Raid on BBB -

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
This may be illegal to post, but here is an email I got from Bouncing bear botanicals;

Fight the FDA: Help Our Suppliers
Since the illegal raid on our warehouse in February, our lawyers have advised us to stop selling Mimosa, HBW Seeds, Morning Glories and Chacruna. We complied, but that hit our former suppliers pretty hard. One supplier, a farmer in South American, tells us that he is struggling to feed his family all because of the illegal harassment toward Bouncing Bear. So our suppliers have teamed up to start a new site selling those products direct from the U.S.. We agreed to give them a link to help them out, so they can stay in business and support their families. You can visit for the same high-quality products we sold before. Please help them and their families recover from this government-induced nightmare.

Until Next Time...
Best Regards,

PapaBear for Bouncing Bear Botanicals
No sauces in that article?

Any 3rd party information that confirms anything in the cases of these people?

Im sorry, I cant take this guy seriously. He preaches on and on against the FDA who attempt to "shut down natural medicine" to make a buck with the pharmaceutical companies. However, you might not notice the last line of his article, read it all "IN MY TELL ALL BOOK" which he conveniently has linked to his PayPal page. His book is only $29.95, and he takes credit cards!!!! The only difference between him and the FDA is that the FDA doesnt have the nerve to attempt to disguise their greed and act all indignant about it.
what a backward statement, polska. either you fight the system from the inside (with a relevant job), or you fight them from the outside. fighting corrupt parts of the system like the FDA from the outside is easily a full time job. people who do this needs to make their earnings somehow, and selling books relevant on topic is a good way to do so. the FDA today is so utterly corrupt and in bed with big pharma industries that it's not even funny anymore. therefor, comparing books you're free to buy or ignore, with the fda who blatantly arrange raids of everything and everyone they consider a threat to their own ecconomy, is absolutely retarded.
You make an excellent point. What I was trying to say was that the one thing I dont understand is that if he really cared about what was going on, rather than trying to huck us a book, why doesnt he share the information for free? This way he can blow the lid off this whole thing to ANYONE who wants the information, rather than the people with a spare $30 lying around.
The FDA has recently informed retailers and distributors that Piracetam is being marked as a drug. That it is not legal to sell as a dietary supplement. xxxxxxxxxxxx was informed of this on Monday August 30th, 2010. We have been given 15 days to respond to this letter from the FDA. During that time we will be running a sale to blow through our inventory. All piracetam products are now having additional 20% off until we run out! Discounts are taken at check out.

We will continue to update you as soon as we get more information. Here are the products affected:
