ok, j'espere que ce que tu dis est juste!
pcq c'est clair que les hbw c de la baaaaaaaaaaaalle!!!!
mais ce post sur un des forums d'azarius fais qd mm peur....si il s'avère etre juste :
"ust for the record:
it's not lsa that causes poisoning, it's the soap-like glycosides found especially in HBWR and in lesser extant in MG-varieties.
glycosides are combinations of one or more sugars with another element (aglucon). the combination with the sugars makes the aglucon soluble in water.
saponins are glycosides with high molecular wheight and are of a terpenoid composition and poisonousness. they all taste bitter and are strong producers of lather (sapo is lating for soap) and can break down red globules (hemolyse).
the poisoning is similar to strychnine poisoning (strychnine is found in nicotiana glauca (wild tobacco) and is the head alkaloid in the seeds of strychnos nux-vomica (vomitnut). doses of 60-90mg cause death by paralysis of respiration)
some common poisoning effects of the saponines in HBWR are:
convulsions, tinnitus, uncontrollable comitting and diarhea, heartrate elevation to the point of minor heart attack,blue tinged limbs (feet, knees, elbows),irreversible toxification of liver, heavily raised blood pressure, long term hardening of the arteries
so, if you don't want to find out why some people (among them a lot of old american hippies) need thorazine and medicines alike, don't eat the seeds!
and indeed, the sjamans make a brew out of it, they don't eat them
also is ayahuasca often seen and used as a body/mind cleansing. there are a lot of yahé-drinkers who never feel any sickness, and they believe this is because they don't have (m)any poisons left in their system like alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, marijuana, and other drugs, medicines, animal food, bad thoughts, etc.
anyone interested/infatuated with the poison path should do research, research, research... "
en gros ca dit que les hbw peuvent entre autre boucher les arteres, intoxiquer irrémediablement le foie, causer des probs au coeur, etc...........