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RC site dangers

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Necridous
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Elfe Mécanique
So, I wanted to ask what your opinions are on the dangers of legitimate RC vendors to a party in the united states. Is it commonplace to see big consequences when private citizens get caught importing small 1gram amounts of RC's

*EDIT* maybe I should clear some things up. I have previously ordered through a researched vendor 3 kilos of mimosa hostillis with no problems. My question has nothing to do with finding legit RC sites, and I'm not looking to buy or sell anything. I'm asking what in your esteemed opinions, the true risk of ordering these compounds with a credit/debit card to a location inside U.S.A. is. Are there loads and loads of busted product/people, or is it quieter?

Never saw anything negative after my 3 kilo order, however I am aware that that product was not in its final stage.

Concerning powders/crystals of purified end-user product, what is the risk an American adult faces when ordering across country and several state lines small, as in less than 10 gram amounts of common RC's, such as the 2C family.

well, the risk of ordering/possesing any substance that would/could be deemed illegal in your jurisdiction is arrest and all that entails. Even if you are not convicted there would/could be serious financial, social, and psychological consequences.

As to the likelihood...I would be inclined to say, IMHO, at the present time, about that of carefully traveling by air with said substance ie: not that great a risk but shit does happen.
A lot of the RCs will test positive for illegal chemicals, such at Methylone tests positive as Methamphetamines.

What it comes down to is, your going to be fine unless the off chance that customs checks your package, personally though I haven't heard of anyone ordering a gram or 2 here and there being busted.