Progressive drug policy does work

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
The drug agency of the European Union, EWDD, published their annual report on the state of drug problems in the EU yesterday. Having read the report, I can’t help to feel a slight detachment from reality. The report is based on scientific research and claims to be a tool for making drug policy.

What becomes clear pretty quick, is that repression doesn’t work. For some reason, this undeniable fact, keeps coming up over and over again over the past eighty or so years. The report clearly shows how the most repressive countries, have the biggest of the drug problems.

The report categorizes drugs in categories proving they haven’t got so much of a clue about the different nature of various compounds. Cannabis has it’s own category, Amphetamine, ecstasy and LSD, share one. To my mind, a sophisticated drug report, should at least categorize hallucinogens together and respect their unique workings and application compared to a lot of other illicit drugs. What does amphetamine have to do with LSD? Nothing at all. Further down we have cocaine and crack sharing a category and opiates and syringe (that’s a needle kids ;) ) administered drugs.

There are a few examples of vagueness where vagueness could have been avoided altogether. For example, the claim that ‘more European countries are becoming aware and informed about the ‘dangers’ of cannabis use.’ What dangers there are exactly, does not become very clear from the report. It does mention more requests are coming in for treatment of cannabis addiction or problematic use of the herb but at the same time it is mentioned, that most of those people, added cannabis to their diet next to a number of other substances mostly alcohol and amphetamines. It seems thus only noteworthy from the perspective of the drug war generals to keep this lie surface in drugs arguments to throw at the masses in order to cultivate a basis to warrant throwing potentially one third of the European citizens in jail (the report estimates one third of all European’s, have used cannabis at least once in their lives.).

So what’s new?

Not much actually. The news is old news at best, still valid but rejected since long by policymakers and I haven’t seen anything in the report that ignites hope inside me, that the current war on drugs will be over soon. Policy makers do not care about science at all if science is conducted in such a way that it opposes current drug laws, however convincing the evidence is. Policy makers never blinked over the fact that psilocybin and other hallucinogens (like LSD), can and have been used to treat chronic addictions to other drugs, alcohol, sex and gambling very successfully. Gambling which to my mind is one of the most destructive legal addictions known to our culture and which effectively destroys many families, is not even mentioned while that could (and should!) be considered a hard drug as well, considering the problems it causes not only among the addicts, but usually among the people surrounding such addicts as well..

Psilocybin mushrooms are not even mentioned in the report. Someone please inform Klink so he can focus on the more dangerous problems in our European society.

Read the report for yourself (multiple languages):

human beings love drugs. since ever. even protochristians used such sacraments. and drugs is THE biggest businness after oil. except that everyone needs oil to be readily available because it's the easyest energy source to use and allows the spiceflow. the spiceflow however is controlled by the guild. guild = mafia (not the italian one, the global one) who has the interest in keeping it's prices high, controlled and profitable to themselves. they have branches in every coutry to ensure that the drugpolicy keeps the citizens ignorant about the spice and willing to keep things as they are. the spice must flow. under the surface of society, because thus the profit is made higher (oherwise bootlegging wouldn't have given the money to people such as Al Capone).
Dune wasn't so out of the blue when it was written and it holds many points in common with the modern world situation on drug awareness...ofcourse we have more than one spice, but the principles are almost the same. No hope for the spiceusers until the guild is destroyed.
"Gambling which to my mind is one of the most destructive legal addictions known to our culture and which effectively destroys many families, is not even mentioned while that could (and should!) be considered a hard drug as well, considering the problems it causes not only among the addicts, but usually among the people surrounding such addicts as well.. "

Think of all the MONEY they are bringing in...WHY in the world would you not try to get people to gamble? NOT only do they go and gamble, there is alcohol everywhere you look... it seems the two go good together. Alcohol makes you numb and retarted, hence making people throw all their money away thinking they are going actually win something. People look to hard for happiness in money, when really where they need to look is inside themselves and other people. To me that is where true happiness lies.

Also this not a "War on Drugs it's a War on PERSONAL FREEDOM."
You can't go without money these days.
I refused for a very long time to go to university or whatever so i could have a decent job that pays decently.
I refused so because my opinion is/was: that you make your life yourself, on your own.
I was wrong. You definetely need money to build up a future for yourself and your future children.
You would expect a change of approach after 71 years of ineffective drug policy, but no...

From: Popular Science Monthly - May 1936



My poor heart can barely take reading this. I remember having exactly this kind of bullcrap shoved at me all too well. I can't believe the hashish--assassin "argument" still being used many years later too..
The more researches come to the conclusion that prohibition is bad, the more people will get aware of it. It may seem like people don't care or are blind, but it will slowly make a change in some people's opinions, then they will start talking about it, changing other people's mind, and maybe in something like 10-15 years we can hope to start seeing some changes in drug laws.

Never loose hope!!!

Personally I have hope to see things change, because our generation are much more open to drugs than the people that are governing us at the moment. When our generation will hold the power, things are going to change I think.
The report says that 25% of all Europeans have tried cannabis and that its still the number one ilegal drug of choice acording to the news paper i read here and that coke has taken over the second place in front of ecstacy . Probably they included all the children in Europe in that so that the real figure of 33% of adults didnt look so bad for them and their sick war on drugs / personal freedom
The monopoly of domination plays both hands in the game of war.
Such blatantly arrogant hypocrisy is mind numbing, and dehumanising.

The phyletically corrupt dominator enterprise is exploiting all of the assets under its duplicitous control.
On the one hand, it holds fanatical propagandist contempt for certain vaguely interpreted or internally formulated psychoactive substances, be they harmful or harmless, while waging an oppressive, ignorant and detrimental war on the informed understanding, distribution and use of certain substances, under the guise of protection.
On the other hand, it deviously finances and perpetuates the black market trade of these substances by untouchable mafia cartels, and protects the financial interests of the industry by enforcing laws, lies and distinctions which only perpetually increase demand, clandestine production, ensuing supply and monetary value of those same substances to which they enforce blanket prohibitionist legislation; reaping massive economic gain and further influence on both fronts. Through this duality of illusion, the global enterprise can efficiently mitigate the profit margin in all aspects of their oppressively enforced and duplicitous crusade.

The only credit that knowledge pertains for this industry is its use as another tool of zealous propaganda. Only statistics that serve exploitive regulatory control will be considered of any worth, while the misinformation that is used on their behalf is so artificial and transparent that it cannot even be considered feasible, let alone truthful.
Remember, the first casualty in war is the truth.
Conjecture and unsupported rhetoric is constantly sermonized by legislative comities, while many of the most detrimental substances such as artificially refined heroine, cocaine and methamphetamine are in reality largely processed and trafficked by market intermediaries or fences of the industrial institution, irrespective of their known dangers and tenaciously circulated for their addictive quality.

The truth is, these unjustified wars on our freedom are progressing exactly as planned for the industries which create and compel them; the only real purpose for any war is to profit from its perpetuation, and while doing so, create the societal delusion that its basis is the necessary protection of the very people who continue to empower the industry, whilst profiting from the prevalent, unrelenting affliction of the peoples liberties.

While malevolent industries reap profit from illicit trade, they also legitimately monopolise licit forms of commercially proliferated addiction; these being some of the most harmful and brutally dependant addictions accessible; alcohol, nicotine, gambling, the sex trade; indeed the very competitive, affluent materialism of economic society itself.

And how is this malignant world enterprise in any position to hypocritically embargo certain psychoactives, if anything? The dominators themselves are the biggest and most malicious ‘drug’ dealers of all; keeping the complacently subservient population continually addicted to a synthetic existence of ignorance and affluence to which the dominators continually profit. Industry will sell you anything, by any means necessary, to keep you infatuated and coming back, begging for more. This causes the biggest damage of all, the degradation of our humanity and indeed the very essence of life itself.

That paper is a trainings instruction of how to become a Snitch.
Reading this papers makes me feel sick, Now i know where Hitler got his propaganda from :puke:

Lion a dit:
You can't go without money these days.
I refused for a very long time to go to university or whatever so i could have a decent job that pays decently.
I refused so because my opinion is/was: that you make your life yourself, on your own.
I was wrong. You definetely need money to build up a future for yourself and your future children.

Hey man, what you need is this book:
Rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki.
"The monopoly of domination plays both hands"

Thats true ........... but i think that we are all getting a little depressed and startiung to believe in hopelessness lately on several threads . The war aint won till they weed us all out and kill us all ........ and then it still isnt won because then they would have to get of their high horses and do the work we do themselves just to survive . They can not win , only we who see the truth , live it and try to educate ourselves and others can win . Its foxes and hares if there are to many of the one the others get rare and die out untill the balance is restored again . And humanity is always learning , always improving . They can lie and cheat for a long time but you cant keep a good man , a good idea down . At the moment they are holding evolution back at a stand still . But the human spirit is like water it will always give a little , change cource and eventualy find its way . The problem is that we have to wait and it looks like humanity has to suffer , burn its fingers till it learns . But it will , every idea has its time and when that time comes things will change . Nobody has ever beaten me , they might have thought they have , they might have won skirmishes and a few battles .....but i`m still here and i`m still " Singing songs of freedom " . " We shall over come " . No surender , never give up . As long as i`m alive they havent won . And if they kill me i`ll come back and haunt them .