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Psychonautic Reading

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion MzFly
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Glandeuse Pinéale
For anyone into reading about everything there is to know about the entheogenic experience, follow this link to download the entire text of this incredibly interesting volume.
It's an ongoing work, written by James Kent. He adds to it on a regular basis, and the new additions are posted at this site as they become available (what dedication to spreading the word!!!).
There are approximately 280 pages of material available right now - I've worked my way through half of it, and I'm amazed.
I highly recommend this material to all psychonauts :D


I'd be extremely interested in any commentary and/or feedback from any psychonaut members who read any or all of this incredibly informative work!!

SpiderFly Entity
WOW, I have not begun at the start, but at the The Metabolic Tripping Curve in Detail.

I think everyone who ever wanted to do psychedelics should first read this!!!

Serious, I consider myself a pretty experienced user, but still this is very usefull information and for me it reafirms some suspicions I had.

THIS IS GREAT STUFF! Respect to the guy who did it!
I read his comments on shamanism and I must say I really like his opinions. I'm gonna read it all for sure. Thanks for the link!
I like everything about this James Kent work ... not the least is that he has made the entire thing available online, for FREE. He does have a link that you can follow for offering a donation (which Mr Spider and Mz Fly have both done, as we were so incredibly impressed with the whole thing ... ), but you certainly don't have to do that.

This guy has been studying the entire Psychedelic experience from every possible angle for a couple decades, and this work represents all of the information that he has gathered, written in plain language, so that even those of us who are not scientists and researchers can understand.

And, yes - it's wonderful to read information that confirms what we've already experienced, and adds a lot more information as well.


SpiderFly Entity
I do find it interesting reading, however, I will go on the record as disagreeing with about 80% of chapter 20.

In some respects he almost sounds like Agent Smith.

Of course, many of you will say, YOU, spice, SHOULD be reading chapter 20.

...and I reply, I did read it, and then, I formed my own opinions.

He doesn't really offer much other than critique, as far as I can see.

Its a lot easier to throw hand grenades than it is to catch them.

He's invited to an open debate on the subject with someone who wiould stand in stead for Leary, Mckenna, and Lilly.

(now who could it be?)

He oversimplifies certain areas and makes some technical errors in the form of argumentative debate.

I don't feel that all the premises he laid in Chapter 20 are completely valid.
WARNING: For anyone who is over-sensitive re. Leary, Mckenna, and Lilly, skip "chapter 20" :wink:
True, true ... they are not here to defend themselves against such slights ... their demise does not make them untouchable though, and Mr. Kent is offering his opinion, not stating facts. This is not a precise write-up of a scientific experiment (if it were, it would all be correct without a doubt, because we all know that science is without error or reproach, right?), it is James Kent's viewpoint. To understand how Kent arrives at his conclusions, read "Basic Premises, Goals, Methodologies, and Defintions ".
I don't agree with all of Kent's ideas and theories, and I don't agree with and believe every word uttered by Leary, Mckenna, and Lilly ... but Kent's work is very interesting, nonetheless ... particularly for anyone who has embarked upon a psychonautic journey.
I highly recommend it!
I must say that this book looks very promising
and ill definitely check it out :D

So thank you for your info Spiderfly.
"But there were no "right hands" in the Western world when the psychedelic beast exploded, and there are still none today. We have no legitimate shamen to show us the way, we have no experts to tell us what to do when hordes of privileged kids start getting off and demanding real change, or start dropping out of society en masse and living reckless, carefree lives. Nope, no help there. What we get instead is self-styled gurus and media creations that preach of a glorious path to higher consciousness while conveniently forgetting the dark side of the psychedelic coin. And instead of getting the truth, we get two polar sides of a contrived debate: Psychedelics make you crazy; Psychedelics make you enlightened " .

Well which is it?

Well, hello....part of his problem is that HE presumes to say that there are no experts or 'legitimate' shamans...what is he waiting for the government seal of competence?

An 'official' proclamation of ability from the very entity that fuels the entire resistance movement????

Make no mistake, people...WE ARE ALL AT WAR !

You are allowed to stick your head in the sand if you like, but you may find that your ass got shot off while you were doing the silicone shuffle.

Leary, Mckenna, Lilly, and my mentor, Dr. Shulgin are all coming from the same place with their perspectives.

The legitimacy of their thoughts and opinions are supported by many decades of 'official' education, the very seals of legitimacy he seems to seek exists within the framework of his 'critique'.

He is, at the least, guilty of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

There hasn't been enough time passed to proselytize on whether or not the contributions of these GIANTS was valuble or not.

You must assume that they were, because of a few reasons. Primarily,
the fact that the government was UTTERLY TERRIFIED of their agendas should be a signpost ( adorned with flashing neon lights )
that says they were headed in the right direction.

No one needs to believe that everything they ( Leary, et al ) said,
but one needs to be able to spot a ' ruby in a mountain of rock '

...and this requires a fine sense of discernment, and educated judgment.

Believe one thing and believe it well,

we are all messiahs, if we CHOOSE to be.

Just like we are all followers, if we choose to be.

He speaks of brainwashing, and then goes on to slur the entire concept of metaprogramming.

I take great offense at this and Mr. Kent will do well to evaluate just where his core ethics and values come from.

I detect an uncertainty in his subconscious. One should never go the lengths he did to criticize , unless he has a better answer, and that aint there.
Anyways ... as I said before ... a great read, and I highly recommend it :D