian torches at the moment. They are about two months old, grow slowly but surely and look healthy.

If it's so hard to consume large amounts of mescalin cacti, why not do a
simple extraction method and ingest it the easy way?
HeartCore a dit:
Even with large amounts of psilocybe it's difficult to get beyond what I would call surface effects.

Psilocybe is one of the easiest ways to get out there completely, safe, and without noticeble body discomfort. The mystery with it is that most people haven't got a clue about what a full dose is and that a full dose is more psychedelic and visual compared to 500mics of acid (ok the latter will last longer I'll give you that).

Anyone claiming its hard to get beyond surface effects with psilocybe, like you do, hasn't got a clue about the potential of psilobyin.

I'll repeat it once more, when in doubt, double the dose. (and be amazed)

/ontopic: I'm growing my own San Pedro's and Peruvian torches at the moment. They are about two months old, grow slowly but surely and look healthy.

If it's so hard to consume large amounts of mescalin cacti, why not do a
simple extraction method and ingest it the easy way?

Depends what U mean by over side? Or what/how U call experience on the other side of perceptive and "meaning of life" curtain?
My max dose of shrooms(Golden Teacher) were on 35(+/-2pieces), from 6cm to 8cm long stems and 3-6cm wide caps. Dose three times over "limit" or three times over normal, Alica like effects if we take that normal Alica dosage is 150-200mics.
And on that dose I haven't succeeded to reach to the "magic zone" But can say that I were close, 75% of trip into trip was completed. Air become more dense, like heavy gas, visible and touchable(when I moved my arms matter and "air in dense like gas or liquid form" were in control of my arms. I can see/percept that I am "now existing" between 2 worlds). But I think that real perceptive border is crossed after shroom user experience the air like it was water! Only, but only wonders/unbelieving stuffs and changes in users mind/soul begins to occur in that time!(when I took mentioned dose and experienced "border" one of mine good neighbors under my flat died! Coincidence? Sleeping right under my room? Maybe my energy effects him?) Air must become so dense, so "touchable" and controllable. Only then U are in "spirit world"! To the other side of "doors" or silky curtain which divides us(our reality) from (world where everything is known)ancestors, past&future, knowledge bout beginning and final end, memories from desisted(dead) - living - unborn, real existence of everything material in the void of Astral plane. Our world floats in the place which we call Space, but for real Space isn't nothing else then Astral plane! But only really little bit, only tiny piece of it so WE doesn't understand real nature of it. Big Bang and other theories? Only theories! :roll: Theories which could be like ones that believe how earth isn't round but flat!
An extraction of lots of plant material would be the way to go.
All alkaloids are extracted and not just the mescaline.
HeartCore a dit:
If it's so hard to consume large amounts of mescalin cacti, why not do a
simple extraction method and ingest it the easy way?

Then you can say goodbye to the deepest fields. Mescaline is just one alkaloid and many of those others are playing a significant role in it's effect. They bind with each other.

I discovered I wasn't fully aware of the difference between San Pedro and Peyote when I opened this thread. San Pedro is much different but it has the trails though. I had seen liquid fields shortly (look at Forkbender's avatar) and vague 2D dream worlds fluctuating.

I opened this thread to find an alternative for peyote because it's so expensive and you'll need A LOT. But it seems that a marvellous entheogenic experience, and the most soft and green coloured in it's heart, it's going to dissapear for humanity.

It seems that peyote is the only true cactus when it comes to dissapearing, lucid dreams and the matrix space.

Now I never had any problem with ingestion or nausea, only stomach cramps. But sufficient material is an issue.

100 buttons...

Now let's make 30 of that, it'll still cost A LOT of time and/or money. See how easy it is to get psilo, DMT or acid in your system for the highest level.

The earth should grow peyote, we should structure life for the sake of this cactus, and see the strings ourselve.