Psychonauts documentary interview movie

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
I just recieved this Email from MAPS :-

Dear MAPS forum members,

greetings from the Hungarian Psychedelic Community - !

Recently we made a 41-minute documentary interview movie titled
"Psychonauts", where nine persons are interviewed about their use of
psychedelic drugs. The movie is now available also with English and German
subtitles, and can be downloaded for free from the "Psychonauts" homepage:

The movie's short official synopsis is:
"LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, ayahuasca: the most powerful hallucinogens
known to mankind. But why do some people want to explore such extremely
altered states of consciousness? For curiosity, fun, or deeper
understanding? To find some answers, director Andras Kovacs M. asks the
Psychonauts (explorers of the mind), who journey into their psyche and
share their deepest findings. In this intense and intelligent movie, nine
young adults make intimate and thought-provoking confessions on their use
of hallucinogens, in the context of Buddhism, Christianity, shamanism,
psychology, scientific research and drug policy."

I hope and believe that the topics of our movie might be interesting also
for MAPS forum members. So, you are welcome to download and to watch, and
to give feedback!

Best regards,
Én+te+ö=gén ([email protected])
Chief Editor of
The Hungarian Psychedelic Community
Cool, thanks for sharing :D

I finally have something to watch today :bear:
I saw it when it came out the first time
and i believe it was posted alread once
but you know "repetita juvant" thanks for sharing ^^
it's good
I still havent seen it , as i cant download it , and anyway i`m feeling pretty mad at MAPS at the moment . See the thread from Phalaris about that LSD bust and you will understand why . I gave my money and endorsement to MAPS and they give it to GRASSERS , JFK there is not enough puke in the world as i feel like pukeing now .
that Skinner guy shoud be skinned alive but not with the bunny method...rather scorticating would be better...mmmm sweet vendetta ...eye for an eye
Give the bastard a BIG fix of scopolomine and HAUNT him . And that Halpern bastard to !!! How can MAPS sink so low ???
See the thread from Phalaris about that LSD bust and you will understand why

What's the name of the thread and in which section can I find it?
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
See the thread from Phalaris about that LSD bust and you will understand why

What's the name of the thread and in which section can I find it?

Len Pickard

So, now we can go ontopic again, all complaining about Skinner and Halpern can go back to the Len Pickard topic ;)

I think the Psychonauts interview is good, although I don't agree with everybody.
Especially the guy "who lost his innocence and can't live his life the way he pleases anymore, because now he has consciousness"
I don't think he really understands what life is all about, but ok, everybody his or hers own journey...

I think it's a cool innitiative, if more people would watch it (non psychonauts) there would be more understanding for what we are about.
Maybe also the first step into re-legalisation of the sacraments we use.

But hell, that's going to be a long long road.

I do think it should be done in English though, because some people probably are gonna think: Hey, but these guys are just a bunch of weird Hungarians...
? love that v?deo, ? was glad they put the subt?tles on ?t the f?rst t?me ? saw ?t ?t was just ?n Hungar?an
yeah maybe they should take the idea and make one in evry country
It would be cool discovering everybody in every country has the same ideas...

Then again... haven't we discovered that already here on the forum? :D
Jungan theories....Jungan theories....
I know this thread is old and all but I watched the video and forgot to post :oops:

Well I really liked it, it's very laid back, basically the whole video is like 5 interviews to very interesting people put together. I hope more people watch it now.
"It would be cool discovering everybody in every country has the same ideas... "

I think that the same ideas emerge in a society at the same / different times and in the same / different places untill they are registered the same way that farts surface in the bath , not in one big bubble in one place at one time but in small bubbles that all smell the same spread out over a large surface area and spread out over a period of time so that you / society can not escape them untill the smell of one of them is registered and remembered by the brain / society .
nicely put GOD, as always, you provide us with perls of wisdom, easy to understand and assimilate :)