Maybe you should be very carefull with spores that are sold for microscopic identification purposes . Many of the ones that were available a few years ago had been killed with gamma rays so they werent viable . You should never buy anything with credit cards , use your own adress or buy from ebay . You definately cant trust things from ebay . You do have the posibility to sterilise . You just need the right containers and a big sauce pan . You do not need a preasure cooker , but its better . Auntys , grannys and neighbours have preasure cookers or big jam cookers ( that look like a big tea boiler and are cheap ) that they would lend you if you said that you wanted to try making some jam . Doing it all yourself is much cheeper , you have much more chance of sucess and much less chance of getting caught . Grow boxes either have spores with them or are already inoculated . Have you tryed looking for mushrooms ? Its dead easy , gets you out in nature and it is fun . Sterilisation , real sterilisation is nearly imposible . You would either sterilise them with gamma rays and they would not grow or you would need an N or S 5 laboratry . Sterilisation is always a relative thing . We used to have a realy high preasure home made steriliser wich made preasures up to 2 times as much as a normal preasure cooker . We could get more than 100 1 liter masson glasses in it and do 4 runs a day . From those 400 glasses we were throwing at least 20% away because of contamination and / or broken / cracked glasses , or because the myceleum grew to slow . So its best to use as small containers as possible so that you have much more chance of getting some clean glasses . The sterility is only to give the mushrooms a better chance to grow , to give them a head start on contaminants . The myceleum has defences and if it has a head start it can often either out grow the contamination , or kill it . Grow boxes are good to start with , to give you an idea of what you are doing and why , but as Justin said "PF TEK is WAY easy!" . So first a grow box and then PF Tek .