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Psychonautica 73 - Interview with Christian Rätsch

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion maxfreakout
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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In this episode of psychonautica, Max Freakout interviews author, anthropologist and ethnopharmacologist Christian Rätsch, they talk about mythology, religion and altered state experiences, myth as a tool for understanding reality, the role of belief and the literal interpretation of Christian scripture, India as a spiritual centre, the growing popularity of ayahuasca ceremonies, the financial crisis and erosion of western values, money as a pathological collective hallucination, the difference between money and value, possible alternatives to the money system, equality and tolerance, unconditional love and freedom, the utter failure of politics and capitalism, the fallacy of dualism, the inevitable failure of hierarchical power structures, the problem of overpopulation, the measures used to deal with overpopulation in rainforest tribal societies, the role of entheogens for spreading awareness, the absence of meaning and message in the psychedelic experience, the mutual co-dependance of matter and mind, the function of shamanism, shamanism as a technology, the potential value of shamanism for western culture, western hierarchical attitudes towards shamanism, the fallacy of organised religious approaches to entheogens such as those of Santo Daime and the UDV, the difference between dualism and polarity, the polarity of mythology and philosophy, the philosophy of Nietzsche, Dionysos and Apollo, reconciling the duality of subjective and objective within science, the abuse of science as a substitute for religion, the illusion of objectivity, the ultimate goal of scientific enquiry, eschatology and 2012, linear and cyclical models of time, the end and beginning of time, innacuracies of calenders and the shamanic role of visionary art literature and music.

Playlist: Markomen - Babylon blues


Web links:
Whoa, sounds interesting, I'm downloading it now!

We recently uploaded a short talk by Christian to the Psychonaut Channel. It's in German but we added English subtitles (select them in the lower right corner of the screen): Christian Rätsch at the World Psychedelic Forum 2008
I was laughing very loudly when Christian told you what he thinks about Santo Daime and the UDV. Especially because I've been saying similar things for quite some time now, which hasn't always been appreciated by fellow psychonauts. His views on eschatology ("scatology") were very amusing as well.

A great talk, Max, and the sounds in the background (mainly chirping birds) weren't at all disturbing.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
I was laughing very loudly when Christian told you what he thinks about Santo Daime and the UDV. Especially because I've been saying similar things for quite some time now, which hasn't always been appreciated by fellow psychonauts. His views on eschatology ("scatology") were very amusing as well.

A great talk, Max, and the sounds in the background (mainly chirping birds) weren't at all disturbing.

in was more worried about the passing aeroplanes than the chirping birds...

it's interesting what you say about the santo daime/UDV comment, because ive had some critical feedback about that on other forums, it does seem pretty extreme to call it 'drugs abuse' i have to reserve judgement myself realy because i have never attended any of those ceremonies
Yeah, drug abuse... :lol:

But I do think they're placing religious concerns above those voiced by most users of entheogens. For example, most of us agree it's best to take these substances in the dark, but because the religious context requires light for the execution of religious worship, they leave the lights on, sometimes even fluorescent lighting. Similarly, most agree the best music is either instrumental, or that the lyrics are without any specific meaning (as in most icaros). However, Santo Daime songs are clearly about religious themes, and they sound as if the musicians are completely sober (fast pace etc.). Then there are the uncomfortable chairs you have to sit on, the white clothes you have to wear, the separation of men and women etc. Members also talk of Daime as if it's a supernatural being, which is just another religious belief.

I also agreed with his views on the excessive exaltation of shamans, which always reminds me of the way Western devotees (including myself in the past) worship Hindu gurus, swamis and babas. As Christian Ratsch says: "They're just fucking human beings, you know?"
Good interview.
His attack on the Santo Daime was amusing. :lol: I agree on many points and have the same feelings about the Santo Daime. All these things CM is pointing out is also keeping me from attending a Santo Daime ceremony, not being religious myself.

His comments on 2012 was also amusing. Again I agreed with it, because I am not a big believer in 2012.