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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion drakon27
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:cry: legalhighs.org is broken and I can't find anything. What is happenning to the world when I can't find RC's online?
you can go here--- sorry i have to delete it .

sorry no more info about it , this is to precious to write here , i m mad today

and NO MORE Pm please , sorry it s safer
Methylone is like MDMA is MDM derivate . 180 mg dose , for some people 125 mg is enough. Attention in some countries can be considered a MDMA derivate so it can be illegal .

Don t ask me about the effects i dont had try it , i don t like chems , i m only interested by 2c family , and Doi , is perfect to be with my gril
Amoak, tell me more about this DOI. I see they have 100mg for 39 euros. How many doses is that, how much is a large dose? And what exactly is it and what does it do?

This is new to me.
[/quote]amoak, tell me more about this DOI. I see they have 100mg for 39 euros. How many doses is that, how much is a large dose? And what exactly is it and what does it do?

Between 1 mg to 4 mg i think , i had read in phikal .
It s a big problem to me because i don t have a lab sclale , but i will try it slowly
It have a total duration of 16 hours to 30 hours
amoak a dit:
Between 1 mg to 4 mg i think , i had read in phikal .
It s a big problem to me because i don t have a lab sclale , but i will try it slowly

you know this is very irresponsible...you don't even know if you're going to get the exact amount...
sometimes they put more and sometimes less.....which a chemial that is activ at such a low dose, you HAVE to get a proper scale...

amoak a dit:
i don t like chems , i m only interested by 2c family , and Doi

well as I see it 2c's are as chemical as you can get...

and giving rc sites to anyone is also not going to do any good. especially when the guy comes and says that legalhigh.org is broken, as everyone who has gotten rc's know this site is a scam....

rc's are dangerous and you have to be responsible, if a kid gets that address and he just thinks great I'll try that drug, and he doesn't get more information about the product the consequences can be dramatic...
you know this is very irresponsible...you don't ecen know if you're going to get the exact amount...
sometimes they put more and sometimes less.....which a chemial that is activ at such a low dose, you HAVE to get a proper scale...


I know , but I m seaching for a lab scale , DOI is something i search for a long time , so i have find it now, and i have to try it .
rc's are dangerous and you have to be responsible, if a kid gets that address and he just thinks great I'll try that drug, and he doesn't get more information about the product the consequences can be dramatic...

I know that , but only stupid people will buy a chem whithout know it .
And the site don t sell to kids , only if is a fake adult , but that is not my problem ,
And you can find it in Google and are thousands of kids in google
and I love kill kids

and is better buy pure drugs then buy drug on the street
I love to kill kids too!

Wasefraka, good looking out but I'm no irresponsible kid. I'm an irresponsible adult and am probably never going to try this DOI but I'd just never heard of it. I'm not familiar with LegalHighs.com either. What are RC's?

Just out of curiosity. Why are they a scam?

I wasn't refering to you, but the the first time poster drakon27.
I know for sure more about you than this guy who just posts one time...doesn't mean I can judge you more than him, but you see the point

try to send them money and you'll never see the color of it....

rc = research chemicals

the kids that die because of stupid actions caused by drugs are the cases that make drugs illegal, and so everything should be done for it not happening...it is beside the point saying you don't care if stupid people die (I don't care either...)

and you can find it by googling around, but then again, if you present it on a plate, it will not only be those really interested in it that will consider it, but many ignorant people
WaseFraka wrote :

amoak wrote:

i don t like chems , i m only interested by 2c family , and Doi

well as I see it 2c's are as chemical as you can get...

I know 2c family and DOI are chems , but what i wanted to say is chem aren t my prefered drugs , but there are some special chems for me , like LSD and 2c family , I had try 2c-b and 2c-e and they are excellent , 2c - e is very psychedelic and very strong emphatogenic , i love it , chems are perfect to partys , 2c for goa partys is excellent
And how I can forget , and DMT my prefered chem since last night , this maybe the reason why i m putting post like" i love to kill kids" i m mad today
Please Amoak, stop giving sources and edit your post.

This is very irresponsible. Stop that please.
ok , sorry i will delete the source now , but i give this source before give it in the french forum , that s the reason i did nt delete it

sorry again .
But I think is not irresponsible , is better then buy drugs in the street , where we dont know the purity and the substances . And people that buy RCs , knows RCs , nobody will buy chems before be informed only if you want to suicide or somebody really mad .
amoak a dit:
, nobody will buy chems before be informed only if you want to suicide or somebody really mad .

I think you're wrong. Lethal case and accident have showned that people don't know RCs.
Prior is to give education and information : www.erowid.org , not products.
2c's are interesting material, but ive never gotten the chance to try 2cb. Ive tried 2c-i, 2c-d, 2ct2 and 2c-e. They never seemed that great to me. Ive only had a slight taste of 2ce which id like to try again. Ive tried 2ci plenty of times and can honestly say i dont like it. It last too long and gets stale at the end. As my friend said "The worm is strong in this one," and "This one brings out the worm in me." Im still not sure exactly what he meant by that but i can kinda see what he's trying to say. :roll:

Oh yeah, and earlier Amoak said "and is better buy pure drugs then buy drug on the street". That's a nice thought, but whatever drugs you get online can be tainted (by other RCs or solvents) or mislabeled. I once got an order of RC's and the labels for 2cd and 2ct2 were identical. Luckly i could tell them apart since 2ct2 is yellow and stinks like sulphur